Imprimis I give unto my daughter Anne Richardson twenty pounds of good English money to be paid unto her at the age of one and
Twentie years
Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Richardson Thirtie pounds of currant English money To be paid to her at her age of one and
twenty yeres
And that their severall and respective legacies above said be put out uppon good bonds to their severall uses by friends in truste
but especially by Mr. Richard Knowler or by his assignes, and my executrix hereafter named to Receave the interest of the said
moneys untill my said daughter shall attayne to the said ages of one and twenty yeres for and towardes their eduacon and bringinge up
Item my will is that my executrix hereafter named shall being upp and mayntayne with all things necessary my said daughters untill they shalbe able to gett their livings in service
All the rest of my goods and chattells my debts and funerall discharged I give unto Sarah Richardson my welbeloved wife,
whome I make & constitute my sole executrix of this my last will and testament
In Witnes whereof I have hereunto put my hand and Seale The daye and yere first above written
Michaell Richardson
Sealed Subscribed and published in the presence of: Richard Knowler - Tho: Browne
This Will was proved at London the one and twentieth day of Aprill in the yere of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred fiftie and eight Before the Judges for Probate of wills and granting administracons lawfully authorized by the Oath of Sarah Richardson the relict and sole executrix in the said will named To whome was Committed administracon of all and singular the goods, Chattells & debts of the said deceased she being first sworne well & truely to Administer.
Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 1st February 2021
Will of Michaell Richardson