Proud Will 1603

Will of James Prowde

of Stodmarsh, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/53/19b
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen the sixte daye of December in the three and fortithe yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye Queene Elizabethe and in the yeare of owr Lord God 1600
I James Prowd of Stodmershe in the cowntie of Kente, Husbandman, beeing hole in bodye and in good and perfecte rememburaunce doe ordaine and make this my pr[e]sent testament and last will in manner and forme hereafter followinge, That is to saye
First I comende my soule to Allmightie God my Creator and Redeemer, trusting to bee saved by the gloryous deathe, resurrection and assention of Jesus Christ the onely begotten sonne of God, my Redeemer and mye bodye to bee buryed in the churchyarde of Wickhambrewx in the Countye of Kent,

Item I give to the poore people of Wickhambrewx aforesayde the some of tenne shillings to bee distrybuted by my Executors hereafter named within one monthe after my decease, where they shall thincke most neede
Item I give to the poore people of the parrishe of Stodmershe aforesayde a iijs iiijd to bee distrybuted by my Executors as aforesayde
Item I gyve to the reparacons of the p[ar]ishe Churche of Wickhambreaux aforesayde a iijs iiijd

Item I give and beequeath to Ellyn my wyfe my fetherbedd whereupon shee useth to lye with the bedstedle, coverlett, blancketts and two paire of sheete thereunto
Item I give to my sayde wyfe more tenn powndes of lawfull moneye to bee paide by my Executors in forme following, that ys to saye, fyve shillinges every quarter of a yeare, yearlye untill the sayde some of tewnne powndes shalbee fullye payde yf my saide wyfe shall soe long lyve, and yf shee dye before the sayde some of tenne powndes shalbe fully payde according to the rate and tymes aforesayde, then the sayde payments shall sease and determyn

Item I give to my dawghter Bennet, wyfe of Thomas Swynforde, fortie shillings of Lawfull money to bee payde by my Executors within one halfe yeare next after my decease
Item I gyve to everye of the Children of my sayde Dawghter one Ewe sheepe to bee payde and delyvered att Mychelmas after my decease
Item I give to Anne my dawghter, wyfe of Ingram Jancocke three powndes of lawfull money to bee payde by my Executors within one yeare after my decease

Item I beequeath to Thomas Prowd my sonne my wagon, carrts and harnesses to them whiche hee now hathe in possession with theire furnyture And alsoe I give him my sayde sonne all suche corne and graine as I have att dyvers tymes lent unto him

All the Residue of my goodes, Cattells, howsholde stuffe, plate and Jewells whatsoever they bee, I doe give and beequeathe to my two sonnes Thomas Prowd and John Prowd equally to bee devyded beetweene them (my debts and legacies first beeing payde) which sayde Thoams Prowd and John Prowde I doe make & ordayne my Executors of this my last will and testament

These beeing witnesses hereunto:
Henry Prowde; Stephen Ovenden Cowper and Robert Prowde; Edmonde Hope and John Alcock; Taylor Ovendens marke; Hope his marke; John Alcockes marke;
James Prowd his marke

Probatum fuit: 17th September 1603

James Proude, Yeoman was buried at St. Andrew, Wickhambreaux, Kent on 1 Sep 1603.
James Proude married Alyce Swinfurche 26 Jun 1580 at Wickhambreaux.
Alyce Proude, wife of James, was buried at Wickhambreaux on 14 Mar 1591/92.
James Proude married 23 Oct 1592 to Ellin Cooke at Wickhambreaux.
James' known children: Bennet Prowde, 7 Aug 1564 at St. Nicholas, Ash-next-Sandwich; John Proude 2 Jan 1568/69 at St. Mary Breadman, Canterbury; Anne 2 Apr 1569; Ellyn 22 Feb 1572/73; Thomas 21 Nov 1574 – all at Wickhambreaux;
Daughter Bennet Prowde married Thomas Swinfurcthe [Swinford] 23 Jan 1586/87 at Wickhambreaux.
Daughter Anne (Agnes) Proude married Ingram Jancocke 27 May 1597 at Wickhambreaux.

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 2nd October 2023

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Will of James Prowde
Created by Maureen Rawson