
Folk Finders


From Gary Matthews take Highway 48/13 2.6 miles to Highway 149. Turn right, go 6.6 miles to Palmyra Road. Turn left, go .7 miles to Sharptop Road, turn right, Sharptop will run into Goolinghorn Road. Keep going straight to Budd�s Creek Road. Turn right. Go about 1/2 mile. Cemetery is on the right in the side yard of house #3192.
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We try to keep families grouped together. If someone's last name is listed, it means they have a separate headstone. If it is not listed, they are sharing a headstone with someone else. Sometimes children are on the same headstone as parents.
Since we do not personally know these families, if we aren't sure of a relationship we list who they are buried next to. Any help matching folks with their relatives will be greatly appreciated.
The information is exactly as it appears on the stones. If you know the person's full name, please let us know.
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HUGHES    Bertha E.    1908 - 1975
Bobby Gene Swift    1935 - 1936

RANKHORN    Billy    Jan.4,1911 - Dec.5,1942
Father    (footstone)

SWIFT    Lenard    Dec.22,1897 - May 20,1936
His toils are past, his work is done
He fought the fight - the victory won
(footstone)    Mason Symbol

Transcribed: March 8,2001

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