Item I geve to the poore mens boxe of Wormshill 5s
Item I gyve to my Syxe doughters, that is to saye to Barbara, Mary, Elyzabeth, Jeane, An
and Alys to everye of them Ten poundes of Lawfull money of England to be payd by myne
Executryxe at the dayes of their mariage or at the age of 21 yeres whiche shall first happen
Provided that yf any of my said daughters happen to dye before they shall come to the said age of 21 yeres or before they daye of hur or their mariage, Then I wyll that the one halfe of hur or theyr parte so deceased shalbe equaly devided betwene suche of my said daughters as shalbe then lyvynge/ Also I wyll that the other halfe of hur or their parte so deceassed shall Remayne in the handes of myne executrix
The rest of all my moveable Goodes unbequethed I geve unto An my wyffe whome I make and ordayne myne executryxe of this my present Testament and Last wyll
This is the Laste wyl of me the foresaid Thomas Reader made the day and yere above wrytten Concernynge my Landes and Tenementes lyinge in Wormshill afforesaid
Item I wyll that my wyffe shall take the proffyt of all my Landes and Tenementes untyll my Sonne com to the Age of 24 yeres payinge the Lords Rent and keepinge the Reparations/ And neyther to stripp nor waste
Item I Gyve all that my Tenement and Landes wyth all and synguler the appurtenances to
Robart Reader my Sonne when he cometh to the Age of 24 yeres To hym and to his Eires for ever
Provided that Robart Reader my Sonne shall paye out of Landes and Tenements to
An my wyffe Fortie shylyinges by the yere durynge the naturall Lyffe of the said An halfe yerely to be payd
Also I wyll that An my wyffe shall have the Parlor at the South ende of my howse and fyer
Rome in the hale wyth free comynge and goynge durynge the naturall Lyffe of the said An
Also I will that An my wiffe shall Fell and take sufficient wood for hur fuell so longe as she shall dwell in my howse
No witnesses�
Probate 30 Sep 1585 : Robert Reader, Clerk & Ralph S---? sworn�
Will of Thomas Reader