_HUGO ARBUTHNOT _______________________+ | (1311 - 1355) _PHILIP ARBUTHNOT ___| | (1330 - 1404) m 1372| | |_______________________________________ | _HUGH ARBUTHNOT _____| | (1373 - 1446) m 1397| | | _JAMES de DOUGLAS 1st of Dalkeith______+ | | | (1322 - 1420) m 1372 | |_MARGARET DOUGLAS ___| | (1348 - ....) m 1372| | |_AGNES DUNBAR _________________________+ | (1326 - ....) m 1372 | |--ROBERT ARBUTHNOT | (1414 - 1450) | _WILLIAM de KEITH Great Marischal Scot_+ | | (1315 - 1407) m 1340 | _ROBERT de KEITH ____| | | (1363 - 1430) | | | |_MARGARET FRASER ______________________+ | | (1321 - 1407) m 1340 |_MARGARET KEITH _____| (1376 - 1419) m 1397| | _______________________________________ | | |_____________________| | |_______________________________________
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Mother: Frances Osborne BARNES |
_Burr HARRISON "the Immigrant"_+ | (1637 - 1706) _Thomas HARRISON I____________________| | (1665 - 1746) | | |_Lettice (Mary) SCARLETT ______ | (1638 - 1672) _Cuthbert HARRISON Sr.___| | (1700 - 1771) m 1738 | | | _______________________________ | | | | |_Sithia Elizabeth or Sophia C. SHORT _| | (1665 - 1746) | | |_______________________________ | | |--Sarah "Sally" HARRISON | (1754 - 1842) | _Henry BARNES "the Immigant"___+ | | (1643 - 1676) | _Mathew BARNES _______________________| | | (1670 - 1746) | | | |_Sarah COFFER _________________+ | | (1641 - ....) |_Frances Osborne BARNES _| (1709 - ....) m 1738 | | _______________________________ | | |_Frances OSBORNE _____________________| (1660 - ....) | |_______________________________
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Mother: Mary TINSLEY |
_John PENDLETON _____+ | (1691 - 1775) m 1719 _William or John? or Richard? PENDLETON _| | (1720 - 1779) m 1748 | | |_Mary TINSLEY _______+ | (1703 - ....) m 1719 _Richard Spotts PENDLETON _| | (1760 - 1829) m 1784 | | | _Edward TINSLEY Sr.__+ | | | (1704 - 1782) m 1724 | |_Elizabeth TINSLEY ______________________| | (1727 - 1783) m 1748 | | |_Margaret TAYLOR ____+ | (1705 - 1782) m 1724 | |--Richard PENDLETON | (1803 - ....) | _Edward TINSLEY Sr.__+ | | (1704 - 1782) m 1724 | _Edward TINSLEY Jr.______________________| | | (1730 - 1798) m 1760 | | | |_Margaret TAYLOR ____+ | | (1705 - 1782) m 1724 |_Mary TINSLEY _____________| (1762 - 1844) m 1784 | | _John BUFORD ________+ | | (1707 - 1787) m 1735 |_Elizabeth BUFORD _______________________| (1740 - 1803) m 1760 | |_Judith EARLY _______+ (1710 - 1781) m 1735
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Mother: Victoria SPARKMAN |
Miss Fannie Powell,
Dear Cousin,
I received your letter a few days ago and am happy to take up a
correspondence with another one of my cousins. I am in hopes it
will be a long and pleasant one. Cousin I wish you and Cousin
Sophie (Elizabeth Sophia Powell) and Cousin Rodney (Joseph
Rodney Powell) would come here and spend Christmas with us for
we are anticipating quite a merry time. Cousin Zenie (Jerryzene
Coney) and Luke Coney and myself are going to a grand Masonic
dinner in Magnolia Friday. A young lady is to present the
master Mason with a banner. That night they are to have a ball.
As soon as Christmas is over we are going to move in two miles
of Magnolia. We have never moved before. We have always lived
on Grand Pa's (Daniel Quin) old place. Iam glad you have
selected me a sweetheart but if he want me he will have to come
after me. I'll tell Aunt Emily (Emily Quin, wife of Jeremiah
Coney) and Aunt Pollie (Mary L. Quin, wife of Thomas Ellzey) to
send you there pictures when I see them. Pa and Ma says theres
are too ugly to send. I'll send you my Photograph when I have
some taken. Cousin, be sure and send me yours and Sophie
picture in your next letter and my Aunts for I am so anxious to
see her. I will close for the present. All the family joins me
in love to you all.
Write soon and tell me how you spend Christmas.
from your loving
Nannie Q.
