Porrage Will 1548/9

Will of Thomas Porrage

of Boughton-under-Blean, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 32/22/3
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen The seconde daye of January in the yere of or Lorde God in v8? xlviijti [1548/9] and in the seconde yere of the Raigne of o[u]r Soveraigne Lorde Kinge Edwarde the vjth
I Thomas Porrage of Brendeley in the p[ar]yshe of Boughton under the Bleane in the countye of Kente, yeoman, beinge somewhat deceased wt sycknes and yet in p[er]fyt and good memorye (Lawded bee God) make this my p[re]sente Testamente and Laste wyll in maner and forme folowynge
Fyrste I bequethe my soule to Almygytie God my maker and Creator beinge thre p[er]sones and one God, trustynge and havynge pfyt fayth to be saved onely by the passyon of hys sonne Jhu crist whych suffred for me and all mankynd Desyrynge also or Ladye Mother unto or Savyor Jhu Cryst and the hoale company of hevyn to pray for me and wt me to the hollye Trynytye for mercye for my offences and synnes And my bodye to be buryed in the churcheyarde of Boughton aforesaide

Also I wyll that Johan Porrage my lovynge wyfe and John Porrage my sonne shall have all my movable goods, Cattall, Juelles, Plate, Implements of householde and all man[ne]r of householde stufe and other my moveable and Immoveable goods to be hadd to them and their assygnes immediatlye after my Decease for the p[er]formance of this my prsente Testamente and Laste wyll and to paye all my detts and bequethes and to se(e) me honestlye buryed in Boughton aforesaide and that pformed and fulfylled
Then I wyll geve and bequethe all the Resydue of my saide movable goods and Cattell, Juells, plate and all the prmisses that shall remaine and not bequethed and bestowed beynge p[ar]t or p[ar]cell of my goods movable and Imovable holye to the saide Johan my wyf and John Porrage my sonne equallye to be devyded betwene theym to be had to theym and their assygnes

Excepte and forpresyd out of all my moveable and Imovable goods all the householde stuffe and all other movables and Implementes beinge wtin my house wich I wyll gyve and graunte that Johane my wyfe shall have to her and her assygnis Excepte onelye out of the sayde movable good(s) beynge wtin my house one fetherbedd, bolster, sheet, coverlett and all thynge therto complete wich I gyve and bequethe to the said John
And the Reydue of my householde stuffe and movables wtin my house to be gyven and delyvered to hym by the dyscrecyon of Johan my wyf at her will and plesure And I do seyre her to be (a) good mother to hym

and where ther(e) remaynethe to my Cosyn John Porrage hands of Rodm[e]rsham threscore pounds of Laufull monay to be payed to me, my Executors and assygnes at a certayn daye as more playnilye apperythe by wryttynge thereof or else I to have to me and my heyers for ev[e]r one Annuytye of fower pounds sterlyng I wyll, geve and bequethe the sayde threscore pounds so to be paide by my Cosen John to Rychard Porrage, Willm Porrage and Stephen Porrage iij of my sonnes equallye to be devyded betwene them, That is to saye,
twentye pounds thereof I wyll and bequethe to the saide Rychard his Executors and assygnes and to the said Richard to be paied as sone as yt shall be contentyd and paied hyme by my saide Cosyn John at hys day of paymente
And the xlty [40] Resydue of the said threscore to be devyded betwene the said Willm and Stephyn at their ages of xxti and in the meane season untyll they or either of them come to their ages aforesaide I wyll the foresaide xlty Remayne in Johan my wyves hands safelye to be kept to their uses and at their saide Ages to be payde to them
and yf it happen the saide Willm and Stephyn or wither of them to decease before they or any of them com(e) to theforesaide ages of xx yeres Then I wyll theire pte or hys pt so decessynge to be devyded and gyven equallye to Robart Porrage, Rycharde Porrage and John Porrage to be had to them theire (heirs) and Assygnis and to Stephyn and Willm wich of them two happen to survyve equallye to be devyded

And also when I have one other Annuytye out of Robart Maxsted Lands for xxxij pounds to be paide by the saide Robart at a certayne day as more playnlye apperythe by writtyngs therof I wyll gyve and bequethe the saide xxxij pounds to John my sonne and hys assygnes as sone as yt is due and to be paide And I will also that he shall have and Receyve to hys use the saide Annuytye graunted to me by writtynge untyll the saide xxxij pounds be fullye payd and contentyd to hym

And where also I have one other Annytye out of John Helers Lands of Harnehyll [Hernhill] for the somme of xli [£10] to be paide by the saide John Helers at a certayne day as more at large apperythe by wryttyng therof I wyll give and bequethe the said xli to Robert my sonne and hys assygnis assone as yt it paide by the saide John Helar And I wyll also he shall receyve and have to hys use the said Anuytye graunted to me by wryttynge untyll the said xli be fully contentyd and payed to hym

Also I wyll gyve and bequethe to Alyce Potten my Daughter xls of Laufull monay to be paid by Johan my wyf Imediatlye af[te]r my Decease out of my movable goods to her gyven
Also I gyve and release to Thomas Rayner of Leneham [Lenham] xls wich he borowed of me wich xls I geve and bequithe to hym by this my Laste wyll

The Resydue of all my goods, Cattells, Juells, plate, household stuffe and other movable and Imovable goods before not bequethed and apoynted and gyven I will gyve and bequethe to Johan my wyf and John Porrage my sonne, excepte onelye my household stuffe wich I wyll he shall have that pt at hys mothers dyscrecyon as of before rehersed
wich Johan and John I make constytute and ordeyne to be my Executors of this my prsent Testamente and Laste wyll

