Firste I make my sonne Henrye myne sole executor
I will and bequeath Henrye my sonne my house to him and his heires for ever wth three yacres [acres] of land be yt more or lesse standinge and beinge
at Wicke in the parrishe of Blean in the County of Kent
I doe reserve to my sonne Richard Webbs? his dwellinge in my house, wth the use of the land at Wicke afores[ai]d from Michaellmas in the yeare of our Lord God 1615 untill Michaellmas in the year of our Lord God one thowsand six hundred and twentye, payeinge to my sonne Henrye twelve pence a quarter and payeinge for workman two dayes evrye yeare ysueed? be and my sonne Henrye to fynd all thinges belonginge for the preparacion thereof
I will that my sonn Henrye paye to my Daughter Joane twentye shillings in the yeare of our Lord God 1622
I will and bequeath unto my sonne James the money that ys in his owne hands wth fower ewe sheepe and sixe weather sheepe w[hi]ch are in the keeping of my Master John Marsh and thirtye shillinges that ys in my brother Thomas Reynolds hands
And the residew I will and bequeath my brother Thomas
I will and bequeath my sonn John tenn pounds that ys in my Master John Marshes hands
Wittnes: John Marsh; John Reynolds; John Marsh the Younger
Probatum fuit: 20th November 1615
Note: James Reinolds was buried at Milton (attached to the Parish of St. Nicholas, Thanington, Canterbury, Kent) on 5th November 1615.
Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh Mason 17th April 2022
Will of James Reynoldes