Pigott Will 1586

Will of William Piggot

of Cowden, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/69/329
Submitted by Margaret Wills
In the name of God Amen The xiijth [13th] daye of May Anno dini 1586 & in the xxviijth [28th] yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland queene Defendor of the faithe &c.
I Willm Piggot of Cowden in the countye of Kent Yeoman being sicke in bodie but of goods and perfecte remembrannce laude and praise be unto almightie God doe ordayne and make this my last will and testament in manner and fourme followinge That is to saye
First and before all things I bequeath mye sowle to almightie God my maker and Redeemer, and I will my bodye to be buried in the churche or churcheyarde of Cowden aforesaide

Item I bequeath to the poore people of the p[ar]ishe of Cowden aforesaide tenne shillinges to be bestowed in the daye of my buriall in meate and drinke or money at the discretion of mye executrix and Overseers

Item I bequeath to Dorithie mye daughter twentie pounds of lawfull money of Englande to be paide unto her at her age of xxjtie [21] yeares or at her daye of marriage which shall happen first
Item I bequeath to Margarett my daughter twentye pounds of the like lawfull money to be paide unto her in like sorte
Item I bequeath to the said Margarette the greate joynde chest that standeth next the windowe in the chamber over the hall
Alsoe I bequeath more to either of my saide daughters twoe paire of sheetes
and if any of mye saide daughters happen to die before shee soe dyinge shall receive her porcion accordinge to this mye will then I will her parte soe dyinge to the other of them livinge, yf both happen to dye before they shall receive their portions in fourme aforesaide, then I will their partes equallie to mye twoe youngest sonnes Edward and Thomas

Alsoe I bequeath to William my sonne the joynde bedsteddle with the fetherbedde, bouslter, pillow covrlett and blankett thereunto belonginge as the same nowe stande in the grounde chamber together with ij paire of sheetes, the cubborde in the hall, the beste brasse panne, the table and fourme in the hall with all that belongeth thereto, and the greate cheaste standinge bie the joynde bedsteddle in the chamber over the hall, all which I will to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares

Item I bequeath to John Piggott my sonne the joynde bedstedle with that belongeth to the same as he nowe standeth in the owtter chamber in mie house with ij paire of sheetes a tableclothe and one brasse panne to be delivered unto him at his age of one and twentye yeares
Item I bequeth to Edward and Thomas my sonnes to either of them twoe payre of sheetes one tableclothe & one brasse panne to be delivered unto them in like sorte

All the Residue of my Goodes cattells and debtes not before given nor bequeathed (my debtes paide mye legacies in this my last will and my funerall expenses discharged performed and done) I give and beq[uea]th them wholye to Margarett my wyffe, whome I doe make executrix of this my laste will to see the same performed and done accordinge to my true meaninge

And I doe appoint Thomas Woodegate my brother in lawe and mye Cosen Edward Swaysland Overseers hereof, and I doe give to either of them for their paines herein to be taken over and above their expenses vs a piece

This is the last will of mee the sayd William Piggott made the daye and yeare first above written concerning the disposition of all my messuages lands tenementes and heriditamentes with th'appurtenances whatsoever lyinge and beinge in the parishe of Cowden aforesaide in the said countie of Kent as followeth (that is to saye)

First I give and bequeath to John Piggott mye sonne and to his heires for ever all these severall percells of lands tenementes and wood ground with all and singuler thappurtenances hereafter mentioned (that is to saye)
One percell of lande called the Barbians beinge nowe railed and devided oute into twoe partes, twoe other percells of lande called Cardes Croftes, twoe other percells called the Riddinges; one other crofte of lande called Spoodes crofte and twoe little pcells called Baynden gardens, or bie whatsoever other name or names the same or any parte or percell of them or any of them be called, taken, reputed or tak knowen, all which saide severall percells of lande with the appurtenances be nowe in mine owne occupyinge,

