Rolf Will 1545

Will of Vincent Rolfe

of Canterbury, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/30/637
Transcribed by Dianne Bowles, 21 February 2022.
In the name of god amen The xxvth Day of Octobre In the seven and thirtie yere of the Reigne of our soveraigne lord Henry theight by the grace of King of Englande Fraunce Irelande Defendor of the faithe and of the Churche of Englande and also of Irelande in earthe the supreme head [1545]
I Vyncent Rolfe of Can[ter]bur[y] being sicke in body but of pfect memorie lawde and praise be to almightie god make and ordeyn this my p[rese]nt testament and last will in maner and forme folowing First I bequeth my soule to almightie god my maker and Redemer beseching him of his infynyte goodnes to take my synfull soule into hys mcye And my body to be buried in the Cathedrall Church of saint Paule in London

Item I bequeth Twentie shillings to be bestowed in almes to powre people at my buriall And vs at my monethis mynde by twoo penny Dole
Item I bequeth to Thomas Rolfe my sonne dwelling wt his uncle Henry Aldaye in Cant[erbury] Twentie pounds sterling to be Delivered unto him by myn executor when he shall com to the age of Twentie yeres
Item I geve unto William Holden Coke xxs And to his wife xxs
Item I geve to John Gregorye one Angell of gold
Item I geve to Richard Berde my Doblet of white fyne Canvas
It[e]m I geve to Thomas Bulle my Cote of Fryscadu* And to Henry Aldaye my Cloke of Fryscadu

Item I will that Henry Aldaye Receyve my debts that be owying unto me
First of Mr John Norton Esquier of Norwood Seven pounds vs ster[ling] which he owith to me for a great stone horsse
Item of Mr Henry Peckham xlijs vjd
Item of Sir Thomas Rocke Twoo frenche Crownes
Item of John Orchard of the Ile of Tennte [Thanet?] for the Debts of Robert Wygseall vli vs

Item I bequeth to my said sonne Thomas Rolfe all my Lande and Tenements that I have in Kent to him and to his heires forever
And yf it fortune my said sonne to dye wtout heires of his body begotten Than I will that Willm Smythson doe enjoye the said Lands to him and to his heires forever

Item I bequeth to Thomas my sonne three Fetherbedds twoo Joyned bedsteds one karved an other playn and vj Coverletts
Item I bequeth twoo Nutts to Drynke in of silver and gilte thone Copyn hath thother the parsone of Bleine [Blean] and fyve Masers wt bonds of silver and gilt thone Copyn hath the Residue Mr Alday hath
Item a Salt wt a Cover and gilte and a Dosen of silver sponys wt knoppes in the custodie of Henry Aldaye
Item I geve to my said sonne Thomas all my Naprye and Lynnen stuffe
Item I bequeth more to my said sonne Thirtene pounds which George Williamson of Wrickell [Writtle] in Essex Doth owe to me
Item I bequeth to Henry Aldayes wife Twentie shillings

The Residue of my goodes not bequethed I will be bestowed in Deads [deeds] of Charitie by my Executour whom I make of this my p[rese]nt testament Henry Alday of Cant[erbury] my sole executour of this my p[rese]nt testament
Item I bequeth to Roger Thatches Potycary [Apothecary] vjs
I bequeth to Margaret Goston my Keper xs

In Witnesse of this my p[rese]nt testament I have putte my hande in the presence of thies witnesse hereundernamed
And I will that Mr Frenche, Maiour of Canterbury shalbe Overseer of this my testament and Last Will And I geve him for his paynes to se this my present Testament fulfilled xxs
Item I bequeth to John Baptist my bots [boots] and my spurrys
Item I bequeth to Henry Goston my blak Cote

Thies being witnesse at the making and Reading of this my p[rese]nt testament
John Gregory Notary publique - William Holden - Robert Ketell and Margarett Goston.

Probate in Latin: granted 4 December 1545 to Henry Alday, Executor.

Henry Aldey was Mayor of Canterbury, 1560.
Thomas Frenche was Mayor of Canterbury, 1554.
* Frisado or frizado was a heavy worsted woollen cloth. Michael Zell "Industry in the countryside: Wealden society in the sixteenth century" quotes stock held by a Christopher Scott in Canterbury in 1568, worth 2s 2d to 3s a yard for frisados, compared to the more expensive broadcloth starting at 6s a yard (p.162).

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Will of Vincent Rolfe
Created by Maureen Rawson