Item my will and meaning is that six poore men of the same parishe shall carry my body to the said churchyard there to be buried and I give unto every one of them twelve pence for his paynes to be payd the day of my buriall by my executor here after named.
Item I will and bequeth two tenements and fower acres of land be they more or lesse lying and being in Coopers Street in the parishe
of Ashe aforesaid unto my sonne James and to his heires for ever.
Also my lease which I tooke of Mr Thomas Mears of Sandwich I give unto my said sonne James.
Item I give unto my sonne James my Bedstead and two bedds which I lye upon with the sheets, blanketts, pillowes, pillow cotes, and
coverlett and all other the furniture belonging unto the said Bedstead and Bedds and also two payer of sheetes more one payer of the
best sort and an other payer of the second sort, one downe pillow and pillowcote besides the two pillowes that belong to my beddes and
bedstead aforesaid.
All so I give unto my sonne James my malt quearne and one chest which he bought and I now have the use of and one coffer in the said
chest and all the writings muniments and scripts which are in the said chest or cofer.
Moreover, I will and bequeth that yf my sonne James shall pay or cause to be payd unto my daster Jane now the wife of Richard
Sanders or to her assignes the somme of twentie nobles of currant mony of England within one halfe yeare after my death that then
and from thence fourth in consideration therof he shall have and enioy all my sheepe and cowes to his owne proper use:
But yf he refuse to pay the same or fayle in the payment thereof within the tyme appoynted Then my will and meaning is that my said
daster Jane shall have all the sheepe and cowes aforesaid.
Item I give unto my sonne James all my ready mony and all such detts (yf any be) as shall be owing unto me at the tyme of my death or immediatly before or at any thme after.
Item I give and bequeth two Messuages or Tenements, one orchard, one Barne and yard, and halfe an acre of land be it more or lesse
lying and being in Estreet in the parishe of Ashe aforesaid and latly purchased of Mr Thomas Menes of Sandwich unto my said dafter
Jane for and during her life
and after her death unto her sonne John and to his heires for ever.
Item I give unto Bridget Outridg my sevant tenne shillinges to be payd unto her within one halfe yeare after my death.
All the residue of my goods and chattells which are not before given or disposed of (my detts yf any be, being payd) I give unto my
dafter Jane to be delivered unto her within one month next after my death.
Item my will and meaning is that my sonne James, and my dafter Jane shall equally betweene them beare the chardg of my funerall
expences which I will also shall not be to excessive but according to the ordenary course and fation of men of my degree:
But my meaning is that James my sonne shall pay the six shillings legacye out of his part.
And I make the said James my sonne sole executor of this my last will and Testament:
And Mr Thomas Menes my landlord the Overseer and Supervisor of the same.
And doe hereby revoke and adnull all former wills and Testaments.
In witness whereof I have hereunto subscibed my marke and sett my seale unto this my last will and Testament the day and yeare first
above written in the presents of (these words being interlyned (his. to.) and the words (Ashe church. their. and pillowcotes) being
blotted out)
the marke of James Pout the elder
Sealed and published in the presents of
William Plomford - Thomas Memes
Probate granted 6 Jan 1625/1626
Will of James Pout