Item I bequeath and geve to the reparacons of Huffham Churche thirtene pence a yeare for foure yeares nexte after my deceasse
Item I geve to Emlin Lomie of Huffham twelve pence a yeare for foure yeares nexte after my deceasse
Item I geve to my Brother Richarde Rolfe my yongest goore Cowe wth in one moneth after my deceasse to be delivered unto hym
Also I geve to my saide Brother Richarde my best Doublett and Breeches my newest Coverlett my Cloake, and my best hatt
Item I geve to my Brother Richardes wiefe my wieves read pettycoate
Item I geve my Brother Richarde the Farme or proffitt of the money he oweth me beinge seaven powndes for foure yeares, So that my brother geve
intelligence unto my Executors in Herdford shire of my departure and deceasse
I geve to Mother Grimer Twoe Quarters of wooll and two shillings a yeare for foure yeares after my deceasse
Item I will myne Executours hereunder named shall paie to my Brother in Lawe Ward Davie yf he live to the age of Thirtye yeares Fortie
Powndes, Tenne powndes hereof to be paide hym att One and Thirity yeares of his age and Tenne powndes a yeare for three yeares after
But yf yt shall happen my Brother Warde to die before the age of Thirtie yeares, I will he shall not have the benefytt of this Legacye
Item I geve my howses and Lande in Huffham Folkeston and Caple to my sonne William Rolfe to hym and his heires in
Fee simple when he cometh to the age of One and twentie yeares
Item I will to my daughter(s) Elianor and Anne Tenne pownde a peece att One and twentie yeares of their age, To be
paide them by my sonne William Rolfe
The residue of all my goodes and Chattells aswell reall as psonall my debts and Legacies paide and fulfilled I wholie bequeathe to my saide
Children equallye to be deliv[er]ed unto them accordinge to this my will att their ages of One and twentie yeares
And I will my Executours shall sell all my goodes reall and personall to paie my debts and fulfill Legacies and to the keepinge and mainteynynge
of my Children
And of this my Last will and Testament I request my Brother William Rolfe of the Parrishe of Hempsteed in Herdfordshire, and my Cosen John
Turner to be my Executors, And I geve to eche of them Fortie shillings a peece
Item my mynde is my Executors shall lett out all my houses and Landes to the keepinge of my children and payenge my debts and shall see
reparacons kepte and that John Browne of Awchom smith shall have my howse and Lande in Huffham and Caple gevinge as an other man will geve,
He to have yt before an other man
Item my mynde is, my executours shall not sell my Bordes and planckes in my dwellinge howse, but ymploye them about bourdinge the Chambers and Barns mendinge &c
witnesses of this my will are John Pepper, John Younge, and Henrye Amie
Item I geve my leaste cheste and an oken cheste bownde att both endes to my sonne William, and I geve
my newe Ashen Cheste to my daughter Anne and my fyrre cheste to Ellianor
Item I mynde John Browne of the Parrishe of Alkham shall have my house and Lande in Huffham and Caple for Tenne yeares next comynge after my
deceasse att Seaven powndes a yeare The saide John fyndinge reparacon necessarie in the howse and havinge tymber on the grownde
sufficiente for yt
Item I will the saide John Browne shall have the Tymber in the Barne moveable and all tymber about the House, savinge that which is appointed for
a Windowe, and the Birthinge the Lofte in the Hall towardes the makinge of a shoppe
Item I will the Bordes shall serve to make a Lofte over the Hall and make the windowe, and the Tyles about
the howse towardes this worke / And I will the saide John shall have the greate Beeche tree
standinge in my grownde nexte to William Knights grownde in Huffham, and a greate Elme
standinge besydes the sole next the streete, and a greate Ashe standinge nexte to Bromes
close towardes his reparacons and an oke beinge digged in Caple pishe,
And I appointe the saide John Browne Overseer of this my Last will and Testamente,
Item I will my kettle of the Biggest sise unbownde to my sonne William
Item I geve my wieves weddinge ringe to my daughter Ellianor
witnesses of this will are: John Pepper. John Younge, and Henrye Amie
The following is omitted in PROB 11/90/553 but appears in PROB 11/94/352, which also gives the will date as 7th July 1596:
[Debtes oweinge to the testator
First my brother Richard Rolfe oweth me at michel 1598 Seaven poundes
Item Steven Robbins oweth me five poundes
Item olde Tiroll of Caple oweth me twentie fowre shillings
Item Thomas Wryght of Hougham twentie shillinges
Item Hollondes of Caple three poundes six shillinges
Item my brother Rolphe of Bedfordsheire seaven poundes [Summ] twentie fower poundes tenne shillinges.
Item there is a bonde in Mr Daniel Woolless hande betweene Mr Cadman & Robert Rolfe in suite of fower powndes for
the paymente of fortie shillinges Debtes the testator oweth.
Item to William Begeon at Michell 1596 eleaven poundes
Item to John Browne Smithe of Alkham five shillinges.]
A Codicill to be an annexed to the Last will and Testamente of Roberte Rolfe late of the Parrishe of Huffham deceased by hym declared and uttered
for a parte of his Last will and Testament the Twoe and Twentith daie of Julye 1596: beinge of good and perfect memorie in theis wordes
followinge or the like in effecte
Imprimis he did forgeve unto his Brother Richarde Rolfe the Seaven Powndes wch he did owe hym and whereof mencon is made in his will and Testament
Item he gave to Nicholas Begeon for certeyne Amendes to hym One Bushell of wheate att nexte harvest after his deathe
Witnesses p[rese]nte att the utteringe of the premisses, John Pepper and William Peers.
26 November 1597 (in Latin) administration granted to John Rolfe the natural and lawfull brother of the deceased during the minority of William, Hellenore and Anne Rolfe the children of the deceased as William Rolfe and John Turner the Executors renounced the execution.
5 November 1598 (in Latin) administration granted to John Browne the overseer, the letters of Administration granted in November 1597 to John Rolphe being annulled by definitive Sentence.
Will of Robert Rolfe