Rolf Will 1657

Will of Mary Rolfe

of Orpington, Kent

Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury PROB 11/263/401
Transcribed by Dianne Bowles, 12 January 2022.
In the name of God Amen the eleaventh day of July in the yeare of our Lord, God one Thousand six hundred Fiftie and foure;
I Mary Rolfe of Orpington in the Countie of Kent widdowe being in competent health of bodie and of perfect mind and memorie, Praised be God doe hereby make and declare my last will and Testament as followeth; revoking all former wills whatsoever, by me heretofore made;
And first and principally I commend my Soule into the hands of Almightie God in assured hope of Salvation thereof only through the merits of my All= sufficient Saviour Jesus Christ; And my bodie I remit to the earth from whence it came to be interred in the day time at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named;

Item I give unto my foure Grandchildren Phillip Rolfe, William Rolfe, Mary Rolfe and Anne Rolfe to each of them Fortie shillings a piece to buy them rings, And to be paid as they shall severally attaine to their ages of one and Twentie yeares,
And if any of them dye before such age, Then the legacie of him or her so dying to returne to my executrix,
Item I give to Simon Harmewood fortie shillings;
Item I [give] and bequeath unto my sonne in law George Pike and my daughter Rachell his wife fortie shillings a piece,

All the rest and residue of my goods, Chattells, cattle, plate, money, householdstuffe and personall estate whatsoever (my Funerall charges being discharged) I wholly give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Susane Rolfe
And I make name and ordaine my said daughter Susan Rolfe full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament;

Item I give devise and bequeath, All the lands tenements and hereditaments and hereditaments whatsoever wheresoever I shall dye seized in the said Countie of Kent or elsewhere unto my two daughters Mary Saltmarsh and Susan Rolfe and to their heires and Assignes for ever
And for the better explanation of the particulars of my said lands tenements and hereditaments, And that the certaintie of the same after my decease for avoyding of all questions and troubles may appeare I have thought good to set forth the same with the boundaries thereof [As] Followeth vizt

