"Sources: A. Roots 141A-16, 141B-18; RC 253; Settipani. RC: King
of Byzantium. Emperor of the East, 886-912.
Roots: Leo VI, Emperor of Byzantium 886-912.
RC goes back to this man and then Settipani takes over. Says, in
French, he was Leon VI Philosophos, Empereur de Byzance, 30 aout
886 to 11 Mai 912. Leo VI is No. 7 on the Settipani chart, and
it goes up 78 generations to No. 85, Ramses II."
_MICHAEL II of the East Roman Empire_ | (0790 - 0829) _THEOPHILUS of the East Roman Empire_| | (0810 - 0842) | | |_THECLA______________________________ | (0790 - ....) _MICHAEL III of the East Roman Empire_| | (0840 - 0867) | | | _____________________________________ | | | | |_THEODORA____________________________| | (0810 - 0867) | | |_____________________________________ | | |--LEO VI "the Philosopher" of the East Roman Empire | (0866 - 0912) | _____________________________________ | | | _____________________________________| | | | | | |_____________________________________ | | |_EUDOCIA INGERINA_____________________| (0840 - 0882) | | _____________________________________ | | |_____________________________________| | |_____________________________________
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Father: William A. CRENSHAW Jr. of Louisa Co. VA Mother: Susannah |
1810 VA, Hanover Co. 2-00-1-0 1-00-3-0 9 slaves
_Thomas J. CRENSHAW Jr._+ | (1680 - 1730) _William A. CRENSHAW Sr._| | (1707 - 1760) m 1727 | | |________________________ | _William A. CRENSHAW Jr. of Louisa Co. VA_| | (1728 - 1799) m 1748 | | | ________________________ | | | | |_ ANDERSON ______________| | (1706 - ....) m 1727 | | |________________________ | | |--Joel CRENSHAW | (1753 - 1850) | ________________________ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |________________________ | | |_Susannah_________________________________| (1728 - 1800) m 1748 | | ________________________ | | |_________________________| | |________________________
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Mother: Nancy Ann TURNER |
_Thomas LEFTWICH Sr._+ | (1660 - 1730) m 1706 _Augustine LEFTWICH Sr._| | (1715 - 1795) m 1736 | | |_Mary NORTH _________+ | (1680 - 1730) m 1706 _Joel LEFTWICH ______| | (1760 - 1846) m 1781| | | _Richard MOXLEY _____ | | | (1700 - ....) | |_Mary MOXLEY ___________| | (1720 - 1777) m 1736 | | |_____________________ | | |--Jack (John) LEFTWICH | (1783 - 1833) | _James TURNER _______+ | | (1710 - 1793) m 1729 | _Richard TURNER ________| | | (1729 - 1769) m 1748 | | | |_Mary ADMIRE? _______ | | (1712 - ....) m 1729 |_Nancy Ann TURNER ___| (1761 - ....) m 1781| | _William JOHNS ______ | | (1708 - 1787) m 1729 |_Nancy Ann JOHNS _______| (1732 - 1822) m 1748 | |_Ann MERRYMAN? ______+ (1712 - 1757) m 1729
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_HENRY de PERCY 3d Earl of Northumberland__+ | (1421 - 1461) m 1435 _HENRY de PERCY 4t Earl of Northumberland_| | (1449 - 1489) m 1476 | | |_ELEANOR POYNINGS _________________________+ | (1422 - 1483) m 1435 _HENRY Algernon de PERCY 5th Earl of Northumberlan_| | (1477 - 1527) m 1502 | | | _WILLIAM HERBERT Earl of Pembroke__________+ | | | (1423 - 1469) | |_MAUD HERBERT ____________________________| | (1453 - 1485) m 1476 | | |_ANNE DEVEREUX ____________________________+ | (1435 - 1486) | |--THOMAS de PERCY Knt. | (1504 - 1537) | ___________________________________________ | | | _ROBERT SPENCER Knt. of Spencercombe______| | | (1435 - 1502) m 1470 | | | |___________________________________________ | | |_KATHERINE SPENCER ________________________________| (1477 - 1542) m 1502 | | _EDMUND de BEAUFORT Duke of Somerset, K.G._+ | | (1406 - 1455) m 1435 |_ALIANOR de BEAUFORT _____________________| (1438 - 1501) m 1470 | |_ALIANOR de BEAUCHAMP _____________________+ (1407 - 1467) m 1435
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_STEPHEN le SCROPE 2nd Lord of Masham_________+ | (1345 - 1403) _JOHN le SCROPE 4th Lord Scrope of Masham_| | (1378 - 1455) m 1418 | | |_MARGORY (Margaret) de WELLES Baroness Scrope_+ | (1350 - 1422) _JOHN le SCROPE _____| | (1418 - 1452) | | | ______________________________________________ | | | | |_ELIZABETH CHAWORTH ______________________| | (1391 - 1466) m 1418 | | |______________________________________________ | | |--ELEANOR le SCROPE | (1433 - 1471) | ______________________________________________ | | | __________________________________________| | | | | | |______________________________________________ | | |_MARGARET DACRE _____| (1416 - 1452) | | ______________________________________________ | | |__________________________________________| | |______________________________________________
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Mother: Mary Ann RAPINE |
In 1782-7 Powhatan Co. tax lists show 6-8 slaves. He was
baptized by David Tinsley and preached in the Powhatan Baptist
church, as well as the Skinquarter and Tomahawk churches. He
moved to Franklin Co KY in 1804, living across the creek from
close friend and anti-slavery advocate William Hickman. (In 1798
he had emancipated his 9 slaves).
