It[em] I bequeith to the high Aultr ther[e] for my tithes & Oblations neglige[n]tly forgoten or wthholde[n] xijd
Item I bequeith to our lady light yn the same churche one busshell of barley
Item I Bequeith to saynt John’s lyghte one busshell of barley
Item I bequeith to saynt Nicholas light one Busshell of barley
Item I bequeith to saynt John’s Brotherhed of Evyncon & to the pylgrymes [pilgrims] light one busshell of barley
Item I bequeith to te herse light one Busshell of Barley
Item to Saynt George light ther[e] half one busshell of Barley
Item I Wyll have at my burye[in]g dirige & iij masses
Item at my monthis mynde dirige & v masses
Item at my ye[a]rs mynde dirige & ij masses
Item I will that Robert my sone shall kepe yn the saide churche of Elmsted yerely a
lampe brenyg [burning] before the Image Saynte Katyrne As long as he liveth to the value of iiijd
Item I will ther be fownd a tapre of waxe to the ewyght [weight] of one pound
of wax to brene [burn] before the Image of our ladye yn Elmsted aforesaid yerly every Sonday
during the space of twenty yeres next after my deasse [decease] to be lit & maynteyned
by Thomasyne during her natrall liff And after her decesse by my son Robert or hym that hath my mansion place
Item I Wyll to ev[e]ry of my godchyldren iiijd Excepte to Johanne Philpott & Rose Acourte, my children’s children, which
Johanne & Rose Acourte I will to eiche of thayme [them] one ewe shepe
Item I will to Thomas Philpotts chyldren of Kenyngton [Kennington] ij ewe shepe
Item I will ther be kepte An obite yn the foresaid churche of Elmsted ye[a]rly for the space of vij yeres next aft[er] my ye[a]rs mynde for my soule & all xpen [Christian] soules with dyrige & ij masses with bre[a]de & drynke & all other charges to the yerly value of vjs viijd
Item I wyll to Robert my sone one cowe
Item to Alice my dought[er] for her mariage V marks yn forme foloweng (That is to say)
At her mariage yn pense & penn[y]Worthes xls And iiij ewe shepe at she[a]ryng tyme
And the residewe of the saide V marks imediatly aft[er] the de[a]th of Thomasyne my Wyffe
Item I will ther be leyd by John & Robert my sones xx loads of stones? from Nuttefeld, grete huderward Where moost nede is, Whereof by John v loads And by Robert xv loads of stones?
The Residue of all my movable goods whatsoever they be over & above my detts & legac[ie]s
Funerall & Estente? [expences?] etc. paid, I geve & bequeith unto Thomasyne my Wyffe, whiche
Thomasyne I ordeyne & make my true and feythefulle executrix to p[er]form & fulfill
this my prsent testament & last Wyll As myne especial trust is yn her
And I make Nicholas pwers [powers?] of Wye ov[e]rsear of this my last Will & testament To who I bequeith for his labor iijs iiijd
These Witness: Willm Prowd; Nicholas Prers?; John Bulfynche; Sampson Cloke; Mighell Bell; Thomas Phylpott of Elmsted; John A courte; Thomas & John Phylpott, sones of the same Mighell Phylpott with others
This is the last wyll of me the foresaid Mighell Phylpott made the day & yer above wryten
Fyrst I will that Edward Gaysons, Nicholas Pers, Thomas Phylpott of Elmsted & Thomas Phylpott of Wye my feoffes suffer Thomasyne my Wyffe to take & receive the Issues & p[ro]fitts of all my lands & tenements, Rents & revercons lyeng & beyng yn the foresayde p[ar]yshe of Elmsted for the hole time of her naturall lyffe, She kepyng sufficent reparations And dischargyng the lord of the fee yerly
And aft(er) the deth of the same Thomasyne my Wyffe I Wyll my said lands & tenements, Rents &
Reversions as well with thapptenancs [the appurtenances] remayne to Robert my sone hys heyres & Assignes for ever
Excepte one tenement & a Certayn lands orchard called mouse? As aft (to) John my sones assigned
under condicon foloweng That the same Robert my sone do paye or cause to be paid unto Thomas Phylpott his brother Cs [100s] of
good & lawfull money of England, that is to wit
within the same yer next foloweng aft(er) the decess of the saide Thomasyne my Wyffe xls;
And wtyn [within] ij yeres then next after the same other xls; And yn the next yer foloweng aft(er) the same yere’s xxs
residue yn full payment of the same Cs
And if the said Thomas dye before the full payment of the said Cs Then I will the residue be paid Among all the chyldren of the said Thomas Phylpott Provided allways that if Robert will sell it his brother John to have the pr[e]ferment afore any man
Item I will to the said John my sone my foresaid te[ne]mennts called mouse & ij acres & an
half of land to the same teneme[n]t belongyng And also one other peece of land called Dedams to hym his heires & assigns for evr
And if the same John my son be wyllyng to sell it Then I will that Robert my sonne bey [buy] it before any other man
Item I will that Robert my sone shall kepe the said obite yerly yn the saide churche of
Elmysted aft the decesse of the saide Thomasyne my wiffe As is conteyned yn my testament to the value of vjs viijd by yer yn
all charg[e]s
Concordat en originali
Probatum fuit: 30th October 1535
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 29th June 2021
Will of Myghell Phylpott