Thys ys the Laste will of me the forsaid Thomas Porrage made the daye and yere abovesaid touchynge the Dispocion [disposition] of all my Lands tent [tenements] and other heiredytament [hereditaments] lyinge and beinge in the pysshes of Boughton aforsaid, Fev[e]rsham and Haranhyll [Hernhill] or eles wher wtin the countye of Kente

Fyrste I will gyve and bequethe to Robart Porrage my sonne my messuage and dwellynge house at Fayrbroke wherein he nowe dwellythe and all the Lands medowes and pastures wt their apprtenncs [appurtenances] to the said mesuage belongynge and also iij acres of medowe lyinge at fourdsborne nowe in my owne occupynge belongynge to the said house to be had to the said Robert and hys heyers and assygnes for evr

And I wyll gyve and bequeithe to Rychard Porrage my sonn my mesuage or ten'te that I boughte of John Cosyn and all the land therto belongyng wt th'apprtenncs mesuage and Land the said Robert his brother now also occupyithe to be had to the said Rychard hys heyers and assygnes for evr
Excepte out of the said Lands boughte of Cosyn one bushe gardens called Sonderese? wych bushe garden or pece of Land I will gyve and bequethe to the saide Robert hys heyers and assygnes forevr

Also I will gyve and bequethe to the said Rychard my son ij acres and halfe that I boughte of John Colwell and James Furkins? lying together in Chestefeld to be had to the said Rychard his heyers and assygnes forevr
Also I will gyve and bequithe to John Porrage my sonne my mesuage or tente in Harnehyll wtall the Lands Tente and other heredytaments wt thapprtenncs therto belongynge at the northe syde of the Lane at fourdysborne nowe in Roberts occupyinge to be had to the saide John his heyers and assygnes forevr

Also I wyll gyve and bequethe to Willm Porrage my sonne one mesuage or tente lyinge also in Harnehyll aforesaid at broke strete wtall the lands therto belongynge wt ther apprtenncs nowe in Stephyn Parkins occupyinge to be had to the said Willm his heyers and assygnes for evr at hys full age of xxte yeres And I wyll that Johan my wyfe shall yerelye receyve and take Upp the yssues and p[ro]fett therof untyll the saide Willm come to hys said age of xxte yeres to fynde hym toward hys lernynge

Also I wyll and bequethe to Johan my wyf my ij mesuages or tents lyinge at South street in Boughton aforesaid and Fevrsham and all the Lands to the saide ij mesuags belongyng wt thapprtenncs to be had to the saide Johan and her assygnes durynge her naturall lyfe
and after her decease I wyll gyve and bequethe the said ij mesuags or tents and all the Lands to them belongyng wt their apprtenncs to Stephyn Porrage my sonne to be had to the said Stephyn and hys heyers for evr

And where also I have boughte of late certain meadowes lyinge in Graveney, Harnehyll and Boughton of Mr. Stephyn Ellys I wyll gyve and bequethe ij medowes therof called latten gate meads to Robert Porrage my sonne to be had to the (said) Robert hys heyers and assygnes for evr and he to p[er]forme and fullfyll hys Exchannge betwene Thomas Hawkyns and me as the lernyd Counncell shall devyse for bothe their assurannce
And all the Resydue of my pt of the said meadowes bought of Mr. Ellys I wyll gyve and bequethe to John Porrage my sonne to be had to hym his heyers and assygnes for evr

And yf yt happen my sonne Stephyn to dye before he come to his full age of xxte yeres then I will gyve and bequethe the sayde ij mesuages or tents at Southe streate aforesayde wt all thapprtenncs in Boughton and Fevrsham to John Porrage my sonne to be had to the saide John his heyers and assygnes for evr after Johan my wyf decease and she to have yt duryinge her lyfe

and not wthstandynge my former? gyfte graunte or bequethe of any of my Lands or tents. before to Roberte and John my sonnes wylled gyven or bequethed
I will and bequethe to Johan my wyfe one Annuytye or annuall rent of xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] yerelye goinge out of all my Lands meadowes and pastures in farebroke nowe in Robert my sonns occupyinge and to hym as is before gyven and bequethed to be had to the sayde Johan my wyfe and her assygnes duryinge her naturall lyfe at the feaste of Sainte Mychaell tharchanngell and the Annunciacon of o[u]r Ladye yerelye by even porcions to be payde
And yf yt happen the saide yerelye Annuytye or annuall rent of xiijs iiijd at any tyme to be behynde unpayd in pt or in all by the space of one monethe then I wyll yt shalbe lafull to the saide Johan my wyfe and her assygnes durynge her naturall lyfe to enter and dystryne [distrain] and the distress so taken to lead, bere and carye awaye untyll the saide Annuytye or annuall rente so beinge beynd unpaide to her be fullye contentyd and paid

Also I wyll and bequethe to the saide Johan my wyfe one Annuytye or annuall rent of vjs viijd [6s 8d] yerelye goynge out of my mesuage and Lands and tents. lyinge in Harnehyll before bequethed and gyven to John my sonne and hys heyers by this Laste will nowe in Sam Bovyars occupeynge to be had to the saide Johan my wyfe and her assynges durynge her naturall lyfe at the feasts of the Annunciacon of our Ladye and Sainte Mychaell tharchanngell by even porcions to be paide
And yf yt happen the said Annuytye of vjs viijd to be behynd in pt or in all at any feasts aforesaide by the space of one monethe then yt shalbe lafull for her and her assygnes to enter and dystrene in all the foresaid Lands before gyven to John Porrage my sonne durynge her naturall lyfe and to beare, leade and carye away untyll she be payde therof so beinge behynd

Witnes hereof Cyryacke Pettytt and Jhon Tenearie

Probatum fuit: 2nd March 1548/49

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 1st October 2023

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Will of Thomas Porrage
Created by Maureen Rawson