Also I give and bequeath unto my eldest daught MARGARET PHILPOTT the full summe of
one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England.
And unto my youngest daughter MARY PHILPOTT ye like summe of one hundred pounds of like money
to be payd unto them and either of them by my said wife and
Executrix at their and either of their severally respective age and ages of one and
twenty yeares of age or Dayes of Marryage which shall first happen.
Also I give and bequeath unto the childe wherof my said wife now goeth whether sonne or daughter the like summe of one hundred pounds of like money of England to be payd unto him or her at his or her like age of one and twentie yeares or daye of marriage which shall first happen by my said Executrix.
Provided always and my mind and will is if any my said children before mentioned shall happen to dye before his her their or any of their legacie or legacies before menconed shalbe due to be paid that then his her their either and every of their legacie or legacies or him her or them so dying shalbe equally paid unto and amongst all my surviving childe or children at their foresaid age and ages of one and twenty yeares or Dayes of Marriage which shall first happen.
All the rest of my goods chattells and credits whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife and Executrix aforesaid towards her owne livelyhood and maintenance and towards the education and bringing up of all my children sonnes and daughters to learning to their degrees and for ye payment of the legacies before here bequeathed my debts and funeral expenses.
This is the last Will and Testament of mee ye said WILLIAM PHILPOTT made and declared the foresayd 12th Day of June in the sayd three and twentieth yeare of the raigne of King Charles over England etc. Touching the disposing of all and singular my messuages lands tenements and heritaments whatsoever situate and being in all every or anie the said Parish of Eastry in the Parish of Word als Worth and in the Towne of Sandwich or elsewhere in the said Countie of Kent
And first I give and bequeath unto ELIZABETH my said wife and Executrix all the rents issues
and profitts whatsoever due owing and to be due owing arising and coming for all and every my
said messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate and being in all and every
or anie of the parishes or place aforesaid untill my sonne JOHN PHILPOTT shall attaine his full
age of one and twentie yeares.
My said wife and Executrix keeping my sayd messuages and tenements with the buildings fences
and outhouses well repayred and mended and committing no manner of stripp or waste thereunto.
And also paying and discharging all such yearly rents and annuities as the same and every or any
of them now stand chargeable with as the same shalbe nowe due and payable.
And when my sonne JOHN PHILPOTT shall attaine his said age of one and twentie yeares I give and bequeath all my messuages tenements landes hereditaments whatsoever with their appurtenances situate lying and beinge in the aforesaid parishes of Word als Worth Eastry or elsewhere in the said County of Kent except in the Towne of Sandwich unto him my said sonne JOHN PHILPOTT and unto his heirs forever.
And if my said wife be now with childe if it a boy I give and bequeath unto him and to his heirs
forever at the age of one and twentie yeares that those my messuages and tenements with their
appurtenances situate and being in the foresaid Towne of Sandwich.
And if my said wife be now with child if it a daughter thereof to the same messuage
and tenements with their appurtenances in the said Towne of Sandwich unto my said
sonne JOHN PHILPOTT and unto his heirs forever.
Provided always and my will and meaning further is that if my said wife shall at anie tyme
hereafter duringe the minoritie of anie of my children or before their or anie of their legacye or
legacies in this my Will bequeathed unto them be fully satisfied and payd if her marry with another
man that then my said wife and Executrix with two sufficient suretyes at the least before such
marryage solomized give good security by Bond or otherwise as my loving Brother RALPH
PHILPOTT his Executors or Administrators shall seeme in debt for the true payment of all and
every the legacies in this my Will given and bequeathed according to this my Will. And for
performing all and every clause and thing in this my Will conteyned which on her part is to be
performed fulfilled and kept in all things according to the tenor true intent and meaning of this my
Will whereof I desire my said loving Brother RALPH PHILPOTT to be Overseer of the full execution.
And if my said wife shall refuse or neglect to give such security before such her
marryage had then my minde and will is that my said wife shall have no benefitt of this my Will as
Executrix or otherwise And then I do appoint my said sonne JOHN PHILPOTT sole Executor thereof
And further my mind and will is and I do hereby give and bequeath unto my loving Syster JOAN
SPENCER now the wife of STEPHEN SPENCER of Boughton in the said Countie for the terme
of her naturall life one annuitie or yearly real charge of twentie shillings of lawfull money of
England to be issuing going out and yearly to be receaved levyed had and taken of in out of all
that my messuage or tenement with the buildings lands and appurtenances whatsoever situate lyinge
beinge in the said parishes of Word als Worth and Eastry in the said Countie and before in this my Will
given and bequeathed unto my sonne JOHN PHILPOTT and his heirs at two of the four most usual Feastes in the Yeare.
That is to say The Feaste of St. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of ye Blessed Virgin
by equal porcons the first payment thereof to begine and to be made on that Feast Day of the
Feastes aforesaid which shall happen to be next after my decease. To be paid for the terme of her
naturall life as aforesayd upon payne or distresse aniething before in this my Will contayned to
the contrary thereof notwithstandinding.
In Witness whereof I the said W1LLIAM PHILPOTT have to this my last Will and Testament in
three sheets of paper contayned to the first two sheets thereof my hand have sett and to the last
and third sheet thereof my Hand and Seale have sett Dated the Day and Year first above written.
WILLIAM PHILPOTT Presented sealed and published and declared to be the last Will and
Testament of the said WILLIAM PHILPOTT in the presence of
Will of William Philpott