Rose Will 1511

Will of Agnes Rose

of Wye, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC 17/11/208
Submitted by Margaret Glenn
In dei noie Amen the ixth daye o(f) Aprell (in) the yere of our lorde God M CCCCC xj [1511]
I Agnes Rose of the p[ar]isshe of Wye in the di[o]scyse of Canntbury make my testament in this wise
First I bequeth my soule to allmyghty God, to our lady saint Marie and to all the holy company of hevyn, my body to be buryed in the Churche of Wye bysyde the sepulture of my husband John Andrew at the ryght syde

Item I bequeth to the Master of the college for tythes forgoten iijs iiijd
Item to evry lyght in the Churche of Wye iiijd
Item to the reparacons of the said Churche xiijs iiijd

Item I bequeth to Jone Payne my Cosyn xli [£10], a gown of tawny, furred wt blake shanke?, my best gurdell of silvr, a maser of sylver wt gylt wt a standyng fote?, the best fetherbed, the third p[ar]te of my Coroll bedes [Coral beads], a paier of blanketts & the best cov[er]lett
Item I bequeth to Agnes Rodinerge [Rodmerege?] A maser the whiche was the p[ar]sons of Crundale, my best gown, the iijd pte of coroll bedes, a gardell that I was maryede wt to John Andrew & a fetherbed
Item I bequeth to Jone Braynes the dought[er] of Thomas Rose a violet gyrdell the whyche was her grandams
Item I bequeth to Thomasyn Sprotts my Russett gown, my Red gurdell of silvr, the iijd pte of my Coroll bedes, a fetherbed, a maser of sylver & gilt, the whiche was John Andrews
Item I bequeth to Margaret Freman xs, a fetherbed and a Violet gyrdell of sylver

Item I will that myn executors bestowe at my burying iijli vjs viijd [£3 6s 8d] and at my monthis mynde iijli vjs viijd
Item I will that John Payne bestowe iijs iiijd at the obyte of John Andrew for my soule of the v marks that I lent the said John
Item I bequeth to John Payne a Maser bo[u]nd wt silver & gylt
Item I bequeth to a prest to syng for me, for John Andrew and for John Rose for the space of half a yere v marks whyche prest shalbe master Payne to syng one quarter in the churche of Wye & the other quarter at his pleasure where he will

Item I bequeth to John A'Bernes vjs viijd
Item I bequeth to Jone Sprotts at Shote ...? at the delyvrannce of myn executors
Item I bequeth to the children of Agnes Rodinerge? evry of them a shete
Item to John Payns son a shete
and I will that all my peces and my spo[o]nes be sold to content and pay my detts and bequethes
Item I bequeth to John Hert my Cosyn of Cannterburye vjs viijd
Item to Thomas Hert of Stallyffelde [Stalisfield] vjs viijd
To Agnes Halke sumtyme my s[er]vant myn old violet gown

Item to Jone Payne ij paier of my best She[e]ts and an other peyer of my secunde shets, a tabilcloth pleyn, a towell of drap and a copell of pelowes
Item I bequeth to evry children of my son John Payn all my brasse and pewt[er] to be equally devided amonge them
Item to Margarete Freman a peyer of shets & the fourth covrlett
Item I bequeth to Jone Payn & to Margarett Freman evry of them my blew raw? clothe and evry of them a kyrtell of my Violett clothe
Item to Jone Payne the best of my Coroll bedes, a paier of blanketts & the best hangyng bed

Item I bequeth to the Churche of Wye a White cope of damaske wt a norfasse of Crymsyn [Crimson] velvett brawthered [bordered] wt flowers
Item I bequeth to the said Churche a surplese
Item to the said Churche ij backclothes of Whyte
Item I bequethe to Nicholas Freman vjs viijd
Item I bequethe unto my God children equally to be devyded amonge them xxs

The Residue of all my godes above not bequethed I give and bequeth to John Payn and Thomas Payn whome I ordeyne and make myn executors and Thomas Selis myn Ovrsear of this my prsent testament

This witnessyth:
Thomas Roger; Thomas Backs/Serlis?; Alice Serlis, Wedow; Jone? Payne and John Bates

Probatum fuit: May 1511 – to executors

Agnes Rose's death predates parish registers for Wye.
Husband John Payn(e) died circa 1483 at Throwley: See: PRC 17/3/481a
Husband John Andrewe died at Wye approx. 1491: See: PRC/32/3/306.
Husband John Rose died at Wye approx. 1505: See: PROB 11/14/526

Transcribed by Mrs. Shelagh A. Mason, 12th June 2023

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Will of Agnes Rose
Created by Maureen Rawson