_Peter QUIN Sr._____________+ | (1750 - 1824) m 1776 _Daniel QUIN _____________| | (1779 - 1859) m 1805 | | |_Judith ROBINSON ___________ | (1760 - 1840) m 1776 _Franklin Murray QUIN C.S.A._| | (1829 - 1884) m 1852 | | | _James DEERE _______________ | | | (1750 - ....) | |_Keturah "Kitty" DEERE ___| | (1780 - 1851) m 1805 | | |_Margaret GRAHAM ___________ | (1750 - ....) | |--Nannie Keturah QUIN | (1855 - 1946) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) SPARKMAN _ | | | _Reddick Taylor SPARKMAN _| | | (1800 - ....) | | | |____________________________ | | |_Victoria SPARKMAN __________| (1837 - 1917) m 1852 | | ____________________________ | | |_Nancy Woodward PEARSON __| (1820 - ....) | |____________________________
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__ | __| | | | |__ | _(RESEARCH QUERY) RUCKER _| | | | | __ | | | | |__| | | | |__ | | |--James W. RUCKER | (1800 - ....) | __ | | | __| | | | | | |__ | | |__________________________| | | __ | | |__| | |__
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Mother: Martha THOMPSON |
Children? Ezekal? b 1739 m. Eve Superman and Maj. Francis?
nothing more known?
Taylor genealogy of the James clan. Although the author of
"Taylor 4.0 appendix A" does not appear on the pages, the
following sources are cited on the first page: Virginia
Genealogies, by Horace Hayden, and The Robertson, Rogers and
Taylor Ancestry by Donald Robertson.
"Son Thomas had a daughter Elizabeth, born 1776, that married
James McMees. (DAC [sic] lineage book 10)
"Son Joseph had a son David that married Nancy Higston. (DAC
[sic] lineage book #6)." End quote. "Daughters of American
CONFLICT: in number of wives and dates. he m.(1) Stella Pickett
Hardy (2) Elizabeth Lee 1729 (3) Ester Blackburn aft 1739.
Historic Roads of Va. Orange County Road Orders 1750-1800 By;
Ann Brushmiller: "26 April 1750 Old Style, Page 247: James
Isbell is appointed overseer of the Road from Caves ford to
Zachary Taylors old Ordinary in the Room of Philip Eastin & that
he with the gang that was under the said Eastin (except those
that have been since taken of) do kiip the same in repair --
November 27, 1756, Page 311: Ordered that Zach. Taylors hands
work on the Road Johney Scott is Surveyor of & exempted from
working on the Road Thomas Newman is Overseer of & that the said
Scott Clear his Road as low of the fork by the Old Ordinary --
November 27, 1756, Page 311: James Waggoner is appointed
Overseer of the Road in the room of Tho. Newman & that he with
the Gang that was under the said Newman (except Zach. Taylors
lands) Clear the same from the fork of the Road above the said
Taylors Quarter down to Poplar Spring & keep the same in Repair
according to Law--
27 October 1757, Page 352: William Fulsher is Appointed Overseer
of the Road from the fork of the Road by Zachary taylors Quarter
to Caves ford & also from Taomahawk to the Courthouse in the
room of Philip Eastin & that he with the Gang that was under the
said Eastin clear & keep the same in repair --
27 October 1757, Page 353: Thomas Chew, Rowland Thomas & Richard
Thomas Gent or any two of them are appointed to joyn with the
gent Mentioned by the Court of Louisa County
22 May 1766, Page 370 (O.C.M.B. 1, Page 97): Edward Cason
appointed Overseer of the road from the Courthouse down to the
path that leads to Zachary Taylors house and that he with his
Gang and the hands at Col. Baylors Quarter Viz. from John
Wrights, John Embres, & Jonathan Davis's Clear and keep the Same
in Repair --
27 June 1796, Page 386: Zachary Taylor appointed Overseer of the
road from the Old Muster Field run up to William Taylors & Ord
that he with John Sampson, Elisha Shearman, James Jolly Cutbut
Norman, Sanders Walker, Lewis Gordon, Powell W. Thompson,
Benjamin Walker, W.B. Knight. Benjamin Powell, W. Lewis Powell,
Thomas Walker, William Taylor & W. Eaton do clear the s.
precints & keep the same in good repair accord to Law."
in Rapidan,Orange,Va?
_John TAYLOR ______________________+ | (1611 - 1658) _James I TAYLOR ____________| | (1635 - 1698) m 1667 | | |_Elizabeth HORTON _________________+ | (1610 - ....) _James TAYLOR II_____| | (1675 - 1730) m 1699| | | ___________________________________ | | | | |_Frances WALKER? ___________| | (1645 - 1680) m 1667 | | |___________________________________ | | |--Zachary TAYLOR Sr. | (1707 - 1768) | _(RESEARCH QUERY) THOMPSON ________ | | | _William or Roger THOMPSON _| | | (1630 - ....) m 1659 | | | |___________________________________ | | |_Martha THOMPSON ____| (1679 - 1762) m 1699| | _Peter II MONTAGUE "the Immigrant"_+ | | (1603 - 1659) m 1629 |_Ellen MONTAGUE ____________| (1633 - 1659) m 1659 | |_Elizabeth ALLEN __________________ (1613 - 1654) m 1629
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