Item I gyve & bequeath unto Martha my Wyffe & to Thomas Reader my eldest sonne all my landes & tenements lyenge in Bredgar, Stockburye, Wormesyll & Mylsted in the Countye of Kent untyll suche tyme as my sonne John shall accomplysshe the Age of one & twentye yeres
Item I gyve & bequeth unto my fower daughters Jane, Elizabeth, Anne & Frydeswyth threescore poundes a peece to be payed unto them when they shall come to the Age of eyghtene yeres & yf any of my said daughters do fortune do dye before they shalbe due to the Age of eyghtene yeres then the other three daughters to have her porcon equallye to be devyded betwene them
Item I gyve & bequeth unto the Chyld that my Wyffe is nowe greate wyth --- yf ytt be a Sone fyve poundes a yere issuenge out of my land called Pett lyenge in Stockburye & Bredgar aforesaid & if it be a mayde then I wyll her threscore pounds in monye to be payed att the age of eyghteene years the same fyve poundes a yeare or the sayd threscore poundes in money to be payed by my sone Thomas Reader
Item I gyve & bequeth unto my sone John Reader my landes lyenge in Mylsted & Wormeshyll to him & his heyres for ever he payenge my Wyffe fortie poundes a yeare as longe as she lyveth unmarryedd & yf my sayd Wyffe to fortune to marrye then my wyll is that she shall have but tenn pound a yeare durynge her lyffe & then my wyll is that she shall forgoe all my moveable gooddes except one bedd -- ----- ----- in the chamber where I nowe lye one cubbard standyng in the hall one Chest of lynnen --- one joynt cubbord standyng in the chamber where I nowe lye & some other household stuff which she shall best lyke of -----
Item I gyve & bequeth unto Martha my Wyffe one chamber att Pett which she shall make choyse of and ----- she shall remayne unmarryedd & the use of all manner of fruite growynge in the orchard�
Item I gyve to the poore of Bredgar fortye shyllynges to be payed at my buryall
Item I gyve & bequethe unto Richard Seld---- & Elizabeth Throwlye fyve shillynges a peece
Item I make my foresaid Wyffe Martha & my sone Thomas Reader executors of this my present last wyll & testament
The mark of Raffe Reader
Wytnesses James Tonge, Edward Skynner, Robert Thatcher
Probate 22 September 1614
Ralph Reader, the Testator, died and was buried in Bredgar on 30 July 1614. His unborn child mentioned in this will was a boy, Ralph Reader, baptised in Bredgar on 12 September 1614.
Will of Ralph Reader