Rolf Will 1619

Will of Nicholas Rolfe

of Chislehurst, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/134/359
Transcribed by Dianne Bowles, 23 January 2022.
Memorandu[m] that upon the Eight & twentieth daye of October 1619.
Nicholas Rolfe of the pishe of Cheselhurst in the Countie of Kent gentlema[n], beinge sicke in bodie, but of good & p[er]fect remembrance, did by worde of mouth, make and declare his will nu[n]cupative, in effect as followeth: vizt:

he did nominate & make Mary his wiefe, and his two daughters, his executors, whose names are Rachell, and Susan, and he did give unto his wife and them, all his goods chattells and Leases,
And if it should happen his wife to be then wth childe, and that it live, he did give unto it an equall part wth the rest,

in the presence of us whose names are subscribed: The marke of Susanne Canon, the marke of Susanne Weekes.

Probate in Latin: granted 15 November 1619 to Mary Rolfe, relict and one of the executrixes
Power reserved of granting the like commission to Rachael and Susan Rolfe the daughters of the deceased and also executrixes.

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Will of Nicholas Rolfe
Created by Maureen Rawson