Redwood Will 1580

Will of Edward Redwood

of Dover, Kent

Source: Consistory Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 31/23 R/3 or: PRC 32/34/73a
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen : The xiijth daie of Apryll 1580 Edward Redwood of Saint Maryes in Dover being sicke in body but of parfect mynd and memory declared his last will and testament Nuncupatyve [Nuncupative] in thes(e) words or the like in effect following

First he sent for his father John Garret, Mr. Strowe the mynister and Jeremy Garret to come to hym In whose presence and hearring after they came to hym he said to them that he was moved by Mr. Stowe & others before tymes to make his will and to dispose his goods and that now he meaning so to do said that he sent for them to be witnesses of the same

And then he said he had but little, but that which he had he said he gave, willed and bequeathed the same wholly to his wyfe to bring up his children, who he named to be his sole and only executrix of this his said last will and testament Nuncupative

The promises being spoken in the presence and hearing of Mr. John Strowd, mynister; John Garret and Jeremy Garret the daie and place aforesaid

Probatum fuit: 11th July 1580

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 10th August 2021

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Will of Edward Redwood
Created by Maureen Rawson