And it is my full minde and will that my overseers and their assignes shall by vertue of this last will have full power and authoritie not onlye to lette out, demise, graunte occupie and enjoye all the saide landes and premisses with the appurtenances so hereby given to my saide sonne John for the moste beste advantage and proffite untill my saide sonne John accomplishe his full age of one and twentie yeares,
or if he happen to die before he accomplishe the saide age, then for soe longe terme and space as yf the saide John shoulde soe longe live

But also shall and may have take and receive yearlie duringe the saide terme and space to the use of Edward Piggott and Thomas Piggott my sonnes all suche rente proffite and advantage arisinge comminge or yerelie to be made of all the saide landes and premisses, and suche yearlie rente and profite soe to be received and taken by my saide Overseers out of the saide landes to be yearlie and from tyme to time as the same soe ariseth duringe the saide tearme imploied and putte out for the moste and beste advantage thereof untill my saide sonnes Edward and Thomas doe accomplishe their full ages of one and twentie yeares

And uppon thaccomploshment of the full age of the saide Thomas mye very will and mynde is that all suche rente and profite soe yearlie to be received, and al advantages thereby by anye meanes arisinge and growinge shalbe paide unto my saide sonnes Edwarde and Thomas equallie to be devided betweene them
And if it happen that anye of mye saide sonnes Edwarde and Thomas doe die before he soe dying shall receive his portion accordinge to this mye will; That then I will his parte soe dyinge to remaine to the wiffe childe or children of him soe dyinge if he have anye at the time of his decease or for suche defaulte then to the other of my saide sonnes Edwarde and Thomas then livinge
And yf bothe happen to die contrarye to the fourme aforesaide, then my will is that their partes remaine and goe to Willm Piggott and John Piggott mye sonnes equallie to be devided betweene them,

and yf my saide sonne John and his heires doe not permitte and suffer my saide Overseers and their assignes to demyse and occupie the saide landes and premisses with thappurtenances and to receive and take the rente and proffite thereof accordinge to the true and playne meaninge of this my Will for and to the use aforesaide Then I will and give all the saide percells of lande and woodgrounde with thappurtenances soe hereby given to my saide sonne John and his heires to Edward and Thomas my said sonnes and to their heires for ever

Provided alwayes and it is my full will and mynde that my Overseers nor their Assignes doe not at any tyme duringe the saide terme fell cutte downe or bye any meanes dyminishe or ympaire any the woodes or trees growinge or beinge uppon the premisses for any other use than for necessary hedgeboote, stakeboote and for suche other necessaries to be occupied and ymploied onlie uppon the saide landes and woodgrounde and not ells where

And yet neverthelesse it is my will that Margaret my wiffe and her assignes shall be vertue hereof fell, cutte downe, hewe, corde, coale and carrye away all or anye parte of the woodes and underwoodes and trees nowe growinge and or beinge uppon both the saide twoe percells of lande called the Riddens or anye parte thereof at all times duringe the space of twoe yeares next after my decease, and the same and every parte thereof shall or maye convert to her and their owne use, withoute any lawfull ympediment of the saide John his heires or assignes any thinge abovesaide to the contrary notwithstandinge

Item I give and bequeath to William Piggott my sonne and to his heires for ever all that my messuage barne edifices and buildings thereunto belonginge wherein I nowe dwell And all the residue of my landes tenementes and hereditaments whatsoever with the appurtenances lyinge and beinge in Cowden aforesaide

And this is my verye will and minde that Margaret mie wiffe and her assignes shall bie vertue of this mie last will have full power and authoritie as well to demyse graunte lett sett occupye & enjoye to her and there owne use all my saide messuage landes tenements and hereditaments and other the premisses with thappurtenances or any parte thereof hereby given to my saide sonne William to any person or persons from tyme to tyme duringe the tearme and space of tenne yeares from and after the daye of my decease
As alsoe to have and enjoye to her and their owne use duringe the saide tearme all the rents issues and profites whatsoever yearlie growinge and arysinge out (of) all the saide lands tenements and hereditaments with thappuretneances given to the saide William for and towardes the keepinge and bringinge uppe of all mye saide children untill they doe accomplyshe their severall ages of one and twentie yeares, or be married
my saide wiffe or her assignes to be charged to make noe accompte or to paye any somme or somes of money to my saide sonne Willm or his heires assignes for anye the rentes issues and proffites which shee for they shall soe receive enjoy or have out of my saide lands and tenements bie vertue or force hereof other than to keepe and beinge uppe all my saide children accordinge to their degrees in manner and fourme as is aforesaide