I have in the parish of Farneborough in the said Countie of Kent one messuage or Tenement called Whistede house with the orcharde gardens yardes barnes, outhouses and backside to the same belonging. Also one field or Croft called Whistede field conteining by estimacon foure acres be it more or lesse abutting and bounding to the greene Lane leading from Farmeborough highway to Broadstreet greene West, to a piece of woodland called Whistede (which is mine) to the North and West, And to a piece of woodland called Stertwood being the land of William Hart Esquire East and South;
Item the said piece of woodland called Whistede conteining by estimacon twelve Acres more or lesse abutting to the greene Lane leading from Farneborough highway to Broadstreet green toward the West, To the lands of the said William Hart toward the North and West, To the Lands of me the said Mary Rolfe called Stubberwood, Little Graveley Croft and Rushey field North, To Whistede, field East and South, To the Lands of the said William Hart South and East
Item I have in the parish of Orpington in the said Countie of Kent these Lands and Tenements following Vizt, The said piece of land called Stubber wood conteining by estimation thirteen Acres more or lesse; abutting on Broadstreet greene towards the West, To the lands of the said William Hart South West, To the lands of Richard Gratwicke North and East, And to the Lands of me the said Mary Rolfe called Graveley:Croft North and East and toward the South;
Item Two pieces of ground called the Graveley Crofte conteining eight Acres or thereabouts; And one piece of ground called Rushy field conteining six Acres or thereaboute; abutting the lands of the said Richard Gratwicke North:west to the wood lands of me the said Mary Rolfe called Broomy : Croftwood North, The Aldrey wood North: East, To Whistede Wood, South and West, To Stubbe: wood West and South : West To the Savoy Land called Dedult: wood East, And to the lands of the said William Hart South:Eeast,
Item the said piece of Wood: lands called Broomy Croft : wood conteining by estimacon Twelve acres more or lesse Abutting on the Lands of the said Richard Gratwicke West, To the lands of Sir Leonard Ferby Knight North: west, The lands of [BLANK] north:west and North, To the lands of me the said Mary Rolfe called Broomy: Croft East North and North:west The field called the little field North East, To Aldrey: wood field East To the Aldrey: wood South: east, And to Rushy field and Graveley Croft North:
Item the said piece of ground called Broomley: Croft conteining by estimacon three Acres more or lesse abutting to the lands of me the said Mary Rolfe East South and west, And to the lands of Henry Staple North, And to the lands of [BLANK] Northwest Item one piece of wood: land called the Aldrey wood conteining Seaven Acres more or lesse, abutting on the lands of me the said Mary Rolfe Northwest and west, To the lands Late in the occupacon of Wm Kickley called the Savoy lands South and South East, And to the lands of [BLANK] North=East
Item three pieces of land called the Aldrey wood the little field and Barne: field with the Shawe thereunto belonging conteining in the whole sixteene Acres be they more or lesse abutting to the lands of the said Mary Rolfe South and West, and South:west To the lands of Henry Stapley toward the North To the lands of [BLANK] North: East and Northwest, To the greene leading from Crofton pound lane to [BLANK] Common East and South East, To the lands of [BLANK] South Southwest, and South West;
Item one piece of ground called the meadowe with the orchard thereunto belonging Centeining five acres more or lesse abutting on the greene leading from Croftenpound: lane to [BLANK] Common Southeast, To the lands of [BLANK] South: Southwest and South:east and to the lands of me the said Mary Rolfe towards the North,
Item one piece of wood=land called the Mead:spring Conteining by estimacon foure acres more or lesse abutting on the lands of [BLANK] toward the West and East To the Saxey lands late in the occupacon of William Kirkley North:west To the highway leading from Orpington to Lincknesse lane North:east and to the lands of me the said Mary Rolfe called the Mead South:east
Item I have in the parish of Chislehurst in the said Countie of Kent three messuages with their severall orchards yards and backsides belonging to them Conteining together one acre more or lesse abutting to the lands lately Charles Switchers and now the lands of Robert Draper South and East, To the lands of Richard Manning North; And to the highway leading from Pauls Cray to Footes Cray West
Item I have in the parish of North Cray in the said Countie of Kent and piece of meadowe or brooke ground called Poll hawe conteining three acres more or lesse abutting on the lands of Sir Thomas Walsingham Knight West and North: On the lands of Mr William Buggins North and East On the lands late Charles Switchers and now Robert Drapers South and East, and to the lane leading from footes Cray unto the said piece of brooke ground called Poll:hawe South;
Item I have in the parish of Footes Cray in the said Countie of Kent one piece of brooke ground called Hoblands (now the hopground) conteining by estimacon foure acres more of lesse abutting on the lands late Sir John Dingley Knight or lately the lands of William Walkins Esquire and now the lands of Mr Warwicke belonging to frog:poole North and East, To the lands of Sir Leonard Ferby Knight culled Boxbrooke towards the East and South, To the lands of Francis Manning of London goldsmith called Hoblands toward the west;
Item I have in the parish of Pauls Cray in the said Countie of Kent one piece of ground of halfe an acre or thereabouts called the Way, leading to the hopgarden abutting on the high way leading from Pauls Crays to Footes Cray west To the lands of Sir Leonard Ferby Knight East and North, And to the lands of the said Francis Manning North:

In witnesse whereof I the said Mary Rolfe have hereunto set my and and seale; Dated the day and yeare first above written, Mary Rolfe,
These presentes being written in foure sheets of paper were by the said Mary Rolfe Signed, Sealed, published declared and delivered as and for her last will and testament in the day of the date hereof in the presence of us whose names are Subscribed
Miles Beveridge, Edward Natt, Daniell Wild, Alice Hibing.

This Will was proved at London before the Judges for probate of wills and granting Administracons lawfully authorized the theee and Twentieth day of April in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand six hundred Fiftie seaven by the oath of Susan Rolfe the naturall and lawfull Daughter of the said deceased and sole executrix named in the said will To whome Administracon of all and singular the said deceased goods Chattells and debts was granted and committed She being first in due form by law sworne well and truely to administer the same

Rachel Rolf daughter of Nicholas Rolf and his wife Mary, was baptised 2 July 1612 Chislehurst.
Rachel Rolfe married George Pike 8 February 1632 St George the Martyr, Southwark.
Susan Rolf was baptised 3 March 1613, Chislehurst. A son, William, was baptised 2 May 1616, Chislehurst.
William married Anne Skippon, daughter of Philipp Skippon (c.1600-1660) and Maria Comes of Frankenthal, Lower Palatinate (d.1655/56).
William’s Will was proved 29 April 1653 (PROB 11/231/118). His widow remarried in 1654, St Mary, Blackfriars to Nicholas Bragg Esq.
William left four children: Phillipp, Mary, Anne and William. His son, William, was born posthumously - see Major General Philipp Skippon’s Will PROB 11/300/399.
See also the Will of Nicholas Rolfe of Chislehurst 1619, PROB 11/134/359.

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Will of Mary Rolfe
Created by Maureen Rawson