Porredge Will 1600/1

Will of Richard Porredge

of Sandwich, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 16/117 P/3 or PRC 17/52/112b
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
The first daie of August 1597 In the name of God Amen I Richard Porredge of the towne & porte of Sandwch being hole of body & mynde praysed be God doe make and ordeine this my last wyll and testa[men]t in manner & forme followinge
First I bequeath my soule into the handes of allmightye God my heavinly father hoping assuredly to be dd [delivered?] from all my sinnes through the death & passion of Jesus Christ my alone Saviour & Redeemer & by noe other meanes whatsoever & my my (sic) body to be buryed wheare it shall please my executrix Now as concerning my worldly goodes w[hi]ch God hath lent me I bequeath as followeth

First I doe make ordeine Anne my wyfe to be my executrix and I geve unto her my house in Sandwch wch I did dwell in and all my household stuffe and Implements belonginge to the same to use so longe as she shall lyve
and after her death I give this my house & all the householde stuffe before wylled to my wife to my two sonnes Gabrielle Porridge & Josua Porridge equally to be devided betweene them & theire heires for ever saving yt I shall geve to others as heereafter shall follow

First I geve to Joane Jacobb my daughter a fetherbed, a bolster, a blanckett, a tapistry coverlett, a p[ai]r of sheetes, half a dozen of pewter (yt [that] is to say) ij platters, ij dishes, ij sawcers, a pr of pewter candlestickes, a white cupp of silver and half a dozen of silver spoones

Also I geve to Judeth Porridge my sonne John Porredge’s daughter a fetherbed, a bolster, a pr of sheetes & other houshold stuffe such as my wyfe shall bestowe upon her and I wyll that she shall have yt at the daye of her marriage
Also I geve to Robert Porredge my brother Stephen Porredge’s sonne my best clocke and forty shillings of monie to be p[ai]d him by my Executrix wthin a yeare after my death

Also I give to Gabriell my sonne a salte of silver & gilt & halfe a dozen of sylver spoones
and to my sonne Josua cupp of Silver & gylt

all the rest of my goodes unbequeathed as monie debts owinge me, wheate or mault or sheepe I geve to Anne my wyfe to pay my debts wthall whome I have made my executrix of this my last wyll

Witnes of this to be my wyll my one [own] hand & seale Richard Porredge

Probatum fuit: 12th March 1600/1

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 9th August 2021

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Will of Richard Porredge
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