Rolf Will 1568

Will of Thomas Rolfe

of Canterbury, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/ 50/133
Transcribed by Dianne Bowles, 17 February 2022.
In dei noie amen the xvjth day of February in the yere of or lorde god a thowsand Fyve hundred thre score and fyve:
I Thomas Rolfe esquier make my last will and testament in manner and forme folowing First I bequeath my soule to almightie god and my body to be decentlie buried according to the discrecion of myne Executors

whome I make John Dudley and William Lovelace Esquiers to whome I gyve all my Londs and tenements goods and cattells whatsoever wtin the Realme of England to them and their heires to thonely uses of them and their heires trusting that they will see performed (and charging them as they will annswer me before god) all suche intents purposes gifts and things as I by any cedule shorte remembrannce note or writing wth myne owen hande shall set forthe at any tyme during my life for them to do

In witnes wherof I have set my hande and Seale to theis presents

Administration granted to John Dudley with power reserved to William Lovelace 12 May 1568?.

Note: By his will of 16 Feb. 1566 Rolfe left all his possessions to his executors John Dudley (possibly the Member for Carlisle and Helston) and William Lovelace (of Bethersden), to be disposed of "as by my writings I have required them". By one such indenture, made on the same day as his will, Rolfe granted the Greyfriars in Canterbury to Lovelace and others to be given to his widow in compensation for her dower, and this was done in November 1567. Nevertheless she contested the will and it was not until 18 May 1568, after Dudley had testified that Rolfe was of whole mind at its making, that administration was granted to Lovelace.

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Will of Thomas Rolfe
Created by Maureen Rawson