Richardson Will 1550

Will of Symon Richardson

of Sandwich, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/27/76a
Submitted by Andy Richardson
Theis be the wordes of Symond Richardson Late of the towne of Sandwich deceased

My debtes paide The Residue of my moveable goodes I gyve my wief th[e ]one half
And Katheryne my daughter th[e ]other half So that Katheryne my daughter shall tarye w[i]th her mother tyll the time of her maryadge [marriage] Or ells [else] my wief to take the hole [whole]

And my saide wief do marye before Katheryne my daughter Then then I will that my wief shall delyver Katherynes parte to them that I will assigne leave by name Vizt.
John Borell, John Tolly, John Anderson and Thomas Woodcock

Probatum fuit: [Latin] 15th September 1550

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 13th March 2021

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Will of Symon Richardson
Created by Maureen Rawson