First that SUSAN my Wife have all my Landes dureing shee keepe herself a widow except 20 pounds a yeare
which I give to my Son THOMAS during his Mothers life.
And if he be not paid it duly by five pounds a quarter at the usuall tearmes or anntient Feasts it shalbe lawfull for him to straine upon all
or any of the premises for the recovery of the same Anuetie.
Item: After the decease of my Wife I give and bequeath all my Landes tenements and hereditaments with the appurtenances whatsoever in the County of Kent unto my twoe Sonns (That is to say) THOMAS PHILIPOTT my eldest sonn and JOHN PHILPOTT my second sonn my sonn THOMAS to have my capital messuage at South end to be part of his portion. And my will is that neither of them shall sell or alienate the premises but to be Heire to each other.
And if they dye without Issue then the premises to remaine to my twoe Daughters SUSAN PHILLIPOTT and MARY PHILIPOTT and the remainder after them to my Cozen THOMAS MARSHE and his Heires.
Now the reason why I have given my Wife this Estate and such a proportion is that shee mayntaine my Daughter SUSAN at Schoole and raise a portion of seven hundred pounds for her out of the Mortgaged Landes of CHRISTOPHER WITHENS and other my Personall Estate.
Item: I will that she doe raise one hundred pounds which I give unto my Daughter MARY and that it be put out
into Master JOHN ALLENs Handes to her best behoofe (be it remembered that if my said Daughter MARIE shall
dye before marriage there is a Bond whereby my Neece MARSH stands bound in two hundred pounds to pay my
Daughter SUSAN one hundred pounds and for better enabling of my Wife to performe this my present Testament.
I make her my Sole Executrix.
And I doe will and ordaine that my Sonn THOMAS have a portion of my bookes of Heraldry at the rate that they are praised at. And if my Sonn JOHN happen to dye before he have use for those bookes then I will them all to my Sonn THOMAS at the same rate.
Item: I desire that my good friend Master JOHN ALLEN to be Overseer of this my Will. And that my Wife would be in all things be advised by him to whome for his paines I give 40 shillings to buy hym a ring.
Item I give and bequeath to ISABEL WATSON over and above her wages which I require to be duly paid her
the sume of 30 shillings to buy her a ring.
Item: I give unto my Cozen SIMES his children five pounds.
And it is my will and desire that my Executrix and Overseer be carefull that after my decease they cause to be imprinted my booke of the Survey of Kent wherein I have taken for great labor and paines.
In Witness whereof I have declared this to be my last Will and Testament and thereunto have putt my Hand and
Seale the Daie and Yeare above written in the presence of those whose names are subscribed.
JOHN PHILIPOTT Sealed and delivered and as and for the last Will of the said JOHN PHILIPOTT pronounced in the presence of us
Will of John Philipott