Redwood Will 1542

Will of William Redwood

of Ashford, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/22/133a
Submitted by Geoff Barrow
In the name of God Amen the yeare of oure Lorde God a [1542] And in the yeare of oure sovereigne Lord Kinge Henry theighte, kinge of England of Frannce and Ireland, Defender of the faythe and in the earth Supreme Hed of the churche of England & Soctland
I William Redwood of Ashford, Clothier of good and hole mynde make myne will and laste testament in suche forme folowinge
Fyrste I bequeth my soule to almightie God ower blessed ladie saynte Marie and to all the holie companie of heaven And my bodie to be buried in the churche yard of Ashford aforsaid

Item I give and bequeth to Elizabeth my wife my house wyth the land and apprtenannes [appurtenances] lyeng and beinge in the parishe of Boughton for tearme of her life
And after her decease I wyll that my ij daughters Mary and Annes have it And to be devyded betwene them bothe equallie
yf suche that one of them departe to God, the one shalbe th'others heire And so to enjoye the same

The residue of my goodes not bequethed my detts & legacies payde I geve only to Elizabeth my wife Whome I make my executore she to do for one And to bringe? my bodie honestly to the ground according to her consciens

And I make my overseers Richard Aley my wife's brother dwellyng in Hastynge and Richard Abarrowe dwellynge in Oylmpyngston in the parishe of Boughton
yf anye of my Overseers dyd ley oute vij li bycause any lande lyeth to Morgage or byAco.. then both will leye it unto They shall acreue of my saide land yearlye xiijs iiijd untull the monie be paide (and until then) they to put it oute to the beste advantage and se(e) it discharged
Item I give Richard Aley my Sword, my for fin..sred?
Item I give to Richard Abarrowe a grene cote, a bucke lether cote, iij bowes, all my shotinge shastes?

Item to Henrie Franks ij penes of aed wood
Item I geve to Johanne Brodebardge my syster my xxvjs viijd when my land is free and oute of dannger
Item to my Suster Elizabeth Anthonie a xxs when my lande is oute of dannger
Item to Wylimyn my suster xxs the forme abovesaid
But is she be my children live and prosper my susters shall have none of thys monie bequethed

[Will not signed and no witnesses are given.]

Probatum fuit: 3rd October 1542

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 7th May 2023

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Will of William Redwood
Created by Maureen Rawson