Mother: America Lucinda SHARP |
_Zachariah ALVIS Sr._+ | (1761 - 1842) m 1789 _William Woodson ALVIS _| | (1803 - 1856) m 1831 | | |_Elizabeth WEBSTER __ | (1765 - 1840) m 1789 _Robert William ALVIS Sr. C.S.A._| | (1836 - 1900) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Mary Susan WEBSTER ____| | (1810 - ....) m 1831 | | |_____________________ | | |--Sarah Ella ALVIS | (1867 - ....) | _____________________ | | | ________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_America Lucinda SHARP __________| (1838 - 1910) | | _____________________ | | |________________________| | |_____________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BOTTS _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Thomas BOTTS | (1740 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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3 Sep 1748 Deed Bk D, Spts. Co. 650 a. to son, Henry
CONFLICTS: last name may be ORRELL.
Jacoab Clayton Birth: About 1670
Alt Birth: Alt 11 Mar 1681 in England[Or]Canada
Alt Birth: About 1690 Popular Neck, Spotsylvania County,
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Mother: Nancy Ann CATES |
Isaac and Barbara Brantley Durham as my likely gg grandparents.
Isaac was the son
of William Lindsey Durham and the grandson of Matthew Durham.
From: From: N A Durham ([email protected])
Source:[email protected] Subject: DNA Discussions Date:Apr
17, 2004
_Thomas DURHAM ______+ | (1700 - ....) _Matthew DURHAM Sr._____________| | (1725 - 1795) | | |_Peggy LINDSAY ______+ | (1700 - ....) _William Lindsay DURHAM Sr._| | (1754 - 1839) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Susanna (or Susannah) LINDSAY _| | (1731 - 1799) | | |_____________________ | | |--Isaac DURHAM | (1783 - 1835) | _____________________ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_Nancy Ann CATES ___________| (1759 - ....) | | _____________________ | | |________________________________| | |_____________________
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_ HIGGASON __________ | _Samuel HIGGASON ____| | (1765 - 1830) | | |_____________________ | _John O. HIGGASON ___| | (1796 - 1870) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--William P. HIGGASON | (1836 - ....) | _____________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_____________________ | | |_____________________| | | _____________________ | | |_____________________| | |_____________________
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Father: Thomas MERIWETHER of "Locust Hills" Mother: Elizabeth Mary THORNTON |
_Nicholas MERIWETHER II________+ | (1667 - 1744) m 1687 _David MERIWETHER ___| | (1690 - 1744) m 1711| | |_Elizabeth CRAWFORD ___________+ | (1654 - 1744) m 1687 _Thomas MERIWETHER of "Locust Hills"_| | (1714 - 1757) m 1735 | | | _George HOLMES ________________ | | | (1650 - ....) m 1690 | |_Anne HOLMES ________| | (1695 - 1736) m 1711| | |_Anne READE ___________________+ | (1652 - ....) m 1690 | |--Thomas MERIWETHER | (1755 - 1755) | _Francis THORNTON I____________+ | | (1651 - 1727) m 1673 | _Francis THORNTON II_| | | (1682 - 1737) m 1703| | | |_Alice Stafford SAVAGE ________+ | | (1653 - 1695) m 1673 |_Elizabeth Mary THORNTON ____________| (1713 - 1774) m 1735 | | _John "The Ranger" TALIAFERRO _+ | | (1656 - 1720) m 1682 |_Mary TALIAFERRO ____| (1686 - 1780) m 1703| |_Sarah SMITH __________________+ (1660 - 1720) m 1682
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _Richard MOXLEY _____| | (1700 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Mary MOXLEY | (1720 - 1777) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Jane BAKER |
In 1684, James Neale leaves by will ":to the poor of St. Giles's
Parish, near London, L5--to be sent to Mr. Henry Varrin." This
undoubtedly refers to the Parish of St. Giles-in the-Fields,
then, and for some time thereafter, on the outskirts of London,
and it was evidently James Neale's former residence. Drury Lane
passes directly through this parish, and it can thus be shown
that both Raphael Neale and James Neale were residents of the
same London parish. Taken in connection with other points, this
bit of evidence would seem to leave little doubt of the identity
of James Neale of Maryland with James Neale "3 yere old 1618."
the son of Raphael Neale of Drury Lane, London, and Wollaston,
County Northampton. It should be noted that James Neale of
Maryland had a grandson Raphael Neale, and that the name occurs
later generations.
This account of Captain James Neale by Christopher Johnston
shows that he was a member of the Maryland Council 1643 and
again in 1644. By 1647 he had returned to England leaving his
father-in-law, Benjamin Gill, as his attorney and representative
in Maryland. During his absence from Maryland he resided in
Spain and Portugal, where he engaged in commerce, and was also
employed in various affairs by the King and the Duke of York.
