First I gyve to the poore mens boxe a iijs iiijd
Item I gyve to Robert Burche a busshell of wheate
Item I gyve to John Cowper a busshell of wheate
Item I gyve to John Higham a busshell of wheate
Item I gyve to Clement Fayerman a busshell of wheate
Item to Wyllyam Butler a busshell of wheate
Item to Busshies wydowe a busshell of wheate
Item to Thomas Cowper a busshell of wheate
Item to John Godfrye a busshell of wheate
Item to Leonard Browne a busshell of wheate
Item to John Kempe a busshell of wheate
Item to Wyllyam Vudrell a busshell of wheate
Item to Jervas wydowe a busshell of wheate
Item to Willm Udaye a busshell of wheate
Item I gyve to Vyncente Forte a vs
Item to Samuell Folte a ijs
To Wyllyam Sollye a ijs
To Willm Lytlewoodd a ijs
To Wyllyam lygham a ijs
To Sharpe of Asshe ijs
To Rychard Jackson one ewe
Item I gyve unto my Sister Margarett Reddwoodd a xs
Item to my Syster Jone Solye a vs
Item to Edyne Newbye a ijs
To Margarett Jervys ijs
To Agnes Arlowe a ijs
To Myldred Solye a ijs
Item I wyll that John Terye my brother in lawe of Hearon shall have all the moveable goods as also of all the lands that was James Redwoods late my brother of Sturmothe as it shall appeare accordinge to my sayde brother James Inventarye with the farme, And the sayde Inventarye to be [ap]praysed agayne by fouer yndifferent men And my sayde brother in lawe John Terye to brynge in suffycyente suertyes to dyscharge my Executrix of all such goods as was James Redwoods
And further I will that the sayde John Terye my brother in lawe shall paye to my Executrix twentye pounds And to brygne upp in learynge John Redwood my cosen the late sonne of James Redwood to wryte & to reede accordinge to his fathers wyll in evrye poynte & condycon
The rasydue [residue] of all my moveable goods my legacies detts and funerall expensies discharged,
I doe gyve unto Margarett Redwood my wyef and to Thomas Redwood my sonne
And also I will that if it shall fortune my sayd wyef to be with childe with a man chylde Then I will
he shall be pertaker with his mother and his brother of all mye moveable goods
And if it fortune my sayd wyef to be wth childe with a mayde childe Then I will that she shall have twentye pounds and no more at the daye of
her maryage or ells at the age of twentye yeares
And further I wyll that my sayde wyef shall have the lofte ovr the p[ar]lor wth egresse and
Regresse to the well as also to goe to the fyer in the haule wth her children And I will that my sayd
wyef shall have wynter fodder for three kyen as also pasture in the somer
And further I wyll that my wyef shall have thirtye or forye acres of pasture untyll mychaellmas next
after my decease, she payenge accordinge to the lease
And I ordayne and make my sayde wyef my sole Executrix of this my prsent Testament and last will
And I do make Nycholas Saynte my Uncle my ovrseer of this my prsent Testament & last will to see it p[er]formed in evrye poynte &
condycyon as my sevrall truste is in hym And for his paynes therein taken I gyve unto hym twentye shillyngs
This is the last will of me the foresayde Rychard Redwood Concernynge the disposytion of all my landes and Tenements lyenge & beinge within the paryshe of Preston or ells where in Wyngham wthin the Countye of Kente
First I will that Margarett Redwood my wyef shall have all my sayde lands and Tenements lyenge
and beinge wthin the paryshe of Preston unto Wyngham or ells where untill thend of twentye yeares
fullye to be expyred & ended, she my sayd wyef to brynge upp my chyldren unto thage of twenty
yeares And to fynde my sayde children at schole [school] untyll they can wryte & reade
And further I will that if my saide childe or children fortune to dye wthin the age of twentye yeares
beinge not expired and ended Then I will my Wief shall have the rest of the yeares not expyred and
ended durynge the sayde Terme of twentye yeares
And further I will that my sayde wyef shall keape all my howsies wynde tighte and water tyghte duryinge all the whole terme of the sayde twentye
Also I will that my sayde wyef shall have suffycyent tymber for the reparatyon of the sayde howsies at the assignement of Nycholas Saynte my Uncle
Item I will that my sayd wyef have three loads of wood yearlye durynge all the terme of Twentye yeares yf yt shall be to be hadd uppon the sayde
grounde or ells nor
Provyded allwayes that it is my mynde & wyll that if my sayde wyef dye before the twentye yeares be expired
Then my mynde and wyll is that Nycholas Saynte my Uncle shall have the brynginge upp and
custodye of my children with all the profitts and comodytyes aswell of the sayde lands as their
moveable goods to them gyven and bequeathed by their fathers last will and Testament
And my mynde and will is that Thomas Redwood my sonne to have the parte of the howse and lands that fall unto me by the deathe of
my brother Wyllyam Redwood
Item I will unto my sayde sonne Thomas Redwood shall have all my p[ar]te of the Downe cauled Golders above the wch Downe is Undevyded as yett
And last of all my mynde and will is that if my sayde wyef fortune to be with childe and bringe forthe a man childe Then I will unto hym the howse that John Whyte dwelleth in with all such lands as my father Thomas Redwood wylled unto me Rychard Redwood his sonne, excepte ix acres cauled Golders Downe
And I will that yf my sayde sonne Thomas Redwoodd doe fortune to dye wthout heyers male of his
bodye laufullye Begotten Then I will all my lands and howsis unto John Redwood my brothers sonne
And if yt fortune my sayde wyef To be wth chylde wth a mayde Then I will that John Redwood my sayde brothers sonne, shall paye unto my daughters
fortye pounds when as my cosen John Redwoodd shall enter into the sayde lands
Wytnes hereof:
Humfrye Jurddn, clerk; Stephen Solye; Mychaell Huffham; Rychard Huffham; Vyncent folte; John Terye
Probatum fuit: 19th January 1571/72
Brother James Readwoode was buried at All Saints, Stourmouth on 11th January 1569/70. Will: PRC 17/41/124
Richard Readwoode was buried there on 20th December 1571.
Rychard Readwood married Margaret Solye 18th June 1568 at Stourmouth.
The Will of his father Thomas Redwood of Stourmouth, dated 1554 and Proved 1557, is: PRC 17/33/67.
Son Thomas Redwood was baptised there on 29th April 1571.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh Mason 7th February 2023
Will of Richard Redwood