Descendancy Reports

Shirer Family Genealogy Project
Descendancy Reports

Main Page - Master Index - Surname Index - Master Place Index - Historical Sources - Photo Albums - Grave Restoration - Scheurer DNA Project - John Shirer of Somerset Co., PA

In the course of researching the Shirers origins, I have compiled some databases on the Scheurers and related families in Berks Co., PA. As I haven't proven the connection yet between Valentine and the Scheurers in Berks, I am optimistic I will. To that end and to help anyone else that might be interested in working on these families, I present here selected descendancy reports on some of the Scheurer proginators and other associated families. If any prove to be connected they will be merged with the Shirer database and I will remove them from this page. Until then, this is raw data that has been collected from many sources including, Rootsweb's World Connect, LDS, Family Search, and various books on Berks Co., PA.

Main Page - Master Index - Surname Index - Master Place Index - Historical Sources - Photo Albums - Grave Restoration - Scheurer DNA Project - John Shirer of Somerset Co., PA

Compiled by: Denny Shirer, Canton, Ohio

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Site updated on 23 January 2023; 73,532 people