Item I bequeth Twentie shillings to be bestowed in almes to powre people at my buriall And vs at my monethis mynde by twoo penny Dole
Item I bequeth to Thomas Rolfe my sonne dwelling wt his uncle Henry Aldaye in Cant[erbury] Twentie pounds sterling to be Delivered
unto him by myn executor when he shall com to the age of Twentie yeres
Item I geve unto William Holden Coke xxs And to his wife xxs
Item I geve to John Gregorye one Angell of gold
Item I geve to Richard Berde my Doblet of white fyne Canvas
It[e]m I geve to Thomas Bulle my Cote of Fryscadu* And to Henry Aldaye my Cloke of Fryscadu
Item I will that Henry Aldaye Receyve my debts that be owying unto me
First of Mr John Norton Esquier of Norwood Seven pounds vs ster[ling] which he owith to me for a great stone horsse
Item of Mr Henry Peckham xlijs vjd
Item of Sir Thomas Rocke Twoo frenche Crownes
Item of John Orchard of the Ile of Tennte [Thanet?] for the Debts of Robert Wygseall vli vs
Item I bequeth to my said sonne Thomas Rolfe all my Lande and Tenements that I have in Kent to him and to his heires forever
And yf it fortune my said sonne to dye wtout heires of his body begotten Than I will that Willm Smythson doe enjoye the said Lands to him
and to his heires forever
Item I bequeth to Thomas my sonne three Fetherbedds twoo Joyned bedsteds one karved an other playn and vj Coverletts
Item I bequeth twoo Nutts to Drynke in of silver and gilte thone Copyn hath thother the parsone of Bleine [Blean] and fyve Masers wt
bonds of silver and gilt thone Copyn hath the Residue Mr Alday hath
Item a Salt wt a Cover and gilte and a Dosen of silver sponys wt knoppes in the custodie of Henry Aldaye
Item I geve to my said sonne Thomas all my Naprye and Lynnen stuffe
Item I bequeth more to my said sonne Thirtene pounds which George Williamson of Wrickell [Writtle] in Essex Doth owe to me
Item I bequeth to Henry Aldayes wife Twentie shillings
The Residue of my goodes not bequethed I will be bestowed in Deads [deeds] of Charitie by my Executour whom I make of this my p[rese]nt testament
Henry Alday of Cant[erbury] my sole executour of this my p[rese]nt testament
Item I bequeth to Roger Thatches Potycary [Apothecary] vjs
I bequeth to Margaret Goston my Keper xs
In Witnesse of this my p[rese]nt testament I have putte my hande in the presence of thies witnesse hereundernamed
And I will that Mr Frenche, Maiour of Canterbury shalbe Overseer of this my testament and Last Will And I geve him for his paynes to se
this my present Testament fulfilled xxs
Item I bequeth to John Baptist my bots [boots] and my spurrys
Item I bequeth to Henry Goston my blak Cote
Thies being witnesse at the making and Reading of this my p[rese]nt testament
John Gregory Notary publique - William Holden - Robert Ketell and Margarett Goston.
Probate in Latin: granted 4 December 1545 to Henry Alday, Executor.
Henry Aldey was Mayor of Canterbury, 1560.
Thomas Frenche was Mayor of Canterbury, 1554.
* Frisado or frizado was a heavy worsted woollen cloth. Michael Zell "Industry in the countryside: Wealden society in
the sixteenth century" quotes stock held by a Christopher Scott in Canterbury in 1568, worth 2s 2d to 3s a yard for
frisados, compared to the more expensive broadcloth starting at 6s a yard (p.162).
Will of Vincent Rolfe