Will: E.K.R.C. RU774/T880 John Cowell of Salmeston, last will and testament, 1747. Bequeath to son John Cowell £100 and all that one messuage, or tenement and one barn and one stable. Also one place and garden one orchard and eight acres of arable land to the said messuage or tenement adjoining now in occupation of said son John. Also the eighteen acres of arable land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging now in occupation of brother in law William Troward all which said twenty six acres are situated in the parish of St Laurence. Upon the decease of my said son John unto the six sons of my said son John Cowell and to the heirs of yheir several bodies lawfully to be begotten. To my son Beaton Cowell all that messuage, tenement, malthouse, barn, stable, podwarehouse? Plate, garden orchard, green, lime kiln, chalk pit and three pieces or parcels of arable land to the said messuage containing by estimation thirty six acres except a parcel of arable land of two acres and a half lately used with a greater parcel of arable land hereafter given and devised to my son William Cowell. And also all that full and undivided fourth or quarter part of all those several parcels of land arable amounting to seventeen acres lately purchased from Robert Brook all of which are situated in parish of St John, and in occupation of myself, Stephen Rowney and Thomas Row the elder. Also I bequeath to Beaton Cowell all my Five Hundred Pounds of Bank of England Stock or in the Million bank which cost me seven hundred pounds. (indenture tripartite 1729) Son Edward and brother in law William Troward. Son Joseph Cowell (sons John, Edward, William, Beaton and Troward) daughter Sarah Fuller, Jane Gurney, Martha Mockett (Isaac). Grandson Edward Cowell one of six sons of my son John. Grandson John.
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