Burnell, Jeremiah (b. 1826, d. 1913)
Note: 1881 census: with them was Amy Markham Niece 11 Scholar b Brill, Bucks
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard GommData:
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C148531 1599 - 1861 1042397 Film 6900418 Film
Sheet: 00
Christening: 20 AUG 1826 Quainton, Bucks
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Ag Lab
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Ag Lab
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Retired Labourer Cattle/Cowman - Charity Pensioner
Death: 1913 Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Can't find family
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Can't find family
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 153 ? Houses, Steeple Claydon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Almshouses, Church Str, Quainton, Bucks
Death: 20 FEB 1860
Source: (Birth)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Ag Lab
Death: 1863 Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks - with Jane & family
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tez
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tez
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: Tez
Media: Book
Source: (Birth)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard GommPage: IGI ref:
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C148521 1538 - 1881 1042396 Film 6900697 Film Sheet: 00
Christening: 19 JAN 1731/32 Padbury, Bucks
Death: 21 JAN 1731/32 Padbury, Bucks
Burial: 21 JAN 1731/32 Padbury, Bucks
Christening: --Not Shown--
Christening: --Not Shown--
Source: (Individual)
Title: Bucks Posse Comitatus
Event: Type: Posse Comitatus
Date: 1798
Place: Labourer in Hardwick
Death: 28 JAN 1813 Hardwick, Bucks
Death: 11 SEP 1783 North Marston
Death: 15 SEP 1815 Hardwick, Bucks
Death: 8 MAY 1848 Hardwick, Bucks
Death: 19 MAR 1832 Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
Source: (Individual)
Title: Bucks Posse Comitatus
Event: Type: Posse Comitatus
Date: 1798
Place: Labourer in Hardwick
Death: 9 SEP 1849 Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Individual)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Ag Lab
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Lacemaker
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
Note: christening either 25 Mar or 11 Oct 1829
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
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