(Md. Archives II-90.)
In 1660 he was agent of Lord Baltimore at Amsterdam to protest
against the settlement of Dutch upon the Deleware. (Md. Archives
V-414-415.) On January 9, 1659/60 Lord Baltimore issued a
special order, reciting that whereas Captain James Neale,
formerly an inhabitant of Maryland, has been absent from the
province for some years, and now desires to return with his
family there to reside and inhabit, he has full leave to do so
as also to possess such lands as he has a right to, and to enter
and trade freely in any port in Maryland. (Md. Archives III,
386.) This Captain James Neale died 1684, leaving a will dated
November 27, 1683 and proved March 29, 1684. (Annapolis, Lib.
4, Fol. 40.)
On September 15, 1660 Captain James Neale demanded a grant of
land under the system of headrights then prevailing for
importing: Henry1 Neale, James Neale, John de Quierenen, John
Carilmelcher, Kerckman Dewch, Trenison de Heren, Thomas Caril,
John Melton, John Jeffs, Mary Spragge, and Elizabeth Howle. It
seems certain that these people accompanied Captain James Neale
at the time he got the approval to return to Maryland from Lord
Baltimore on January 9, 1659/60 and referred to above. (Maryland
Land Grants V-181) Source: "The Kay-Pendleton-Neel Families" by
Margaret and George Rose, pub. J. Grant Stevenson, 1969, Sent by
Betsy Stuerke, 2/12/2003."
"Lord Baltimore placed Captain Neale and other members of his
Council in charge of his property, with power to sell it from
time to time. He also told them to sell all his carpenters and
other apprentice servants,saying he understood they would yield
2,000 pounds of tobacco each, although they had only one year to
serve. The anxiety to liquidate his property was due to the
success of the Puritans in England and to disturbances in the
Colony brought on by Claiborne and by the "pirate" Richard
Ingle. I say pirate, because the records of the Assembly
sometimes refer to the miseries suffered from "that notorious
villain, Richard Ingle," or mention him briefly as "that pirate
Ingle." He was looked upon differently in England where
Parliament rewarded his iniquities.
Claiborne was in the forefront of trouble as usual, breaking the
settlers' honeymoon at St. Mary's, where crops were growing,
peach trees were in blossom, Indian maidens were friendly and
all was contentment when one of Claiborne's ships, the "Long
Tayle", sailed into Maryland waters to trade without a license
from Lord Baltimore. It was detained by officers of the
Provincial government, whereupon Claiborne sent an armed pinnace
to retaliate. In doing so, he was merely carrying out
instructions from his own government for in 1634, when he asked
the Virginia Council if he should recognize the Maryland claim
to Kent Island."It was answered by the board, that they wonder
why any such question was made; that they knew no reason why
they should render up the rights of that place of the Isle of
Kent, more than any other formerly given to this colony by his
majesty's patent; and that, the right of my lord's grant being
yet undetermined in England, we are bound in duty and by our
oaths to maintain the rights and privileges of this colony."
The first naval battle (according to this record) on inland
waters in America then took place in the Pocomoke River on the
Eastern Shore on 23 Apr 1635, between Claiborne's vessel
commanded by (ended on page 77).
Descendents of James Neale include: Leonard Neale, Vicar General
to Bishop Carroll and later President of Georgetown College and
Archbishop of Baltimore in 1815.
Sources include but are not limited to: "Ancestral File" and the
"IGI", "International Genealogical Index", both resource systems
developed and solely owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints also; "Pillars of Maryland".
In 1660 he returned to Maryland and petitioned for and obtained
naturalization for children Henrietta Maria, James, Dorothy, and
Anthony, who were born in Spain.
_THOMAS NEALE _________+ | (1515 - ....) m 1548 _JOHN NEALE _________| | (1550 - ....) m 1578| | |_GODITHA THROCKMORTON _ | (1520 - ....) m 1548 _Raphael NEALE ______| | (1584 - 1643) m 1612| | | _JOHN BUTLER __________ | | | (1521 - ....) | |_GRACE BUTLER _______| | (1560 - ....) m 1578| | |_______________________ | | |--James I. NEALE "the Immigrant" | (1615 - 1684) | _______________________ | | | _____________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_Jane BAKER _________| (1590 - ....) m 1612| | _______________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________
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Mother: Mary WILLIAMS |
__ | _George TAYLOR _________| | (1780 - ....) | | |__ | _James Barnet TAYLOR _| | (1810 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |_Christine BARNETT _____| | (1780 - ....) | | |__ | | |--Jane Elizabeth TAYLOR | (1829 - 1874) | __ | | | _Elisha Scott WILLIAMS _| | | (1780 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_Mary WILLIAMS _______| (1810 - ....) | | __ | | |_Abigail LIVERMORE _____| (1780 - ....) | |__
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