Item I gyve unto Katherin Wattes my daughter 20 s, and my two gownes, and a pair of shetes, my best red petycote, two duble rayles, 2 single rayles, my kerchers, 2 for holly days, and 2 for workinge dayes, and 2 smockes, and a smale ketle, and a cubborde,
Item I gyve to Amye Danyell three shillinges fower pence
Item I gyve to Agnes Danyell 12 d
Item I gyve unto Frances Pye, Marye Borage, Johan Borage, Mary Pruttinge and Marye Broke my goddaughters
to eche of them a pewtter platter.
Item I gyve to Robert Broke 12 d
Item I gyve to Symon Brokes wyfe a pewter dyshe
Item I gyve to the wyfe of John Lawe 2 red pettycotes and a russet pettycote
Item I gyve to Frances Pye, Matthewe Pye, Lawrence Pye, and Agnes Pye children of Geffrye Pye to eche of them Syxe shillinges to be delivered unto them when they shall come to the age of 16ten yeers And if it channce anye of them to dye before they come to the saide age Then I will eche of them to be others heire
Item I gyve to John Wattes, Thomas Wattes and William Wattes sonnes of Nicholas Wattes syxe shillinges apece to be delivered to them when they shall come to the age ot 16ten yeers, and eche of them to be others heirs as aforesaide
Item I gyve to the children of Thomas Borage to eche of them syxe shillinges to be delivered to them when they shall come to the age of 16ten yeers, and yf yt fortune any of them to dye before they come to the sayde age then I will eche of them to be others heire
Item I gyve to Rycharde Wyttonton syxe shillinges to be deliverred to him by and bye after my deathe
Item I will that John Danyell shall have put him to charges in comminge and goinge to my chamber
Item I gyve unto Geffrye Pye fower pounds thirtenne shillinges fower pence
Item The rest of all my goodes unbequethed and all thinges discharged that ys to be dyscharged I gyve unto
Thomas Pye whome I doo make my full executor of thys my last will and testamente,
Wittnesses heroof Charles Carlycke vycar of Duddington, Nycholas Wattes and John Dannyell
with other Detts owinge unto me,
Imprimus Geffrye Pye owethe unto m 9 L 15 s
Item Thomas Borage owethe unto me 3 L
Item I lent him 40 s at another tyme whereof I will that he paye to myne executor 20 s of the sayde 40 s
Item William Harryson owethe me 2 s 4 p
Item John Danyell 10 s.
Probate granted 8th February 1562 Witness Charles Carlycke and John Danyell
Original will identical and not signed
Will of Johan Pye