Katherine Isham (of Henrico Co. ) "sick & weak of body" will of;
dated Oct. 10, 1686 . All debts to be paid. To grandson Wm.
Randolph œ20: sterling money of England in the Custody of
testator's son-in-law Wm. Randolph , in case of his Mortality
before he come to Age, then testator's grandson Henry Randolph
the œ20. To grandson Henry Randolph œ5: sterling of England . To
grand-daughters Mary Randolph & Eliza Randolph œ5: sterling
apiece. All wch money is now in Custody of testator's son-in-law
Wm. Randolph . Residue of my money in ye custody of said Wm.
Randolph to testator's two daughters Mary Randolph & Anne Epes
to be equally divided. Blew trunk wth all that is in it be
equally divided between two daughters Mary Randolph & Anne Epes
and I give to each of them two silver salt sellars. To Mary
Randolph testatrix Wedding Ring, & best feather bed wth
furniture, least Silver tankard but one and fifteen shillings to
buy a Mourning Ring, sd. Mary Randolph may be exempt from
bearing any part of paying testatrix debts or funeral charges.
To Grandson Joseph Royall one Servt. named John Towns "all the
time he hath to Serve" and small silver tankard. To every child
of "my son Royall's" two silver spoons to testatrix son Royall
the best tankard. To grandson Richard Dennis one of best cows,
and two silver spoons. To grandson Isham Epes , negro Dick . To
grandson Francis Epes biggest silver tankard but one, the child
testatrix daughter Anne Epes "now goes wth." largest silver
Porrenger, great silver cupp, Sealed Ring & great hoop Ring, a
pair of silver clasps. To daughter Anne Epes , silver bodkin. To
Grandson Richd. Perrin , feather bed & furniture. To
granddaughter Sarah Royall one yearling heifer. To grand
daughters Katherine Farrar , Mary , Sarah and Anne Perrin to
each of them two silver spoons. To Katherine Farrar one guinny.
To Anne Perrin one silver porringer. To Granddaughter Sarah
Dennis two silver spoons, one pair dowlasse sheets. Testatrix
two daughters Sarah Wilkinson & Katherine Perrin all wearing
cloathes woolen & Linnen. To friend Mary Parker six ells of best
dowlesse & as much of Fmost Serge as will make her a gown &
petticoat. To Grandson Maiden Mascherll one heifer two years
old. All testatrix land to her son Joseph Royall . Crop of Corn
& tobacco to Executors hereafter named except for much as will
buy two grave stones, one to cover me, & other my deceased dear
husband. Residue of personall estate to be equally divided
between testatrix four children, Sarah Wilkinson , Joseph Royall
, Katherine Parrin & Anne Epes : and to each of them fifteen
shillings to buy a mourning Ring. Son Joseph Royall and
son-in-law Francis Epes executors. "I desire my body may be
buryed near my dear husband on my own plantation."
Witnesses-John Worsham , Nath. Hill , Littlebury Epes . Probated
Xbr. 1, 1686 . Vol. 1677-1692 , p. 392.
Letters granted executors of Katherine Isham , decd. viz;
Francis Epes & Joseph Royall as executors of sd. Katherine will.
April 20, 1787 . Recorded April 1, 1687 . Vol. 1677-1692 , p.
Order for probate of the last will and testament of Mrs.
Katherine Isham , decd. is granted Mr. Fra. Epes & Mr. Joseph
Royall , exors. therein named, the sd. will being proved in
Court this day by the oaths of Mr. John Worshams , Mr. Nathl.
Hill , & Mr. Littlebury, Epes . subscribing witnesses thereto.
Saml. Knibbe , Martin Elam , & Edward Stratton, Jr to appraise
the sd. estate. Dec. 1, 1686 . Vol. 1682-1701 , p. 222.
__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) BANKS _| | | | |__ | _Christopher BANKS "the Immigrant"_| | (1600 - ....) | | | __ | | | | |_________________________| | | | |__ | | |--Katherine BANKS | (1620 - ....) | __ | | | _________________________| | | | | | |__ | | |___________________________________| | | __ | | |_________________________| | |__
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LDS: Father: Robert BLAIR b: 1630 in Scotland; Mother: Alvah
MINISTER b: 1636 in Scotland.
