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Mother: Margaret DOUGHTY |
LDS Marriage(s):
Spouse: Catharine BURNBURY (AFN: 22HF-2V) Family
Marriage: 1718-20 Of, St. Paul's Par., Stafford, Virginia
Spouse: Grace (AFN: B5BB-XW)
" Joseph Berry was the eldest son and heir of his parents,
William and Margaret Doughty Berry. He is described in
contemporary literature as a "planter of Stafford County", and
entries in the St. Paul's Parish Register show that he lived in
that parish and later moved to King George County, where he also
owned property. His birth date is derived from a statement he
made in 1748 at the Fairfax court, in which he said he was then
57 years of also contains the information that Joseph
Berry lived "near King George Court House about 70 miles
"will of Joseph Berry 1749 King George County. In the name of
God Amen. I Joseph Berry of the County of King George and Parish
of Hanover being in good health and sound and perfect sence and
memory as usually at other times past for which blessing I give
thanks and praise to Almighty God, but calling to mind the
uncertainty of this life and that it is appointed for all men
once to die do make and ordain this to be my last will and
testament in manner and form following, that is to say first and
inprimis I commend my soul into the protection of my great and
mercifull creator and my body to the earth from whence it came
to be decently buried at the discretion of my executix hereafter
named in sure and certain hope of a joyfull resurection at the
last day, and for such wordly goods as it hath pleased God to
bless me with I give as follows, vizt..
Item: That, whereas by the Last Will and Testament of my father
William Berry, deceased, bearing date the 5th of Feb. 1720 he
has therein demised to my brother Enoch Berry the plantation and
land whereon he then lived in the following words, vizt..
I give to my son Enoch Berry the plantation I how live on with
all the land joyning thereto now in my possession being the
third part of a certain pattent granted to Enoch Doughty by
computation five hundred acres to him and his heirs lawfully
begotten of his own body and for want of such heirs to fall to
my son, Joseph Berry and to his heirs lawfully begotten of his
own body.
Now that I am heir at law to my mother she being the daughter of
said Enoch Doughty, I am apprehensive that the said clause or
paragraff mentioned in my said father's will does not convey a
legal title to my said brother Enoch Berry in the said land, but
notwithstanding as I know it was my Mother's desire and my
father's will that my said brother Enoch Berry should have a
part of the said land, I do therefore declare and am well
contented that it should be according to their will and desire,
but as my brother Enoch Berry and I have formerly agreed that he
the said Enoch should have in lieu of the said land given to him
by my father's will the upper part of the said land being the
plantation whereon I formerly lived before the death of my
father Wm. Berry, now I do hereby desire and it is my will that
my said brother Enock Berry do hold the said plantation whereon
I formerly lived as above said it being the same plantation
whereon my brother Enoch Berry now lives with all the land lying
between the North easternmost bounds of the said Pattent and the
Creek called Doughty's Creek which creek is the division between
his land and mine, his land being the upper part of the whole
tract to him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for
want of such heirs to return to the heirs of my body lawfully
begotten in the same manner as is mentioned and intended in my
fathers will aforesaid, but if it shall happen at any time
hereafter that my brother Enoch Berry or his heirs or any other
person or persons claiming under them shall claim any right or
title to the land whereon I now live it being the same land what
is mentioned in my father's will aforesaid or shall bring any
troublesome or vexatious suit in law against my heirs, executors
or any other person or persons claiming by me or my heirs on
account of the aforesaid gift intail mentioned in my father's
will as aforesaid, that then this paragraff in my will as it
above recited shall be utterly void and of none effect and that
my heirs, executors or administrators or any other person
claiming by them shall have power and authority to enter and
possess the premises above mentioned as if this demise had never
been mentioned in my will.
item: It is my will and desire that my well beloved wife
Catherine Simcock Berry do hold and possess my land and
plantation whereon I now live during her life only allowing to
my son Joseph Berry the liberty of the house which he has lately
built and the liberty of building such other houses as he has
occasion for with a reasonable portion of ground to work on
provided that he shall have no privilige to work any land but
such as his Mother is willing to let him have without being
prejudicial to herself.
Item: It is my will and desire that after the death of my wife
Catherine Simcock, my land whereon I now live be equally divided
between my 2 sons Joseph and Benjamin Berry allowing to each
part an equal breadth upon the River counting from the mouth of
the Creek to the lower corner of the tract next to Col. Carter's
land, the line or lines for the division to extend back from the
River to parallell Carter's lines, my son Joseph to have the
first choice after the division the said land to them and their
heirs forever, but if it shall happen that either of my said
sons Joseph and Benjamin shall die without heirs or making any
legal disposition of their parts of the said land that then the
inheritance shall descend to their next brother, vizt. my son
Withers he being my third son, and if they should both dye
without heirs or otherwise disposing of their land in their
lifetime that then the inheritance thereof shall descent to the
said son Withers and his next brother Thomas, my fourth son, to
be held by them in the same manner as is above mentioned to
their older brothers.
