Reader Will 1589

Will of William Reader

of Wormshill, Kent

Source : Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, PRC16/93 R/3
Submitted by Mary Connaughton
In dei nomine Amen the 11th daie of december Anno domini 1588 And in the 31th yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladie Quene Elizabeth &c
I William Reader of the parishe of Wormshill in the Countie of Kent, Tailor, beinge sicke in bodie but parfit in remembrannce thankes be to god do ordeigne & make this my last will & testament in manner & fourme followinge
First I give & commende my soule to almightie god & my bodie to be buried in cristian burial at the discreation of Priscilla my wife

Item I will and give to the poore people of Wormshill aforesaide 13s 4d
Item I give & bequeith to my sister Elizabeth Waggyn widowe the some of 20s to be paied within one moneth after my decease

Also my will & meaning is that my brother Stephen Reader shall have freelie the wheate in my barne the which he did sowe with me being the Moitie or half parte, And also to have quietlie & peaceablie two parcelles of fallowe to sowe such corne as the said Stephen shall thinke convenient & he to have the Moitie of the Corne this next harvest

Item I will that my said wife shall contente & paie to the wife of John Woode of Wormshill abovesaid the somme of 31s of Lawfull englishe monye

All the rest & residue of my moveable goodes Corne & Cattell whatsoever not give nor bequeithed my debtes & legacies paied & dischardged I do give & bequeith to Priscilla my said wife whome I do make & ordeigne sole Executrice of this my last will & testament

As concerning my howse or Tenement with one orcharde togithers with all my earable & woodlande scituat & being in Wormeshil abovesaid or ells where conteyning by estimacion 14 akars more or lesse with thappurtenances my will & meaning is that if Priscilla my said wife be with childe I do will give & bequeith all my said Tenement & Landes whatsoever to the same childe in fee simple for ever & she to have the tuycion governence & bringing upp of the same childe untill it come to 21 yeares of Age

Provided alwaies that if my said wife Priscilla be not with childe Then I do will give & bequeith Two partes of my said Tenement & Landes with thappurtenances to my brothers Stephen Reader & John Reader to them & their heires in fee simple for ever.

And the thirde part of my said Tenement & Landes with thappurtenances I do will & give to my Brother Mr Robert Reader clerk to him & his heires for ever. Upon condicion that he the said Mr Robert Reader do contente & paie unto my said Executrice all such somme & sommes of mony which he oweth unto me the said William Reader the said Testator & also do dischardge my said Executrice of eny bonde or writing which I am bounde for him to eny person whatsoever
Otherwise & to the contrarie my will & meaning is that the same thirde parte of & in the premisses aforesaid shalbe & remaine to the onelie use & behoofe of the said Stephen & John Reader & their heires for ever

Also I will & give to Robert Reader the sonne of Thomas Reader deceased 20s which said somme & the 13s 4d given to the poore people shalbe paied out of my landes

Finally my will & meaning is that if my said wife be not with childe Then I do will & give unto hir Fortie shillinges of Lawfull englishe monye during the terme of hir naturall lief at foure tearmes or Feastes in the yeare to be paied by even portions out of my landes aforesaid.

Wytnesses at the ratifying & allowing of this my last will & testament
Raphe Brockhull, clerk
Thomas Thetcher
Christopher Poore
Hughe Willson
John Pancas

Probate 2 May 1589 to Priscilla Reader, widow & relict of the deceased
Probate 13 Aug 1589 before Chrystopher Webbe, Rector of Tunstall & Stephen Lakes doctor of law� Hugh Wilson & John Pancas sworn in � Simon Tonge of Tunstall�? (wife Priscilla renounced?)

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Will of William Reader
Created by Maureen Rawson