
Will of Robert Phippe

of Cooling, Kent

Source: 1579
Transcribed by John Woodger
In the name of Christe Amen. The 14th Daie of September in the yeere of our Lorde 1579 I Robert Phippe of Cowlinge within the Countie of Kente yeoman beinge whole in mynde and sowle but sicke in Bodye Do make this my last will and testament yn ma(n)er followinge. Imprimis I comende my Sowle unto the handes of god throughe his mercie in Jesus Christe by whose deathe and meritte of his passion onelie I hope to be saved and by none other names or meritte and my bodie I will to be buried in the Churchyarde of Cowlinge besides my wieffe
Item I give towarde the maytenance of the church of Cowlinge tenne shillings
Item I give to the poore of the p(ar)ishe of Cowlinge tenne shillings to be paide within one monthe nexte after my deathe and to be devided at the discretion of the Churchwarden
Item I gyve unto the poore people that shall come to my buriall half a quarter of Wheate to be baked in Bread and two cheeses of the Best and a kilderkyn of drincke to be distributed unto them im(m)ediately after my buriall

Item I give unto Alice my wieffe my house or Tenemente lieinge and beinge in the p(ar)ishe of Cliffe in Rye streete withall the groundes thearunto belonging reservinge two Acres of the same grounde abbuttinge unto weste brooke the whiche tenemente withe all the edifices and buildings thereunto belonginge I will that my saide wieffe shall have w(i)th all the com(m)odities and appurtenances thearunto belonginge for the tearme of her naturall lieffe
and further that my saide wieffe for herselfe shall keepe the repaires of all the houses, stables with all other edefices, as daubinge thatchinge or otherwise as neede shall require And also shall mayntaine all markes and bou(n)des and hedges of all the landes the w(i)th the saide Alice hath in her occupienge and in case my wieffe doth refuse or be negligente to kepe the saide Ten(m)ente, howse and other buildings winde tite & water tite , as also the marke or hedges belonginge unto the forsaide tenemente except before excepted then it shalbe lawful for my Sonne Edwarde to reenter unto the howse or tenemente withall the Landes and he to gane it for him selfe to his owne p(ur)pose Provided also that Alice my wieffe shall quite renounce to demande or ask anie Dowrie or thiodepte in any p(ar)te of all my Landes tenementes or hereditaments or anie other goods and yf she doe she shall lose the benefitte of this my will and testamente
Item I will that my saide wieffe shall not make anie stouppe or waste in anie p(ar)te of the saide Tenemente
Item I will that it shalbe lawfull for my Sonne Edwarde at all tymes duringe the naturall liffe of my saide wieffe to plant sett or grifte in the orcharde of the said Tenemente of Cliffe
Item I give unto my wieffe Alice in money twelve poundes to be payde upon May daie next cominge
Item I give unto Alice my wieffe foure fermeable kyne and twentie Lawfull Ewes, and the best Sowe that she can chose and two Barrowe hogge two of the best Shuate and half the Poultrie
Item I will that the saide my wieffe Alice shall have all the howsholde stuffe the whyche was her own before she was married unto me and halfe of aneriethinge p(er)teyninge to houshold stuffe that she bought or prepared since the tyme she hathe benne my wieffe
Item I give unto my saide wieffe two quarters of wheate, one quarte? [one quarter erased] of mesliey a quarter of Rye, two quarters of Barley one quarter of maulte, & her owne mare whiche was hers, and the colte of the same mare nowe sucking, & a young red mare the whiche came up of a dubble mare

Item I will that my Sonne Edward shall at his p(ro)per costes & charges keepe my wieffe and her children for meate and drynke & lodginge if she be contente to tarie till May Daie next (next page) to tarie till May Daie next and shall further give her the keepinge of all her goods chattell and other thinges untill the same may daie and shall also plowe and sowe for her that her grounde in the T(enem)ente of Cliffe for this first yeare at his p(ro)p(er) coste and charge also findinge seede to the saide grounde to be sowne

Item I give to Jane my daughter the house whiche I boughte late of pwshion the miller, lieinge in the p(ar)ishe of Cliffe in the Church streete righte oute againste the Church gate provided that the saide howse shall remayne to my saide daughter Jane and to the heyres of her bodie lawfullie begotten. Also I give to my saide daughter Jane tenne pounds in money, wheareof five pounds to be paide Hollowtide nexte and thother 5� one Mondaye in Easterweek next followinge