Likewise if my 2 sons Withers and Thomas should bothe or either
of them dye then the inheritance shall descend to their 2
youngest brothers, Baldwin and Reuben, my 5th and 6th sons, in
the same manner as is above mentioned to their other brothers.
The meaning of my intent and desire that my 2 oldest sons then
living or their heirs may from time to time hold my said land
between them, and if my said sons or any of them or their heirs
they being at the same time in right and property to sess or
convey the whole or any part thereof belonging to them as they
shall think fitt.
Item: It is my will and desire that my wife Catherine SimCock do
hold all my other estate both real and personal during her life
to use and dispose thereof at her own discretion in paying my
debts and funeral expenses and likewise for her own support and
the support and maintainance of my children until the youngest
come of age which I desire may be under her tuition and if any
part of my estate or the profitts thereof (excepting the
reversion of my land as above demised to my sons) be left at her
death that it may go to my children to be distributed amongst
them according to the discretion of my aforesaid wife Catherine
Simcock Berry whom I do hereby constitute and appoint to be
whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament and I
do hereby revoke and disannull all former wills by me heretofore
made and do ratifie this to be my true and last will as witness
my hand and seale."
(pic) "This is Berry Plain, a beautiful home in VA built by the
Berry family, in 1721. It has only been owned by 3 families
since the beginning; the Berrys, the Dickenson family, and the
current owners, who have returned it to its former beauty. The
boxwood planted by the Berrys at Berry Plain were sold to
Colonial Williamsburg and their sale brought in enough money to
"save the farm" for the's exciting to visit
Williamsburg and see some of their very large and very old
boxwood, knowing that they had been started by your own family
over 250 years ago."
_William BERRY "the Immigrant"___ | (1610 - 1654) m 1634 _Henry BERRY ________| | (1635 - 1677) m 1649| | |_Jane Locke HERMINS _____________ | (1616 - 1650) m 1634 _William BERRY ______| | (1650 - 1721) m 1685| | | _________________________________ | | | | |_Ann SAUNDERS? ______| | (1635 - 1670) m 1649| | |_________________________________ | | |--Joseph BERRY | (1691 - 1749) | _Francis DOUGHTY "the immigrant"_+ | | (1605 - ....) m 1624 | _Enoch DOUGHTY ______| | | (1638 - 1677) | | | |_Bridgett STONE? ________________+ | | (1605 - 1657) m 1624 |_Margaret DOUGHTY ___| (1670 - 1719) m 1685| | _________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_________________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth PRATHER (PRATER) |
VOL. 5 of A BRASHEAR(S) FAMILY HISTORY, "Two Brashear(s)
Families of the
Lower Mississippi Valley, Their Choctaw, & Other Descendants,"
6. PHILIP BRASHEAR of East Baton Rouge Parish, LA 110
__ | _ BRASHEAR __________| | (1700 - ....) | | |__ | _Jesse BRASHEARS ____________| | (1733 - 1788) m 1755 | | | __ | | | | |_____________________| | | | |__ | | |--Philip BRASHEAR | (1760 - 1825) | __ | | | _Philemon PRATHER ___| | | (1720 - ....) | | | |__ | | |_Elizabeth PRATHER (PRATER) _| (1740 - 1804) m 1755 | | __ | | |_Margery HUNT _______| (1720 - ....) | |__
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Mother: Elizabeth COMPTON |
_Philip BRISCOE Jr.______+ | (1693 - 1743) m 1712 _Philip BRISCOE _____| | (1719 - ....) | | |_Elizabeth COLE? ________ | (1693 - 1767) m 1712 _Walter BRISCOE Sr.__| | (1742 - 1785) m 1762| | | _________________________ | | | | |_Nancy FOSTER _______| | (1716 - ....) | | |_________________________ | | |--Mary I. BRISCOE | (1768 - ....) | _Matthew COMPTON I_______+ | | (1671 - 1747) m 1700 | _Matthew COMPTON II__| | | (1709 - 1770) m 1733| | | |_Susannah BRISCOE _______+ | | (1687 - 1738) m 1700 |_Elizabeth COMPTON __| (1742 - 1797) m 1762| | _William Stevens HOWARD _+ | | (1684 - 1734) |_Rachel HOWARD ______| (1714 - 1787) m 1733| |_Elizabeth DOUGLAS ______ (1685 - ....)
