Rogers Will 1610

Will of Thomas Rogers

of Ringwould, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury PRC 17/56/102
Submitted by Veronica Nops
In the Name of God Amen the sixth Daye of May 1610
I THOMAS ROGERS the Elder of Ringewolde in the County of Kent Yeoman being sicke in bodye but sounde in memorye doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following
First I comend my soule to God my Creator Reedeemer and Sancifier and I will my Corps bee buryed in the Churchyarde of Ringewold.

And whereas I am indebted in sundrye somes of money to sundry men for the better discharging thereof I will that ROBERTE BRUINE Parson of Ringewolde aforesaid shall sell and attribute to what person at what pence in his discretion he shall thinke meate that my acre of Lande lyinge and beinge in Ringewolde in the Furlonges in a Shott there called Newsole Shott and some parte of the money thereof comeing I will that the saide ROBERTE shall pay my saide debts and the Reste to remaine in his handes to ye endes and uses followinge.

That is to saye that the beste and uttermoste proffitt that may by him bee made thereof bee yealded and paide unto CATHERINE my Wyffe towards the maintenance and the bringing upp of my two youngest children DANIEL and CATHERINE the which proffitt I will shall bee paide to her yearlie after my decease dureinge her naturall lyffe.
And yf shee happen to dye before the saide children come to the age of twenty one yeares then I will that the saide proffitt comeing of the saide parte remaining in the Hands of the saide ROBERTE which shall arise after the decease of my Wyffe shall yearelye be paide and yealded to the bringing upp of my two saide children.
And when they shall attaine to the saide age of twenty one yeares respectivelie then I will that the saide mony soe remaining as ys aforesaide shallbee equallye divided beetweene the saide two children.
And yf yt happen my saide Wyffe to live till they shall come to the saide age then my will is they shall not have the saide mony till the death of my saide Wyffe or till one moneth after at the will of the saide ROBERTE.

Provided allwayes that yf either ofthe saide children doe departe this lyfe before hee or shee attaine to that age or tyme wherein I have willed equallye to bee divided beetweene them then my will ys that the other of them two that surviveth shall have the holle sume. And yf both doe dye before such age or tyme then I will that the saide money shallbee by the saide ROBERTE equallye divided beetweene suche of my children as shall bee then living and of the age of one and twentye yeares or when they come to the saide age.

Allsoe touching my householdstuffe my will is that my Wyffe shall have the reasonable use thereof durynge her naturall lyfe soe as shee make noe waste her haveinge and injoying her reasonablye and orderlye use the same withoute alienatinge or wastinge awaye anye parte thereof otherwise than with tyme and suche orderlye useing and ynjoying yt shall weere and spende.

And after her decease my will be that the saide householdstuffe or soe muche thereof as then shall bee left by mine Executor divided beetwene my saide two children DANIEL and CATHERINE.

And to the ende my Wyffe shall not clayme nor challendge any Right Interest of Dower or otherwise in or oute of anye parte or parcell of my acre of Lande which I have before in this my Will appointed to bee solde. Nor in or oute of the three acres of Lande thereto adjoining in the saide Shotte called Newsole Shotte which of late I solde to GEORGE PETTIT of Ringewolde.

My will further is that my saide Wyffe shall within one moneth after my decease release unto the saide GEORGE his Heires and Assignes all suche Interest Right and Title of Dower or otherwise as in the saide three acres of Lande shee may or can anye waye c1aime or challenge. And likewise release all her Tytle Right and Interest of Dower or otherwise which shee may or cann c1aime or challenge in or oute of the saide acre of Lande appointed by me to be solde to suche person or persons there Heires and Assignes as shall purchase and buy the same and that within one moneth after suche purchase made.

Provided that if my saide Wyfe doe refuse soe to release or upone reasonable request made doe not soe release as aforesaide respectivelye that then my saide Wyffe shall not have any benefit of any clause or matter contained in this my Will but that touching her yt shall bee frustrated and voide and that yt shall then bee lawfull or the saide ROBERTE to dispose of suche money as shall remaine in his Hands my Debts being paid at his pleasure and discretion.
And for mine Executor to dispose of myne householdstuffe likewise as shall seeme good to him notwithstanding anye clause before in my Will to the contrarye.

And of this my last Will and Testament I constitute and appointe GEORGE PETTIT of Ringewolde aforesaide my soule and onelye Executor.

In Witness whereof I have sett my Marke. THOMAS ROGERS
Subscribed in the presence of

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Will of Thomas Rogers
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