(and to pay yearlie duringe the foure last yeares of the saide tearme of tenne yeares to my saide sonne William or his assignes three pounds of lawfull money of England halfe yearly by even portions yearly to be paide
And for defaulte of paiment thereof I will it shalbe lawfull for the saide William and his assignes to distreine for the same and to deteyne his distresse untill he be paide his rente or suche parte as shalbe then behinde)

soe as shee doe clayme challenge or take no dowar or other profits out of any the landes and tenementes with thappurtenances or any parte thereof above given to John my sonne untill the saide John doe accomplishe the full age of one and twentie yeares, or untill that tyme if the said John shoulde not live soe longe : and after that tyme expired, then soe as shee nor her assignes doe clayme, challenge not take noe other dower out of all my lands and tenementes with thappurtenances or other yearlie profitt whatsoever duringe her naturall liffe then to her by this my last will hereafter is limited and appointed

Provided alsoe that mye wiffe nor her assignes by vertue hereof doe not at any tyme fell cutte downe or otherwise dimminishe any the woodes or udnerwoods growinge or beinge uppon anye the landes given to William my sonne, other than for necessary fewell woode and suche other necessary woode as is above limited for my Overseers to be taken out of the lands given to my saide sonne John whiche I will shalbe taken by mye saide wiffe and Overseers and their assignes in fourme aforesaide without lett or deniall of mye sonnes William and John

And alsoe it is mye full minde and will that Margarett my wyfe shall duringe suche tyme as shee keepe her selfe sole and unmarried have her dwellinge in my house where it shall please her in any parte thereof, and shall have libertie for her and her assignes to have occupye abd use one chamber to her owne use duringe her saide widowhoode to be taken at her choise amongest the chambers in mye house with free lib'tie of ingresses egresse and regresse to and from the same at all tymes with free libertie likwyse for her and her assignes to brue and bake and to doe all other thinges for her meete and convenient in my saide house as often as neede requireth withoute anye lette or deniall of the saide Willm his heires or assignes,

and it is mye very will that my saide sonne William and his heires shall fynde and provide for his saide mother fewell woode sufficient to be spente at all times for her in my said house duringe her saide widowhoode And shall likewise yearlie duringe her saide widowhoode from and after thende [the end] and expiracon of the saide tenne yeares paie every quarter one quarter of wheate of the beste to be delivered or paide unto her at or in my saide dwellinge house

Item I give unto Margarett my wiffe one annuitie or yearlie rente of fowre pounds of lawfull money of Englande to be yearlie goinge oute of all mye lands tenementes and hereditamentes whatsoever with thappurtenncs in manner and fourme followinge (That is to saye)
from & after thend & expiracon of the saide tenne yeares which shee hathe of and in my saide messuage and landes given to mye said sonne William iijli [£3] of lawfull money of Englande percell of the said annuity of foure pounds, to be yearlye issuinge out of all the saide messuage and other the lands and renements with thappurtenances given unto the saide William and uppon thaccomplishmt of the full age of one and twentie yeares of the saide John my sonne, or if the saide John should die before then after the said yeres ended if he had soe longe lived, twentye shillings of lawfull money of Englande other pcell of the said foure pounds annuitie to be yearlie issuinge out of all the saide lands and tenements with thappurtenances heerein given to the saide John my sonne
To have perceive receive and take the saide annuitie or yearlie rente of iiijli of lawfull money of Englande yearlie issuinge and goinge oute of all the saide landes and tenementes with thappurtenances in fourme aforesaide to the saide Margarett mye wiffe and her assignes from and after the saide severall determinacons for and duringe the whole terme of the nrall [natural life] of the saide Margaret quarterlie to bee paide by even porcons, the first day of paiment of the said three poundes yearlie annuitie percell of the said foure poundes to beginne at the feaste of the nativity of Sainte John Baptiste, St. Michaell tharkangell, the birth of our lorde God called xpemas [Christmas] or thannuntiacon of our lady, which shall happen first next after thende and determination of the saide tenne yeares
And the first daye of paiment of the said twentie shillinges annuitie other percell of the saide foure pounds to beginne at the next feaste of the saide feastes, which shall first happen after the saide full age of the said John or after the saide xxj yeares be expired if the saide John shall not soe longe live

