Rugley Will 1578

Will of Richard Ruglye

of Kingston, Kent

Source: Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives PRC/17/43/222b
Submitted by Steve Clarke
In the name of God Amen the eighte and twenteth daye of October in the yeare of our lord God a thowsand fyve hundred seventye fyve, And in the seaventeenth yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne ladye Quene Elizabeth
I Rycharde Ruglye of the paryshe of Kyngstone in the Countye of Kent beinge of whole mynde and of good and pfett [perfect] understandinge, do make and ordeyne this to be my laste wyll, as Concerninge all my landes and Tenementes w[hi]ch I have in the paryshe of kyngestone and Bishoppsbourne in the Countye abovesayd

Inprimis I wyll that Robert Ruglye my sonne ymedyatlye [immediately] after my decease shall have the messuage or Tenement wherein I now dwell with the kytchen, Barne, Stable & other the buyldyngs thereunto belonginge together with the orcharde or garden to the sayd Messuage appertayninge
Item I wyll that the sayd Robert shall have one other Messuage or Tenement wyth a garden theeunto belonginge conteyninge by estymatyon one acre & a haulfe, the wch annenge? other lands I purchased of Vyncente Idley

Item I wyll yt [that] the sayd Robert shall have all those Severall peecs or p[ar]cells of Lands followynge conteyninge by estymatyon in the [w]hole thyrtye eighte acres and a haulfe be there more or lesse, that is to saye, one pcell of lande conteyninge by estymatyon fyve acres & a haulfe, lyenge in Brodsfeyld & now adyoyninge to the messuage and garden last abovesayd
Item one other pcell of lande called Eastclose
Item two smale pcells of lande called Eastfyld
Item two other pcells of lande called Throwley Dane, and Warners Hall
Item two smale pcells of lande lyenge at Sylverdowne Hill
Item one pcell of wood lande lyeinge at Pycklettmere
Item one lytle pcell of wood lande adyoyninge to Mareley Hyll
Item one other pcell of wood lande lyeinge abowte the myddest [middle] of greate Sale
Item one pcell of lande lyenge in Terne
Item an other pcell of lande lyenge in Stone Dane
Item one smale righte of middle grownde adyoyninge to the Lord’s medowe
To have and to holde all and syngular the pr[e]mysses before to the sayd Robert devysed wth all and everye their appurtenncs [appurtenances] unto hym, hys heyres and assignes for ever

Item I wyll that John Rugley my sonne shall have the messuage lyenge in Kyngestone aforesayd, wyth the kytchen Barne and garden thereunto belongynge wch I boughte of Arkenwall Keyes
Item I wyll that the sayde John shall have all those severall pcells of lande followinge, that is to wytt
Three pcells of lande conteyinge by estimatyon three acres and three roddes, lyeinge and neer a certen place called church hyll
Item one pcell of wood lande, lyenge at ye on syde of Greate Sale aforesayd
Item one pcall of lande conteyninge by estymatycon fyve Rodes lyenge at Chalepett besydes Mareley
Item fower pcells of lande conteyninge bye estymatyon eighte acres and a haulfe at Cranehall
To have and to holde the foresayd landes lyenge at Cranehall wth all and Synguler their Appurten[a]ncs to the sayd John Rugley his heyres & assignes for ever

But as concerninge the foresayd mesuage and all othr the lands and Tenements to the sayd John by this my pr[e]sent wyll before gyven and devysed (the foresayd lands at Church yll [hill] onlye excepted) I wyll that the same shall be to the sayd John & to his assignes but onlye durynge his lief
And after the decease of the sayd John, the same with all and everye there appertaining shall [w]holye remayne to Rychard Rugley my godson To be had and houlden to the same Rychard his heyres and assignes for ever

Provyded allwayes and my full mynde and yntente is that Marye my wyef shall have some conveyent come in the haull howse wherein I nowe dwell wth a cowe keapynge amonge ye kyen [kyne] of the sayd Robert his heyres or assignes that shall dwell therein duryinge all the Terme of her naturall lyef yf she her selfe shall lyke thereof
But yf at anye tyme she shall thyinck her selfe not well intreated or her Cowe not well kepte and to her wheareupon she shall choose and defyne rather to departe, then I there in thal sorte any longer to abyde and remayne Then I wyll that ymedyatlye upon such her myslaybynge? That yt shall & maybe Lawfull for her to enter in to the howse and garden aforesayd wch ... bought of Vyncent Odley and the same to have and enjoye to her and her assignes durynge the Terme of her lyef any gyfte or devyse abovesayd to Robert Rugley thereof made to the contrarye in anye wyse not with standinge

And my meaninge is not that whether she shall choose to remayne in the howse where I now dwell or to departe there in to thother howse as is aforesayde, That the same shall be in lieu or in recompense of her Dowrye for any lands, my lands or Tenements before devysed But onlye for that saversall howse and garden thereunto belongynge in wch she shall choose to Dwell in and for no more

Soe that yf ye sayde Robert Rugley, John Rugley or Rychard Rugley their heyres or assignes shall refuse to be contrybutorye to her towards her Lyvynge, after such rate and porcyon? of lands, as to either of them before severallye is devysed in such sorte as she shall holde her selfe therewyth contented That then she shall be at her Lybartye [Liberty] (my sayd gyfte to her not with standynge) to demande her parte, dowrye or wydowe right accordynge to the custome of the Countye, in all or in anye parte of the Resydue of my lands aforesayd at her wyll and pleasure

In Wyttnes whereof to this my last wyll my hande and seale I have sett in the presence of them in whose names are herein Under wrytten
These beyinge Wyttnes: Gregorye Bradshawe; Paull Ireland; John Brown; and James Sawer

Note in margin here: The sayd Rychard Ruglye wyll for his moveable goods is on the other syde
Note in margin on next page: here after ensuche the nuncupatyve wyll of the sayd Rychard Rugley concernynge his goods

As that Rychard Rugleye the Seavententh daye of October in the yeare of our Lord God a thowsande fyve hundred Seaventye Eighte of and uppon all and singular his moveable goods made and declared his last wyll & testament Nuncypatyve [Nuncupative] in man[ne]r and forme followynge

Fyrst I wyll and bequeath all my housse beasts, Carte, plowe and other things to them belonging unto Robert my sonne and all my provysyon of horse meate
Also I gyve and bequeth unto the sayd Robert my sonne nynetene meathers and tenne ewes wyth my best brasse pott and the greatest Spytt
Item I gyve and bequeth unto John Rugley my sonne a browne heaffer and two shepe
Item I gyve unto Christyan my Daughter fower Ewes
Item I gyve and bequeth unto John Browninge a younge Steere
Item unto Wyllyam Webes a twelve mont[hl]ynge Budd
Item I gyve and bequeth unto Margarett and Christyan my Daughters unto either of them fyftye Shillings a peece To be payd unto them wthin two yeares after my decease

The resydue of all my goods, my debts funeral and legacyes dystharged [discharged], I gyve & bequeth unto Marye my Wyef and Robert my sonne, Whome I make and ordayne my Executors of this my last wyll and Testament
These beinge Wyttensses:
Gregorye Bradshawe; Paull Ireland; John Burne and James Sawer

Probatum fuit: [Latin] 25th October 1578

Transcribed by Shelagh Mason 8th July 2021

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Will of Richard Ruglye
Created by Maureen Rawson