Reynolds Will 1612

Will of Anthonie Reynolds

of Sandhurst, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 16/145 R/2 or: PRC 17/61/104
Submitted by Kevin Robards
This is the laste will and testament nuncupative of Anthonie Reynolds the elder late of Sandherst in the countie of Kent deceased by him made and declared in the time of his sicknes whereof he dyed, and in the monthe of Februarie in anno dini inuxta etc. 1611 hee beeing then in good and perfecte memorie in the woordes following or by the like woordes in .... and Substance : That is to saye :

First hee gave to his soonne Anthonie Reinoldes the some of five shillings of lawfull inglish money
Item hee willed and gave unto his daughter Joan Godfreye wife of Thomas Godfreye of Salehurst in Sussex fortie shillings of like moneye
Item hee gave to his daughter Elizabeth Blacher, wydowe of Sandhurst? aforesaid fortie shillinges of like moneye
Item hee gave to his Daughter Policarps? Rainoldes the some of twentie shillinges of the like moneye

All the residewe of his goods and Chattalls whatsoever, the saide Anthonie Reynoldes thelder willed and gave unto Dorothie Reynoldes his wife and named and appointed the saide Dorothie Reynoldes to beee his sole exeutrixe

Theis being wytnesses whose names are subscribed
Thomas Downton; Ric. : Corffielld

Probatum fuit: 8th April 1612
Appeared? on 2nd April 1612: Thomas Downton and Dorothee Reynolds

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 5th July 2021

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Will of Anthonie Reynolds
Created by Maureen Rawson