Genealogy Data Page 53 (Notes Pages)

Genealogy Data Page 53 (Notes Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Nicola Kay Burnell
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Mason, David John (b. --Not Shown--)

Note: [thyer.FTW]

Born Hillingham hospital,uxbridge.
First address:-111 beacinfielad road,southall middx 1952-1953.
Second:-52 haydock ave,notholt 1953-1956.
Third:-5 rowdell road,northolt 1956-1958.
Fourth:- 111 islip manor road,northolt 1958-1977.
Fith:-45 bishop ken road,harrow weald 1977-1981.
Sixth:-46 by the wood carpenders pk,watford 1981-1992.
Seventh:-2 carnation drive winkfield,berks 1994-2001.
Eighth:-15 sanford down the warren,bracknell 2001.

First school:-Northolt primary 1956-1963
Second school:-Greenford Grammer school 1963-1968

First Job:-Arthur sanderson (walloaoer manufacturer) in perivale (sales trainee)
Attended uxbridge thecnical college (dip of office studies)
Second Job:-Clark equipment (forklift trucks) in hayes,middx (trainee sales manager)

Joined Metropolitan police on 31st janurary 1972 warrent no 163332 posted to ealing police station. pc783x
resigned august 1974.

Rejoined 27th january 1975 warrent no 166727
posted to fulhsm police station 443f.

Transfered to shepherd bush police station-august 1975

Transfered to wembely police station on october 1977.

Transfered to diplomatic protection group
january 1980-1987

Transfered to heathrow airport june 1987-23 oct 1998

Police qualifications:-advanced driver,C.A.D opetator authorised shot on clock pistol & mp5 carbine.
Source: (Name)
Title: thyer.FTW
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 16 Apr 2005
Source: (Birth)
Title: Amanda Butter
Media: Book
Source: (Individual)
Title: thyer.FTW
Media: Other
Christening: --Not Shown--
Change: Date: 12 SEP 2004

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Flynn, Clifford Charles (b. 5 AUG 1913, d. 9 FEB 1991)
Death: 9 FEB 1991 Peteborough

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Kettle, Vera (b. , d. APR 1994)
Source: (Name)
Title: thyer.FTW
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: 16 Apr 2005
Source: (Death)
Title: Amanda Butters Gedcom
Source: (Individual)
Title: thyer.FTW
Media: Other
Death: APR 1994 Manchester
Change: Date: 9 AUG 2004

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Dumbleton, Hannah (b. 1809, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Bob Markham

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Hellyer, George Samuel Charles (b. 15 MAR 1889, d. 7 JUN 1963)
Death: 7 JUN 1963 Florida

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Hellyer, Harvey Lloyd (b. JAN 1917, d. JUN 1917)
Death: JUN 1917 Regina, Canada
Cause: Heart Defect

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Hellyer, Norman Earl (b. 10 JAN 1922, d. 10 APR 1998)
Death: 10 APR 1998 Minnesota, USA

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, Hannah (b. 1812, d. JUL 1859)
Death: JUL 1859 Hardwick, Bucks
Burial: 13 JUL 1859 Hardwick, Bucks

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Markham, Matthew (b. 1814, d. 1851)
Source: (Birth)
Title: Bob Markham
Christening: 30 JAN 1814 Whitchurch, Bucks
Death: 1851

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Spencer, Robert Joseph (b. 1859, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Painter
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Ag Lab
Census: Date: 1891
Place: George Yard, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks

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Burnell, William (b. 1862, d. ?)
Note: married in 1891 census
widowed by 1901
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: General Labourer
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Horsekeeper/Groom
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Horse Foreman Farm Yard
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 47 Victor Rd, Willesden, Middx - visitor
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 18 Ponsord Rd, Hammersmith, London

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Burnell, Lucy (b. 1864, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: George Yard, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks

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Burnell, Anne (b. 1866, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Lower Str, Quainton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Can't find

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Unknown, (b. , d. BEF 1891)
Death: BEF 1891

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Burnell, Dinah (b. 1853, d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Farm House, Marsh Gibbon, Bucks

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Markham, Emma Priscilla (b. 1838, d. ?)
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Christening)
Title: Bob Markham
Christening: --Not Shown--
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Servant at Berryfield

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Cummings, Augustine John (b. 1920, d. ?)
Source: (Name)
Title: Tez
Media: Book

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Beasley, Anthony (b. 22 MAY 1819, d. 20 SEP 1881)
Christening: 22 MAY 1819 Whitchurch, Bucks
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Cooper
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Brick & Tile Manufacturer
Death: 20 SEP 1881 Aylesbury, Bucks
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Market St, Whitchurch, Bucks
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Whitchurch Hill, Bucks

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Beasley, Catherine (b. 1854, d. ?)
Census: Date: 1891
Place: High Street, Whitchurch, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: High Street, Whitchurch, Bucks

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Fincher, Betsy (b. 1821, d. 18 NOV 1865)
Source: (Death)
Title: Tez
Media: Book
Death: 18 NOV 1865 Whitchurch, Bucks
Cause: diseased liver

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