"He was bred an Episcopalian, and was clerk of the church
previous to becoming a Baptist. He was baptized into the
fellowship of Powhatan church, in Powhatan county, by the famous
David Tinsley. He soon commenced exhorting, and, according to
Mr. Semple, became 'an excellent preacher.' He was intimately
associated with William Hickman, the Dupuys, and his younger
half-brother George Stokes Smith, in spreading the gospel in
Cumberland and Chesterfield counties.
When John Dupuy moved to Kentucky in 1784, George Smith
succeeded him in the pastoral care of Powhatan church. He also
became pastor of Skinquarter and Tomahawk churches, in
Chesterfield county. In about 1804 he moved to Kentucky, having
previously visited it ten times. He first stopped in Woodford
county, but shortly afterwards bought land in Franklin county,
near his old friend William Hickman, by Elkhorn Creek.
He arrived in KY just at the time the excitement on the slavery
question had reached its maximum height, warmly espoused the
anti-slavery side, and gave his full strength to its advocacy.
This rendered him unpopular among the Kentucky churches. He,
however, continued to preach. At one time there was an extensive
revival under his preaching in his own house." (from Spencer's
History of Kentucky Baptists, 1886, on information from George
Forsee, grandson of Mr. Smith.
Will of George Smith
To my beloved wife, Elizabeth Smith, fifteen shares of stock in
the Bank of Kentucky, together with a green settee, half a dozen
Windsor chairs, and all or such part as she may want of my table
and cupboard furniture, together with bed and bed furniture to
be disposed of as she thinks proper (except silver spoons.)
To my son, George R. Smith, forty-five shares of stock in the
Bank of Kentucky, One Thousand Dollars in cash, the Franklin
mare, my silver watch and silver spoons, equal share in my
property that shall be sold, together with all my out lands that
remain unsold...
it is my wish that One Hundred Dollars in cash be paid to negro
man Jack, Fifty Dollars in cash to Molly, whom I set free some
time past.
...the balance of the estate shall be equally divided between
the heirs of my deceased daughter, Mary Ann Forsee and Esther
Martin, provided that One Hundred Dollars be deducted from
Thomas L. Bryan, husband of Esther Forsee, and One Hundred
Dollars to be deducted from James Forsee, son of William Forsee,
Senior, also Six Hundred dollars to be deducted from William and
James Martin, sons of James Martin, deceased, viz: Three Hundred
Dollars each.
...Benjamin Davis to have the care of and education of my son
George R. Smith until he arrives to the age of twenty-one
George Smith, 1/8/1820
Codicil: my negro man Caesar be free on the eighth day of
January, negro man Mose, and my negro girl Araminta,
also to be free on the eighth day of January, 1820.
Proven in Franklin County, August 1820.
GEORGE RAPENE "MILLPOND" SMITH: Married Judith Guerrant and
moved to Kentucky in 1804 (having been pastor of the Separate
Baptist Church meeting in DuPuy's Meeting House in Powhatan Co.
VA) who advocated emancipation.
or 16 Jun 1747 Buckingham Co. VA
or 8 Sep 1820
_(RESEARCH QUERY-GOOCHLAND VA) SMITH _________+ | _George SMITH ______________________| | (1670 - ....) m 1718 | | |______________________________________________ | _Thomas SMITH _______| | (1719 - 1786) m 1743| | | ______________________________________________ | | | | |_Ann BAILEY ________________________| | m 1718 | | |______________________________________________ | | |--George Rapine SMITH Sr. | (1747 - 1820) | ______________________________________________ | | | _Antoine (Anthony) RAPINE (RAPEEN) _| | | (1670 - 1737) m 1719 | | | |______________________________________________ | | |_Mary Ann RAPINE ____| (1720 - 1747) m 1743| | _(RESEARCH QUERY) CHASTAIN of Manakintown, VA_ | | |_Marguerite CHASTAIN _______________| (1667 - ....) m 1719 | |______________________________________________
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To wife Ann, Extrx. "St. Johns". (This was the name of a parcel
of land) To daughter, Mary, plantation at the death of Ann. To
son, Lawrence, plantation should daughter Mary die without
issue. Also, 450 acres called "Tetershall's Gift" situated in
Charles County, and 100 acres on Nevitt's Creek. In event of
death of both children then the estate to the eldest son and
heirs of brother John Tetershall of Wiltshire, England if he or
they come to the province within two years. Otherwise, to the
Catholic Church. Source: "The Kay-Pendleton-Neel Families" by
Margaret and George Rose, pub. J. Grant Stevenson, 1969, Sent by
Betsy, Stuerke, 2/12/2003
__ | __| | | | |__ | _William? TATTERSHALL _| | (1610 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--William TATERSHALL | (1637 - 1660) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_______________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Lettice POWELL |
_Nicholas WARE II________________+ | (1655 - 1704) _Nicholas WARE III___| | (1670 - 1744) | | |_Elizabeth GRESHAM ______________ | _Edward WARE Sr._____| | (1710 - 1786) m 1743| | | _John GARRETT II "the Immigrant"_ | | | (1634 - 1706) | |_Elizabeth GARRETT __| | (1655 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth WARE _________________+ | (1634 - 1676) | |--John Powell WARE Sr. | (1760 - ....) | _Thomas POWELL __________________+ | | (1640 - 1701) m 1667 | _Thomas POWELL III___| | | (1675 - 1739) | | | |_Mary PLACE _____________________+ | | (1648 - 1710) m 1667 |_Lettice POWELL _____| (1725 - 1786) m 1743| | _William WIATT? _________________ | | (1650 - ....) |_Mary WIATT? ________| (1680 - 1754) | |_Elizabeth GIBSON _______________+ (1660 - ....)
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__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) WOOD _| | | | |__ | _William WOOD _______| | (1700 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Ann WOOD | (1724 - ....) | __ | | | ________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________| | | __ | | |________________________| | |__
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