Item I doe will to the children of Frances Rose of Wingham to be paid by mine Executor within twoe yeeres after my decease five poundes.
Item I doe will and bequeath to John Hilles my kinseman tenne poundes of lawfull money of Englande to be paide within one yeere after my
decease by my saide Executor.
Item I will to John Gaunte, John Murton and William Cooke sometime my Servantes five [poundes?] to everie of them to be paid by mine
Executor within twoe yeeres after my decease.
Item I will and bequeath to Thomas Gaunte my Godsonn sonne of my frende Richard Gaunte yeerelie out of my Lands duringe the terme of twentie yeeres after my decease fortie shillings of lawfull money of England at Our Ladie called thannuncacon of Our Ladie and the Feaste of St. Michaell tharkangell by even porcons to be paid and for defaulte of payment as before to distraine for the same.
Also I doe give and bequeath to Ursula my welbeloved Wief out of my lands and tenements as well in the Cittie of Canterburie as in the Countie of Kent or elsewhere one Annunitie or yeerlie rente of twentie pounds of lawfull money of England at the Feastes of the Annuncacon of Our Ladie the Nativitie of St. John the Baptist St. Michaell tharkangell and the Birth of Our Lord or within ten daies after every Feaste by even porcons to be paide her duringe her natural lief in allowance of her dower to be challenged or claimed out of anie of my saide lands and tenements. And for defaulte of paimente of the saide Annuitie or yeerlie rente of twentie pounds that it shalbe lawfull to the same Ursula and her Assignes duringe her lief into anie of the lands or tenementes being that I have anie Estate of Inheritance to distraine for the same.
Also I doe will and bequeath to ye said Ursula my Wief the sum of fower score pounds of lawfull money of England to be paide unto her within
twoe yeeres next after my decease
Item I doe will and bequeath unto my said friend Richarde Gaunte of St. Georges in Canterburie the thirde parte of the Nunnerie alias St.
Sepulchers and of my lease of the same.
Item For that I have been alwaies of purposed minde to have the River made navigable from Fordiche to Canterburie and for that yt hath pleased
God to laie his loving and favourable visitacon of sicknes on me at this presente, thinking that rather thearby he will call me to his mercie
before I shall see the performing thereof, Yeat in hope the Maior and Comunaltie of the Cittie of Canterburie and soe manie other good minds and
meanes shalbe by them thearto procured as the same maie be brought to effecte and performed, Towards which most benificiall and good purpose and
to the ende yt maie so be;
I the said John Rose doe give will and bequeathe to the said Maior and Comunaltie of the Cittie of Canterburie the sum of three hundred pounds
of lawfull money of England to be paide unto them by mine Executor within fower yeeres after my decease yeerlie fiftie poundes till the same be
paide upon this condicon following that is, That the same Maior and Comunaltie doe within halfe a yeere after my decease enter into Bonde to my
Executor in five hundrethe pounds, with condicon upon the same Bonde to be indorsed.
That if the said River from Fordiche to Canterburie aforesaide be not without fraude or anie coven made navigable for carriage by water in the
same by botes of tenn tunn at the leaste within sixe yeeres after my decease, That then the same Maior and Comunaltie will repaie unto my said
Executor or to his Executors or Assignes the said three hundred pounds by him before paide to them, or so muche thearof as shalbe to them paide
by my Executor.
So touching all my lands and tenementes whearof I have Estates of Inheritance as well in the Cittie of Canterburie as in the Countie of Kent or Ellsewheare I will and bequeathe equallie to Frances wief of Robert Wynn and to Joane Bigge her sister, my sisters daughters to have and to hold all the same to them and to their heires equallie to be divided.
Also I will and bequeath unto the said Frances wief of the said Robert Wynn and to the said Joan her sister all other my Leases goods chattells
money plate and other thinges whatsoever before not bequeathed my debts first satisfied and paide
Which said Robert Wynn Frances and Joane of this my last Will and Testament I ordaine and make Executors
and Ambrose my kinsman Overseer of the same for his paines tenn poundes.
Item In token of remembrance I give to Mr. Charles Hales and his weif everie of them twentie shillings in gold to make a ringe for a token of good will to everie of them.
In Witness whereof hereunto I have sett my Hand.
Witnesses of the same Richard Gaunte - By me Valentine Frenche - By me Thomas Bridge - John Murton
Probatum 8 June 1592
Will of John Rose