Item I give unto the Children of George Blake that is to Rob(er)te Thomas and Will(ia)m eche of them a good Ewe
Item I gyve unto my daughter Johan thirtie pounds wheareof 15� to be paide at the feaste of the Nativitie of Sct John the Baptist next cominge and the other 15� at the feaste of the nativitie of o(u)r Lord next followinge the foresaide feaste
Item I give unto my daughetr Elizabethe fiftie pounds wheareof 10� to be paide within three monthes next after my deathe and 10� within half a yeare next after the firste paymente and thother 30� within twelve monthes next after the seconde paymente
Item I give to Margarett Hulke my daughter in lawe three quarters of barley to be paide within one monthe nexte after my deathe.
Item I give unto the daughter of my brother Richarde that is to saie to Anne Margaret & Marie eche of them a quarter of barley a peece to be paide at theire severall ages of eyghteen yeares
Item I give unto my sister Rose Broadcake halfe a quarter of wheate to be paide within a monethe after my Deathe
Item I give unto Anne Love wieffe to Harrie Love halfe a quarter of barley to be paide w(it)h(i)n a monthe after my deathe.
Item I give to Johan Wattell halfe a quarter of barley to be paide within a monethe after my deathe
Item I give to Anne Traherne halfe a quarter of barley to be paid w(it)h(i)n a monethe after my deathe
Item I give to Thomas Ashley one quarter of Barley to be paide within a monethe after my Deathe
Item I give to Anne Baker wieffe to Samuel Baker one quarter of Barley to be paid within a monethe after my deathe.
Item I gyve to Rose Wodyeare a quarter of Barley to be paid within a monethe after my deathe
Item I give to Thomas Hulke a quarter of barley to be paid within a monethe after my deathe
Item I give to Roberte Wodyeare Sonne of Edward Wodyeare halfe a quarter of barley to be paid within a monethe after my deathe
Item I give unto eny the reste of all my godechildren eche of them a bushell of barley to bew paid within a monethe after my deathe
Item I give unto Lionell Backhowse a blacke balled mare colte white legge of the age of two yeares to be deliv(er)ed one full yeare after my deathe and fortie shillings in money to be paide when he shalbe 18 yeeres of age
Item I give to Adrian Backhowse fortie shillings in money when she shall come to the age of 18 yeeres

The resaidue of all my goodes & chattells & debts, after my debts be paide my funerall expenses performed, and thes my legacies aforesaide in this my laste will fulfilled , I do gyve and bequeathe all the rest of my goodes unbequeathed whole unto my Sonne Edward Phippe, whom I make & ordeyne my sole Executor of this my laste will & testament and I utterlie revoke & disanull all & eny former wills testaments legacies bequests etc. by me in aniewise before this tyme made named willed & bequeathed In witnes whearof I have set to my hande & sygne the daie and yeere above written

This is the last will also of all my landes within the Countie of Essex and Kent, (onelie excepte one Tenemente lyeing in Cliffe as is saide before) witheall the landes thearunto belonginge which was John Mores before, except two Acres of grounde adioninge unto westebrooke the w(hi)ch tenemente and lande I have by this my will gyven unto I have by this my will gyven unto Alice my wieffe for tearme of her lieffe as is afore saide w(i)th suche condic(i)ons as are above rehearsed . And after her deathe then will I all the landes and the saide Tenemente to remayne unto my Sonne Edwarde and to his heyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten as also all my landes lyenge & Beinge w(i)thin the Countie of Essex w(i)thin the p(ar)ishe of Currigham & Fabbinge or elswhere and withe all theire appurten(a)nce thearunto belonginge I will they shall remayne unto my Sonne Edwarde and to his heyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten. And if it shall come to passe, that my Sonne Edwarde do dep(ar)te this worlde without anie heyres of his bodie lawfullie begotten, Then I will that all my landes shall remayne unto my daughters then beinge alive & to theire heyres of theire bodies lawfuyllie begotten, and the saide Landes to be devided emonge them by egall portions and so to remaine foren.

In witnes whearof I the saide Roberte Phippe have sett my hand and signe to this presente the daye and yeere above written.
Item I do ordeyne and make my overseers of this my p(re)sente laste will & testament William Wodyeare Thomas Fan(n)ces Steven Phippe of Cowlinge and do give them twentie shillings a peece for theire paynes
In Witnesses unto this my laste will and testamente Will(ia)m Wodyeare of Cowlinge Thomas Fannce of Cliffe Guy Briskow Minister of Halstowe Edwarde Wodyeares marke w Lyonell Phippe

These are the debts that I Rob(ar)te Phippe do owe at this present daie and yeere above written
Imprimis to Avis Phippe 15�
Item to Alice Phippe 15�
Item to Thom(a)s Ashley 3� 11s 8d
Item to Butler of Rochester for a quartrone of fishe 20s and a cade of herringe 10s totale sum(m)e 30s.
Item wheare I have set downe that I do owe 30� to Avise and to Alice abovenamed, you shall finde this present sum(m)e of 30� in the handes of John Phippe brother to these Avys & Alice for the whiche money aforesaide the saide John is bounde by obligac(i)on to repay unto me Roberte Phippe of Cowlinge 33� at michaelmas next 1579

Item I will that all the legacies bequeathed unto Margarett gyven her by her Fathers will nowe remayninge in the hande of me Robarte Phippe, that my Sonne Edwarde shall paie and deliver into the hande of the saide Margarette or to Thomas Hulke of Halstowe presentlie after my deathe

Debts owinge to me Roberte Phippe as followethe
Imprimis of Alexander of Cobham 40s
Item of Mr Francke of Northfleete 30s
Item of Botesone Ansten for 11 busshells of wheate 12s
Item of Butler of Rochester 3�
Item of Lyonell Phippe of Cowlinge 6�
Item Goodman Shutter of Rochester for pease 4� 10s
Item John Wright of Curingham for sixe stames of maulte 4�
Item Richard Perret of Cliffe late deceased 14s
Item Royden of Southwarde by London dothe owe me for wheate & mislion 10�

Probatum fuit apud Testamentum sixto die Octobris Anno dm Millmo Quingeo Septuagesimo nove .....

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Will of Robert Phippe
Created by Maureen Rawson