Ramsden Will 1594

Will of George Ramsden

of Biddenden, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, PRC16/104 R/6
Submitted by Mary Connaughton
George Ramsden of Biddenden, will dated 29 Sep 1591
My body to buryed where yt shall please god
40s to the poore mens boxe of the parishe of Byddenden

There follows an inventory of goods, including :
One joyned presse nowe standinge in the gallerye of the principall howse which of late I gave unto Stephen Ramsden my sonne, scytuate in Byddenden and wherein John Taylor nowe dwelleth, with locke and keye
One wrytinge or small table nowe standinge in that rome which is calles the countinge howse, one great table with twoe stumpes and one great fourme standynge in the hall of that howse
One table, one payre of tressells and one fowarme nowe standinge in the rome or part of that howse called the Cullinge shoppe
One copper, one ----, one boylinge Tonne, twoe grittes, one crane, three scraves (?), one Ashestone, one pynnen of Yron (to breake Ashe with ---) nowe standinge or beinge in one rome or howse parcell of that pryncipall howse called the dye howse

All these things to remain in the house�
Provided alwayes that yf Percis Ramsden, my said sonnes Stephen Ramsdens dowghter or her gardener (guardian) whosoever doe putt owte the foresaide John Taylor now Fermer of that howse before the saide Percis shall accomplyshe the age of 16 yeares (the said John payinge the lyke rent as nowe he dothe for the same, and usinge the saide howse and howseholdestuffe frugallye and without voluntarye spoyle or hurte, and repayringe and amendinge all suche decayes in the same howse and goodes as by his meanes shall happen) Then I will and gyve all the particular goodes (before mencioned to be used with the saide howse as ys aforesaide) unto Thomas Haule my sonne in Lawe and his heires for ever

I give unto the saide Percis my Silver Cuppe to be delyvered unto her att her daye of mariadge or at her age of 18 yeares. And yf the said Percis dye before she accomplishe her age or daye of mariage aforesaid, then I will and gyve the saide Silver Cuppe unto the children of Thomas Haule, my daughters children

To daughter Margarett, the wife of Thomas Haule ...various objects � silver, pewter etc�
After the death of daughter Margaret, these legacies to go to her children Joane Haule, Mathewe Haule & Micheuh (?) Haule
�10 to Joane Haule, my daughters daughter, at day of mariage or 18 yeares
To Margarett Haule, my daughters daughter, twoe of my Iron broaches, one myddell dryppinge panne and one syde dryppinge panne and one great joyned chest now standinge in the house where I now dwell

I give unto the Children of my Wife that nowe is, viz. John Moyse, Symon Moyse, Elizabeth Moyse and Margarett Moyse 30 shillinges of good money, that is to saye to the saide daughters eyther of them 10s and to the said twoe sonnes to eyther of them 5s
I give unto John Ramsden, my brothers sonne 40s
I give unto Stephen Ramsden and Margarett Ramsden, my brothers children, �5 - �3 to Stephen at the age of 21 and 40s to Margarett at the age of 20 or daye of mariadge

I give unto the said John Ramsden and Stephen Ramsden, my brothers sonnes and Margarett and Alice, my brothers daughters, one Bill of Dett conteyninge in some �37 which I have of Josias Hooper which maried with the saide Alice, to be paide unto the said John, Margarett & Alice Ramsden within sixe yeares next after my decease and equallie to be devided betwene them

I give unto Marye Pope my sisters daughter, one flockebedde � etc, and 10s
I give unto Magarett Ramsden my wife all such howshold stuffe and moveables goods as I shall have at the day of my decease, and also all my lyve and quicke cattell and all my corne both without doors and within, all my butter, cheese & bacon and all such fewell & wood fytt for fyre as shall be abowte my dwellinge howse� Other bequests include bedding, furniture, silver, cutlery� and �10

Provided alwayes and my will is that yf Stephen Eggleden of Byddenden aforesaid do not make a sufficient and Lawfull release and discharge unto myne Executor, his executor or administrators being hereunto lawfullye required and demanded by my saide Executor� within two moneths next after my decease And before suche tyme as my saide wife shall have or take by delyverye or otherwise anye of the Legacies before unto her gyven by this my will, of, for and concerning one obligacion the which I the saide George Ramsden stande bownde to the saide Stephen Egglesden for the payment of �40 unto the said Margarett my wife after my decease as by the same obligacon more playnlye appeareth. That then my will is that all my gyftes and Legacies to her the said Margarett my Wife in this my presente last will given and bequeathed shalbe utterlye void and of none effect.

I bequethe unto Mathewe and Micheuh Haule, my dawghters sonnes twoe other of my silver spoones to eyther of them one
I gyve 10s to be bestowed upon the highe wayes within the parishe of Byddenden within sixe months after my decease by the discrecons of my sonne Thomas Haule and Margarett my Wife
Further bequests to Wife Margarett�
I gyve unto Joane Haule, my dawghters dawghter one newe joyned chest standing in my nowe Bedchamber
I gyve unto Elizabeth and Margarett Moyse, my wiefes dawghters to eyther of them a cheste such as I nowe have and not before bequeathed
I make and ordeigne Thomas Haule my sonne in Lawe the sole and whole Executor

Touchinge and concerning my lands�
The Howse wherein I nowe dwell to Margaret my Wife duringe so long a tyme she shall remaine a widdowe and unmaryed, and shall yearley paye 40s to my Executor, his Executors and assignes
Should she marry, then I give unto her �3 by the yeare for the terme of her naturall life
Att which the said howse and landes in Biddenden I will and devise to Margarett Haule, my daughter to be and remayne to her and her heires for ever

(Signed) George Ramsden
Witnesses: Henry Haule of Wie, John Lassocke, Thomas Coke, George Pattenden (script)

Probate 29 May 1594

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Will of George Ramsden
Created by Maureen Rawson