Fenton, Jane (b. 1855, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 78 Sutton Rd, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1861
Place: 2 Eliza Anns Str, St George, Manchester, Lancs
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 7 Weymouth Str, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 23 Milton Str, Watford, Herts
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Dressmaker
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 78 Sutton Rd, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 7 Weymouth Str, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 23 Milton Str, Watford, Herts
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Carpenters Apprentice
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 78 Sutton Rd, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 23 Milton Str, Watford, Herts
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 78 Sutton Rd, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 23 Milton Str, Watford, Herts
Source: (Birth)
Title: Emma Ellen May Wright
Source: (Death)
Title: Shirley Burnell
Occupation: Date: 1970
Place: Had his own lorry company, working for Cadburys & Schweppes
Death: 22 JUN 1977 Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow
Cremation: Date: 24 JUN 1977
Place: Breakspear Crematorium, Ruislip, Middx
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Asylum Rd, Stone, Bucks
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Asylum Rd, Stone, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Residence)
Title: Marraige Cert
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1896
Place: Sueman (?)
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Railway Stoker
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Railway Engine Driver
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 13 Lamcote Street, Notts
Census: Date: BET 1871 AND 1881
Place: Can't find him or his father
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 16 Bishop Str, Mansfield, Notts - boarder
Source: (Birth)
Title: Pat Hase
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Whitesmith
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Teacher in School
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Dressmaker
Census: Date: 1871
Place: 3 Greens Cottage, High Str, Hanwell, Ealing
Census: Date: 1861
Place: 42 Richmond Str, St Peters, Brighton, Sussex
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 17 Maunder Rd, Hanwell, Middx
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 13 Ecclestone Rd, Ealing, Middx
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 16 Cassio Rd, Watford, Herts
Note: 1871 census:
Apprentice to Richard Giles Watchmaker
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: Pat Hase
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard GommData:
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C015754 1813 - 1827 0503526 Film 6908531 Film
C015754 1828 - 1844 0503527 Film NONE
C015754 1845 - 1868 0503528 Film NONE
Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--
Occupation: Date: 1877
Place: Watchmaker
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Apprentice
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Photographic Enlarger
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Photographic Operator
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 16 Cassio Rd, Watford, Herts
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Mardol, St Chad, Shropshire
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 17 Maunder Rd, Hanwell, Middx
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Not at home - can't find
Source: (Birth)
Title: Pat HaseData:
Text: Sept qtr District of Brentford ref: 3a 100
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Photographic Retoucher
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 5 Portland Terrace, Ealing, Middx
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 13 Ecclestone Rd, Ealing, Middx
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 16 Cassio Rd, Watford, Herts
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1901 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: Jun qtr District of Pancras ref: 1b 8
Source: (Individual)
Title: Marraige Cert
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Occupation: Date: 1889
Place: Glass Painter
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Glass Painter
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Glass Painter
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 141 Gloucester Rd, St Pancras, London
Census: Date: 1871
Place: 73 Gloucester Rd, St Pancras, London
Census: Date: 1881
Place: 65 Princess Terrace, St Pancras, London
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 49 Princess Rd, St Pancras, London
Source: (Birth)
Title: Free BMDData:
Text: dec qtr 1890 ref: 1b 20
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 141 Gloucester Rd, St Pancras, London
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 49 Princess Rd, St Pancras, London
Source: (Birth)
Title: Free BMDData:
Text: sept qtr 1892 ref: 1b 6
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1901
Place: 141 Gloucester Rd, St Pancras, London
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Parish Relief
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Lacemaker
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: www.ancestry.co.ukData:
Text: Dec qtr District of Newark ref: 7b 394
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: OCT 1913
Place: Malster
Occupation: Date: APR 1921
Place: Miner
Census: Date: 1901
Place: New Lane, Farnsfield, Newark, Notts
Census: Date: 1891
Place: 40 Appleton Gate, Newark, Notts
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Christening: --Not Shown--
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Christening: --Not Shown--
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Ag Lab
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Weedon, Bucks
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