Polhill 1554

Will of Edmund Polhill

of Detling, Kent

Transcribed by John Woodger
In the name of god Amen The second day of Aprill in the yere of our lorde god 1554 and in the fyrste yere of the raigne of our sov(r)ayn Lady quene Mary. I Edmond Polhill of Detlynge in the county of Kente yoman hole of mynde and in parfecte remembrance thankes be almighty god ordeayne and make this my present Testament and laste will in man(ner) folowinge Fyrste I bequeth my soule to almighty god and my body to the earth

Item I bequeth to the hye alter in the p(ar)yshe churche of Detlinge 3s4d
Item I will ther be bestowed at my out bearinge to prestes Clarkes and pore peopell 20d
Item I will ther be bestowed w(i)t(h)in one moneth after my decease to the power peopel w(i)t(h)in the p(ar)yshes of Detlyng Boxley Thornehame Stockbery 40d
Item I will ther be bestowed at my monethes day to prestes Clarkes and pore peopelle 40d
Item I will to the hinge of coppes for the p(ar)yshe churche of detlinge 66s8d
Item I will to the hinge of coppes for the p(ar)yshe churche of Stockbury 26s8d [in margin 40s and to pore people of the same parryshe of Stockburye 26s8d]
Item I will ther be bestowed in the amendinge of the heyway between hornash gate and peterden heth and the hye way between Detlinge churche and the gate at the nether ende of Mr mountfors felde called westfeld 7li13s4d
Item I bequeth to John Pery the sone of Roberte Pery of Chetham 20s
Item I bequeth to Elizabeth Burbage my daughters daughter now the wif of Will(ia)m Wodier 6li13s4d
Item I bequeth to Agnes Bowden my daughters daughters daughter 66s8d
Item I bequeth to Johan Burbage my daughters daughter 20li
Item I bequeth to Will(ia)m Polhill my brothers son(n)e 10li
I bequeth to Edmond Polhill son(n)e of the said Will(ia)m 26s8d
Item I bequeth to eny of my daughters Elizabeth Stonehouses Children that is to say Johan Robert Agnes and Ales to eny of them 10li to be payd to them at ther age of 18 yeres and yf it happen any of them to dye before they come to the age of 18 yeres and w(i)t(h)out marring then the parte of him or her so deceased shalbe equally divided by my execut amonge the other then lyvinge
Item I bequeth to Agnes Kemslety (?)now the wif of Thomas Thacher(?) 6li13s4d
Item I bequeth to eny of my god Children Lyvinge 12d
Item I bequeth to Stephen Burbage my daughters son(n)e my howses my Carte Carte harnis plowes harrowes and al other ymplementes to them belonginge

The Resideus of all my moveables goods my bequestes my debtes and funerall expences contented and paid I giv and bequeth holly to Alice my wif and I ordeayne and make Walter Howenden gentilman and Stephen Burbage aforsaid my executors of this my present testament and laste Will and I bequeth to eyther of the said Water {sic} and Stephen 40s
And I ordeayne and [make inserted] John Lenigar my ov(er)seer of of this my testament and laste Will and I bequeth to the said John Lenigar 13s4d

This is the Last Will of me the said Edmonde Polhill made the day and yere above written concerninge all my landes and ten(emen)tes set Lyinge and beinge in p(ar)yshes of Detlyng Thernham Bolxley (sic) hertlip Stockbury and Bredherste or ellse where in the County of kente

Fyrste I will that Ales my wif im(m)ediatly after my decease shall take have (and inserted) receave to her and her assignes dueringe all the terme of her lyf thissues and profittes of all my landes ten(emen)tes w(i)t(h) thappurtenances sett lying and beinge in the p(ar)yshes of detlynge Boxley Thornham hertlipe and bredherste And also I will to the said Ales my wif dueringe her lyf the issues and profittes of three (peces inserted) of my peces of lande lyinge at yelsted in the p(ar)yshe of stockbury now in the occupiinge of John Alen and also I will to the said Ales my wif dueringe her lyf the issues and profittes of my ten(emen)t and landes called hey hielde (?) lyinge and Beinge in the said p(ar)ysh of Stockbury the whiche ten(emen)t and landes now is in thoccupiinge of Thomas Crowley

And also my landes the whiche I purchased of Richard Tomlyn and after the decease of Ales my wif I will all my landes and ten(emen)tes w(i)t(h) the appurtenances in Detlynge Boxley Bredherst Thornham and hertlip excepte my landes at Cropulhill the which I bought of Ric(har)d Polhill shall remayn to Stephen Burbage my daughters son(n)e to him his heyres and assignes eid (?) painge to his mother yerly duering her lyf 66s8d provided alwais and my will is that yf Edmond Burbage my my (sic) godson the son(n)e of the said Stephen Burbage lyve unto the said Edmond come to the age of 21 yeres Then I will that the saide Edmond shalhave my ten(emen)t and landes Lyinge and beinge in Polhill strete and a p(ar)cell whiche I purchased of Clement Collet called orgalt (?) lying in the p(ar)yshes of of Detlinge and Bredherste to be had to the said Edmonde and his heyres forev(er) And yf it happen the said Edmond to decease before (he come inserted) to the age of 21 yeres and want issue of his body of his body lawfully begotten then I will the said ten(emen)t and landes to the said Edmond assigned shall remayne agayne to the said Stephen and his heyres for ev(er)

Item I will to Elizabeth my daughter im(m)ediately after my decease my ten(emen)t and lands w(i)t(h) thappurtenances the w(hic)h I purchased of William Smith accordinge to the graunte made at the tyme of her marriage
Item I will to the said Eliz and to the heyres of her body lawfully begotten after my wifes decease my ten(emen)t with landes to the same belonginge the w(hi)ch I last puchased of Richard Tomlyn And also I will to the said Elizabeth and to the heyres of her body lawfully begotten after my wiffes decease my te(emen)t and landes called yetes the whiche I late purchased of Richard Boote And also to the said Elizabeth and to the heyres of her body Lawfully begotten after my wifes decease1 acre of woodland called markbeeche Item I will to the said Elizabeth to the heyres of her body lawfully begotten after my wifes decease 3 peces of land lying at yelsted

Item I will to Alis Burbage my daughetr and to her heyres for ev(er) my annuitey or annual rent (of inserted) 53s 4d the whiche I have out of of certayn landes of Thomas Benet. But yf the said Tho(ma)s Benet his heyers or assignes will content and pay or cause to be contented and pyde payde to the said Alis or (to inserted) her assignes on this side the feast of saynt mighell the which shalbe in the yere of our lorde god 1560(?) 40li of lawful money of England that then and from thens forth the said annuitey or annual rente shall remayne to the said Thomas Benet his heyres and assigns for ev(er) Item I will my landes at Cropulhill the whiche I bough(t) of Richard Polhill and his heyers upon the condition that yf the said will(ia)m and his heyers do pay or cause to be paid yerely for and to the churche wardens of Detlyng for the tyme beinge 10s and the said church wardens to bestowe yerly in the said church of Detlynge to prestes clarke and poore peopel w(ithi)n the said p(ar)yshe dwellinge
Witnes of this will and testament John Lenegar Thomas Benet other

Probati fuit superscriptum test(amentu)m coram mag(ist)ro Festo Collins Civitatie et dioc Cant Com(m)issario geisa 21st die mensis maii anno d(o)m(ini) millimo Quingenti 54?

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Will of Edmund Polhill
Created by Maureen Rawson