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Mother: MATHILDA (Tideshall) de ARUNDEL |
__ | _RICHARD CORBET _______| | (1200 - ....) | | |__ | _ROBERT CORBET Knt._______________| | (1234 - 1300) m 1280 | | | __ | | | | |_PETRONILLA de BOOLEY _| | (1200 - ....) | | |__ | | |--ROGER CORBET | (1283 - 1323) | __ | | | _JOHN de ARUNDEL ______| | | (1210 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_MATHILDA (Tideshall) de ARUNDEL _| (1244 - 1309) m 1280 | | __ | | |_______________________| | |__
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Mother: Lucy BRENT |
_____________________ | _John CURD I_________| | (1706 - 1752) | | |_____________________ | _John CURD II________| | (1726 - 1818) m 1758| | | _Daniel PRICE Jr.____+ | | | (1680 - 1770) | |_Elizabeth PRICE ____| | (1707 - ....) | | |_____________________ | | |--Mary CURD | (1769 - 1833) | _Hugh BRENT III______+ | | (1680 - 1750) | _James BRENT ________| | | (1706 - ....) m 1727| | | |_Ellinor HAINES _____ | | (1680 - ....) |_Lucy BRENT _________| (1735 - 1815) m 1758| | _Thomas NEWTON ______+ | | (1678 - 1728) m 1702 |_Catherine NEWTON ___| (1707 - ....) m 1727| |_Elizabeth STORKE ___+ (1690 - 1759) m 1702
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Mother: Fidelia Mary DORSET |
_John HODGES I________+ | (1720 - 1778) _John HODGES II______| | (1755 - 1821) m 1778| | |_Rebecca______________ | (1720 - 1791) _William Henry HODGES _| | (1794 - 1851) m 1822 | | | _William STANDARD Sr._+ | | | (1737 - 1807) m 1763 | |_Ann STANDARD _______| | (1763 - 1826) m 1778| | |_Dorothy JONES _______+ | (1745 - 1770) m 1763 | |--Elizabeth Mary HODGES | (1829 - 1829) | ______________________ | | | _John DORSET Jr._____| | | (1770 - ....) | | | |______________________ | | |_Fidelia Mary DORSET __| (1804 - 1848) m 1822 | | ______________________ | | |_Susannah____________| (1770 - ....) | |______________________
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Mother: Margaret EWING |
_____________________ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) PORTER of Maryland_| | | | |_____________________ | _Andrew PORTER "the Immigrant"_| | (1734 - 1821) | | | _____________________ | | | | |_____________________________________| | | | |_____________________ | | |--Elizabeth PORTER | (1760 - ....) | _Robert EWING _______+ | | (1646 - ....) | _Alexander EWING "the Immigrant"_____| | | (1678 - 1738) | | | |_____________________ | | |_Margaret EWING _______________| (1732 - 1801) | | _____________________ | | |_Rebeckah____________________________| (1680 - 1750) | |_____________________
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Mother: Margaret Jane PENDLETON |
_John SANDUSKY ______+ | (1790 - ....) m 1811 _Samuel Davis SANDUSKY ___| | (1812 - 1893) m 1833 | | |_Martha HUNTLEY _____ | m 1811 _George William SANDUSKY C.S.A._| | (1834 - 1896) m 1854 | | | _____________________ | | | | |_Anna Marie MCKAY ________| | (1813 - 1843) m 1833 | | |_____________________ | | |--Anna Maria SANDUSKY | (1856 - ....) | _Thomas PENDLETON ___+ | | (1773 - 1823) m 1794 | _Daniel Farmer PENDLETON _| | | (1803 - 1887) m 1834 | | | |_Jane FARMER ________+ | | (1775 - 1845) m 1794 |_Margaret Jane PENDLETON _______| (1836 - 1915) m 1854 | | _____________________ | | |_Phoebe SIMS _____________| (1810 - 1840) m 1834 | |_____________________
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