Worcestershire surname list Worcestershire, Geneology, Worcestershire Surnames Interests

Worcestershire Surname Interests

Surnames K

This page last updated on December 26, 2001

To enquire further about any of the surnames, click on the submitter's name or e-mail address to send an e-mail.

KENNARD ,Worcester, Worcester ,1800's, Joanne Richards
KETTLE,Claines,1800's, Joanne Richards
KIMBERLEY,Descendants of Edwin & Eliza, Samuel & Annie,Oldbury,From 1890, Trevor Walter
KING, Kidderminster, 1775 forwards, Bruce Moorhouse
KINGS,Upton Snodsbury ,1600 to date, Joanne Richards
KINGS,Kepmsey/Norton,before 1850, Chris Jordan
KITE,Norton,1860 to date, Jayne McIntyre
KNIGHT,Oldbury,1700-1800s, Joanne Richards
KNOTT,Abberley,1825, Mike Holloway
KNOWLES ,Kidderminster area,1780 - 1900, Angie Burnish


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