About Us

About Us and This Site

You might be wondering just who the heck are we anyway?
And how and why did we do all of this!

Historical Perspective

My mom and I have always been interested in our heritage. Mom has been doing genalogical research for more than 50 years. Maybe it runs in our blood because many of our family members have also been involved off and on throughout their lives with genealogical research. The advent of home computers fascinated Becky and she went about the task of entering our family data in 1981 into a genealogical database program (Genealogy on Display). Back then there weren't very many programs and all were very difficult and time consuming to use. Internet "surfing" was very laborious with difficult tools ... you can't imagine how much things have changed since the early days! How lucky we are to now have easy access with point and click tools! Anyway, tools improved and our family database continued to grow. It went online in 1993 because we wanted to freely share our info with you. Our pages are copyrighted to prevent folks from copying our pages and info and publishing it for profit. If you use data from our site, be sure to let us know and please do give us credit by listing us as a source of your info.

My mom and I have been hunting for our Harrison ancestors for over 25 years. After pulling out our hair, getting thoroughly confused, and having accumulated tons of Harrisons, we decided that we should put it all in a DataBase to easily be able to keep track of them - and the references of where we found them. I had access to the WWW to create this site, so we went about the task of entering all Harrison Data in April of 1994. Then lots of folks have helped by sharing their data with us too. The result is a one name study created as a research tool for anyone trying to find roots with this difficult surname. Our HARRISON data is online for you to freely search since March of 1995. The database includes relatives of President William Henry Harrison and numerous other HARRISON and related lines. Our former URLs were moon.ouhsc.edu/rbonner, www.uokhsc.edu/~rbonner and binger.ouhsc.edu/~rbonner. Documents to support Harrison research were on rentsv1.ouhsc.edu/bbonner - just in case you are wondering where all that went. We don't guarantee that all the data is accurate as many sources, books and references are known to be inaccurate. With your help and our continued efforts, we hope to make this THE MOST accurate source of Harrison ancestry.

Both databases were online at the same website causing some confusion for folks who visited us ... and often visitors did not realize there were 2 large databases at our site. Each database exceeds 35,000 records as of May 2000. So ... we decided to split them into two websites and moved to Rootsweb in which we both have been supporters for a long time.

Contact Info

This data is managed by Becky Bonner and Josephine Lindsay Bass (my mom). I live in Oklahoma City, OK and mom lives in Cape Canaveral, FL. Mom is a great help and either of us may answer your query. I get about 150 emails a week - so if you have sent me something and not heard from me, please be patient. Sometimes it takes me hours to answer just one of these requests. I developed the Bulletin Board just so you can post your Query without waiting for me get to it - AND to draw attention to special folks you are searching. We are delighted to hear from you and get new leads - and we know you are anxious to hear from us - so we are trying our very best be timely. This is definitely a labor of love - much need for one of the top ten most frequent surname in genealogy research. We update our online database as often as possible but is less frequent now that it is so large, requiring more than 9 hours just to transfer.

Genealogy Software

Lots of folks ask what genealogy software we use. There are a number of very fine packages available. You should try demos of your top picks before you decide. We used Reunion for Windows to manage our database your many years - and loved it. Available for Mac (older versions were for Windows platforms). We have upgraded to the newer MS Windows version now owned by Sierra called Generations. I use Gene Stark's Ged2Html program to produce the Web pages from our gedcoms. You really MUST visit his site where he maintains a a centralized index of sites to help you find relatives. You can contribute your own Harrison data to our Repository by submitting preferably a gedcom or a detailed clear report of your family with references. You can attach this to an email to me or my mom (see mailto links above or contact us to make other arrangements). We will cite you as one of the sources for every record we add or annotate from your information. We try NOT to include living individuals and are concentrating on Harrisons born before 1900. Don't forget to add places, dates, spouses, and spouses parents if known as it might be the clue we are looking for to suggest a link for you.

Web Document Editors

In regard to web editing... Becky Bonner designed and maintains this site. She uses a variety of packages, mostly freeware or shareware including Homesite (my favorite), FlexEd, Microsoft Internet Assisant for Word, Wordpad (just a plain old vanilla text editor), and Netscape Navigator Gold v. 4.6 at the moment.  Becky primarily uses Adobe Photoshop to prepare images for the web. Visit the Java Botique for Instructions for adding Applets to your Web page.

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We would love to get the advertisement so people can find us and hopefully we can all help each other. Thank you for helping make this a great site to visit! The Harrison Repository URL (web address): http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisonrep/

Thank you for stopping by!

My Southern Family http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~mysouthernfamily/

Last Updated: Friday, August 11, 2000
© 1996, 1999 Josephine Bass and Becky Bonner. All rights reserved.