Roberts Will 1670

Will ofJohn Roberts

of Thanet St. John, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/73/62b
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In the name of God Amen I John Roberts of the parish of St. Johns ye Baptist in the Isle of Thannett in the County of Kent Husbandman being weake in bodye but of perfect memory (Thankes be to God for it) Therefore make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followeing (That is to say)
First I comitt and comend my Soule into the pteccon [protection] of Almighty God my maker and Redeemer and my body to be decently buried at the discrecon of my Executrix hereinafter named

Item First give and bequeath after my debts and funerall charges and expences being first paid and discharged;
then I give and bequeath unto my wife Jane for ye love that (I) beare unto her, All that my Messuage or Tenem[en]t, Barne, yards garden, scituate in East Northdowne in the p[ar]ish of St. Johns the Baptist abovesaid and now in my own occupacon To be had and holden unto (the) said Jane my wife and for and during her naturall life And alsoe all my lands containeing Five acres and a halfe I give unto her my said wife Jane likewise to be holden by her all the time of her naturall life

Item I give unto my Grandchild William Roberts one peice or p[ar]cel of Land containeing Two acres bee it more or lesse after my wifes decease to him and his heires for ever, lying and being at Northdowne neere a certaine gate called Furness in the pish of St. Johns aforesaid

Item I doe give and bequeath all the rest of my Estate, after my wifes decease unto my two Daughters Ann Roberts the wife of John Edinger [Egerton] and Mary the wife of Henry Sividwell [Sandwell], All my said Messuage or Tenement with the three acres and and halfe Land before menconed with the Barne, gardens (and) yards to be equall(y) devided betwixt them to them and their Heires for ever

Item all ye rest of my Estate not before in this my will bequeathed, I give and bequeath unto my wife Jane after my debts and Funerall charges be paid and discharged, whom I nominate make and ordaine and appoint my Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament,
utterly renouncing all other wills by mee made and heereby declareing this to be my last will and Testament published and declared to be the last Will of John Roberts above named on the one and twentieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second King etc. Anno dini December ye thirteenth day 1669
John Roberts his marke

Published, read and Sealed and Signed in ye pr[esen]ce of us
Steven Shallowe and George Withersden

Probatum fuit: 25th April 1670

March the last day buried John Roberts of Northdowne a poore man [1670] – Parish Register of St. John the Baptist, Margate, Kent.
John Roberts married Jane Bennett 25th October 1624 at St. John in Thanet
Daughter Anna Roberts married Johannes Egerton 28th December 1648 at St. John’s.
Daughter Mary Roberts married Henry Sandwell 5th Jan 1660/61 at St. Peter’s, Thanet.

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh Mason 17th April 2022

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Will of John Roberts
Created by Maureen Rawson