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Mother: Nancy (Anne) MORGAN |
_Thomas HART I "the Immigrant"_____+ | (1660 - ....) _Thomas HART II_________________________| | (1700 - 1755) m 1730 | | |___________________________________ | _Benjamin HART _______| | (1740 - ....) m 1758 | | | _Thomas RHUYS RICE "the Immigrant"_+ | | | (1656 - 1711) | |_Susannah RICE _________________________| | (1700 - ....) m 1730 | | |_Marcy HEWES? _____________________ | (1664 - 1722) | |--Lemuel HART | (1760 - ....) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN __________ | | | _(RESEARCH QUERY) MORGAN of VA NC TN KY_| | | | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Nancy (Anne) MORGAN _| (1744 - 1840) m 1758 | | ___________________________________ | | |________________________________________| | |___________________________________
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_ALAN of the Bass de LAUDER 1st of Hatton_+ | m 1370 _ALEXANDER LAUDER 2nd of Hatton_| | (.... - 1424) | | |_ALICIA CAMPBELL _________________________+ | (.... - 1371) m 1370 _WILLIAM LAUDER _____| | (.... - 1442) | | | _ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS 4th Earl of Douglas____+ | | | (1370 - 1424) | |_HELEN DOUGLAS _________________| | (1390 - ....) | | |_MARGARET STEWART of Galloway_____________+ | (1370 - 1451) | |--ALEXANDER LAUDER of Hatton | (.... - 1451) | __________________________________________ | | | ________________________________| | | | | | |__________________________________________ | | |_____________________| | | __________________________________________ | | |________________________________| | |__________________________________________
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_CHILDERIC I___________+ | (0436 - 0496) _CLOVIS I Magnus of France (Franks)_| | (0466 - 0511) m 0492 | | |_BASINA van THÜRINGEN _+ | (0440 - 0470) _CHLOTARIUS I MÉROVINGIENS of Soissons and Franks_| | (0497 - 0561) | | | _CHILPERIC of Burgundy_+ | | | (0450 - 0491) | |_CLOTILDIS of Burgundy______________| | (0474 - 0548) m 0492 | | |_______________________ | | |--SIEGEBERT I MÉROVINGIENS | (0520 - ....) | _______________________ | | | ____________________________________| | | | | | |_______________________ | | |_ARNEGUNDIS_______________________________________| (0500 - ....) | | _______________________ | | |____________________________________| | |_______________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _Thomas PRESTRIDGE I "the Immigrant"_| | (1688 - 1730) | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--Thomas PRESTRIDGE II | (1707 - 1737) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |_____________________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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_JOHN SETON of Seton_____________+ | (1370 - 1434) m 1392 _WILLIAM de SETON _______________| | (1393 - 1424) | | |_CATHERINE SINCLAIR _____________+ | (1370 - 1450) m 1392 _GEORGE SETON 1st Lord_| | (1404 - 1478) | | | _GEORGE DUNBAR 9th Earl of March_+ | | | (1370 - ....) | |_JANET DUNBAR of March___________| | (1386 - ....) | | |_________________________________ | | |--CHRISTIAN SETON | (1440 - ....) | _DAVID MURRAY Knt._______________+ | | (1380 - 1451) | _WILLIAM MURRAY of Tullibardine)_| | | (1400 - ....) | | | |_MARGARET COLQUHOUN _____________ | | (1380 - ....) |_CHRISTIAN MURRAY _____| (1420 - ....) | | _________________________________ | | |_________________________________| | |_________________________________
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Mother: Elizabeth SMITH |
_GREY SKIPWITH of Virginia 3rd Baronet_+ | (1620 - 1680) _WILLIAM SKIPWITH Knt. 4th Baronet_| | (1670 - 1730) m 1704 | | |_Elizabeth or BRIDGET?_________________ | (1640 - ....) _WILLIAM SKIPWITH Knt. 6th Baronet_| | (1707 - 1764) m 1733 | | | _Henry III PEYTON of Aquia Creek_______+ | | | (1656 - 1695) m 1685 | |_Sarah PEYTON _____________________| | (1690 - ....) m 1704 | | |_Anne Barnes THORNTON _________________ | (1670 - ....) m 1685 | |--Elizabeth SKIPWITH | (1740 - 1771) | _______________________________________ | | | _John SMITH _______________________| | | (1690 - ....) | | | |_______________________________________ | | |_Elizabeth SMITH __________________| (1710 - ....) m 1733 | | _______________________________________ | | |___________________________________| | |_______________________________________
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Mother: Margaret Josephine CORCORAN |
________________________________________ | ____________________________| | | | |________________________________________ | _H. W. WARRICK _______________| | (1870 - ....) m 1896 | | | ________________________________________ | | | | |____________________________| | | | |________________________________________ | | |--Katie WARRICK | (1900 - ....) | _Michael David CORCORAN "the Immigrant"_ | | (1811 - 1877) m 1838 | _James Nash CORCORAN C.S.A._| | | (1845 - 1909) m 1871 | | | |_Dianah D. MORGAN ______________________+ | | (1822 - ....) m 1838 |_Margaret Josephine CORCORAN _| (1872 - 1905) m 1896 | | _David Alexander MCCANTS Sr.____________+ | | (1821 - 1853) m 1841 |_Anne Rosamond MCCANTS _____| (1844 - 1916) m 1871 | |_Elizabeth "Eliza" Pennell LIVINGSTON __+ (1818 - 1903) m 1841
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