First I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the pishe of Chiddingstone the some of thirtie shillings to be distributed at the day of my
Item I give to my Brother William Pigotts sonne Henry Pigott the some of Tenn poundes to be paid unto him at his age of twentie one yeares,
and if he happen to dye before his age of twentie one yeares then I give the said Ten poundes to William Pigott his brother to be paied
him at his age of twentie one yeares
Item I give to Mary Pigott my brother William his daughter the like some of Tenn poundes of lawfull English money to be paid unto her at
her age of twentie and one yeares or the daye of her marriage which shall first happen
Item I give to Ruth my Wellbeloved Wife the some of one hundred Poundes of lawfull English money to be payed w[i]thin one Whole yeare next
after my decease by my Executor heereafter named
Item I give her more the one halfe of all my howsehold stuffe and two kyne, and my will is that my Wife shall have the keepinge of two kyne upon
my grounde duringe her naturall life and the Chamber over the halle and to come to the fyer and fleete in the halle likewise duringe her life
Item I give to my Servant Margaret Shelly, twentie shillinges to be paied her wthin one yeare after my decease
Item I give to James Fathers my Servant likewise Tenn shillinges to be paied wthin one yeare after my decease
Item Anne Howlett one other of my servants Tenn shillinges to be paied wthin one yeare as aforesaid
Item I give to so many of my brother Thomas Piggots Children as shalbe livinge at the tyme of my decease the some of Fortie shillinges a
peece to be paied wthin one yeare after my decease
Item I give to my brother Anthony Pigotts his three Children Fortie shillinges a peece to be paied wthin one Whole yeare next after my
The residue of all my goodes, Cattles, Chattles, mooveables and ymmoovables whatsoever not before given I doe with good intent and purpose give and bequeath them to Nicholas Pigott my sonne whome I doe ordaine & make my sole Executor if this my Will,
Provided alwaies and my will and mynde is that in regard my sonne Nicholas is under age and not able to take the Executorshippe upon him, neither
Wilbe chargeable in Lawe wth the payment of my debts and Legacies therfore my Will is and I doe intreate my lovinge Freind William Birsty of
Chiddingstone and my lovinge Brothers John Piggott & William Piggott to joyne wth my sonne Nicholas in the executorshipp and the provinge of
my Will as in Truste for my sonnes
And I doe by this my Will give them full power and authoritye to sell any of my goodes towardes the payment of my debts and Legacies and that
they shall paye all such debts as I doe owe or of Conscience ought to be payed and alsoe all such Legacies as I have by this my Will given to any
and to pay them accordinge to the true intent and meaning of this my Will
And after my debtes and Legacies are paied the overplus to remayne Whollie to the use of my sonne and they to be accomptable unto him aswell for
all suche goodes as shall come to theire handes as also for the proffitts of his Landes if anie shall come to their handes
And as Concerninge the disposinge of all my Landes my Will and meaninge is, and I doe wth good
intent and purpose give and bequeath them to Nicholas Pigott my sonne and to his heires for ever
And I doe intreate and appointe my lovinge Freinds Henry Streatfeild and John Ashdowne to be
Overseers of this my Will and to bee ayders and helpers for the good of my sonne
And I doe give to my two brothers John and William Pigott and to William Birstye and to each of them three apeece of golde of two and twentie
shillings and to my two Overseers each of them eleven shillinges apeece and all such Charges as any of them shalbe at anie tyme be at about this
my Will
And I doe by this my Will renownnce all former Wills and pronownnce this as my last will
In Witness whereof to this my Will conteyninge three sheetes of paper I have (to the) previous sheete sette my mke & to the last have set my marke
and Seale being dated the daye and yeare first above written
[Not signed or marked]
Signed sealed delivered and acknowledged to be his Will in the presence of
William Birstye; John Ahsdowne; The marke of John Pigot
Probatum fuit: 18 Nov 1618 to Willm Birstye, John Piggot & Willm Piggott
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 10th November 2022
Will of Henry Pigott