And whereas at this pnte I am indebttd to certayne persons whose names ensue in certayne somes of money (that ys to saie)
to John ssoche of Riple a xls
to Mrs Sare the wyf of John Sare Jurate deceased a vs
to Thomas Willycotes a iiijs
And for certayne legaces the w'ch I have not yet parformed touchinge my said first husband Thomas Carpenters Will for dischardge and contentacion of wch debtes and legaces my mynde will and intente ys that the before named William Richardson my husbond now shall wt as conneinent spede as he may Bargayne and sell all that my tente. [tenement] and garden adjoyninge and other ther apprtrnnces set lying and beinge at the Barnes ende in the parishe of Sainte Clementes wtin the towne and port of Sandwiche aforsaid nowe in the occupienge of Richard Simpson laborer to what p'son or p'sons yt shall like or please my seid husband Willyam Richardson to sell yt unto for the contentacion of my debtes and legaces as is aforsaid
Item I give and bequeith unto Willyam Carpenter the some of xxs the wch xxs I will to be paid unto him by my said husband in contenenth after the sale of the said tents. and garden with thapptenacs [the appurtenances]
and the residue of the money comminge of the sale of the premisses my debtes and legaces beinge paid in forme aforesaid I will that my said husbande shall distribite the same in and aboute suche dedes of charitie as he shall thincke moste benificiall for the welthe of my sowle and all xpen sowles [Christian souls]
Theis Beinge Witnes at the tyme of makinge of this my pnte testament and last will
Willyam Poys Clerke, p'son of the parishe chirch of Saint Peters in Sandwiche aforeseid - Richard Henley, John Damson and
William Wright wyth others
Probatum fuit: [Latin] 7th January 1554
Parish Registers for St. Clement, Sandwich commence in 1563, BT’s start a little earlier in 1560.
* Diker – one who digs ditches/dykes – or pays someone else to do so (by Licence).
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 27th January 2021
Will of Godleff Richardson