And if it happen the saide annuitie or yearlie rente of iijli to be behinde or unpaide in parte or all after anye of the saide feastes of paiment in which it ought to be paide bie the space of tenne daies contrarie to the true and plaine meaninge hereof That then it maye and shalbe lawfull to and for the saide Margarett mie wiffe and her assignes into all the saide messuage lands and other the premisses with thappurtenances herein given to the saide William mye sonne or any parte thereof to enter and to distraine and the distresse or distresses then and their soe founde lawfullie to beare leade and drive awaye and the same to deteine and keepe untill the saide annuitie of three pounds or suche parte thereof as shalbe then behynde unpaide bee unto the saide Margarett or her assignes fully satisfied and paid

And if it shall happen the saide annuities or yearlie rente of twentie shillinges to be behinde or unpaide in parte or in all after any of the saide festes of paiment in which it oughte to be paide by the space of tenne dayes contrarye to the true meaninge of this my last will, that then and soe often it shall and may be lawfull to and for the saide Margarett my wiffe and her assignes unto all the saide lands or any parte thereof to enter and distraine and the distresse and distresses then and theresoe founde lawfully to beare leade and drive awaye and the same to deteyne and keepe untill the saide annuitie or yearlie rente of xxs or suche parte thereof as shalbe then behynde unpaide be unto the said Margarett or her assignes fullye satisfied and paide

Provided likwise and it is mye full minde and will that if my saide wyffe doe at anye tyme hereafter clayme or chalendge to have or take anie dower or other profits whatsoever oute of any my saide lands and tenementes with thappurtenances or anie p[ar]te thereof other than is to her herein given, or not goe forwarde in the execucon hereof as executrix, then I will that the paiment and graunte of the saide yearlie rente or foure poundes and everye parte thereof in fourme aforesaide to her made and graunted shalbe utterlie voide and of none effect

And then I will that shee and her assignes shall within one quarter of a yeare nexte after shee shall soe make clayme or challenge not onlie give an accompt as well what rentes and other profites shee or her assignes shall soe receive and have oute of my saide lands and tenementes given to my saide sonne William during the saide tenne yeares to her graunted his heires or assignes, but alsoe shall within one monethe next after accompte made make paimente and delivery of all suche money and other profite which shee and her assignes shall soe make and receive out of the saide lands or any part thereof with thappurtenances duringe all the saide tenne yeares to my saide sonne William or his heires or assignes, he or his heires to whome suche accompte and paiment oughte to bee made allowinge my saide wiffe and her assignes suche resonable charges as shee or they shalbe at for the keepinge and bringinge uppe of him or them to whome suche accompte is made

And my will is that uppon such refusinge of my Executrix to perform this my will that my Overseers shalby hereof bee Choexecutors [Co-executors] of this my last will to the use of my twoe yonkest sonnes in as large and ample manner and fourme as my saide wiffe may mighte or coulde doe by any manner of meanes by force or vertue herof

In Witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seale the daye and yere first above written in the presence of
John Swayslande; Richarde Pigott; Thomas Swayslande and Edwarde Baldwin
Signum predicti William Pigott
Red, sealed and delivered in the presence of us the saide John Swayslande; Richarde Pigott; Thomas Swayslande and Edwarde Baldwin

Probatum fuit: 8th June 1586 to Margaret, relict & executrix

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 5th November 2022

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Will of William Pigott
Created by Maureen Rawson