Hounslow, Susannah (b. 1836, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: IGI/Richard Gomm
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI/Richard GommData:
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C073311 1558 - 1849 0919230 Film 6902305 Film
Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Ag Lab
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Lacemaker
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Occupation: Date: 1851
Place: Lacemaker
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Hardwick, Bucks - with daughter
Source: (Death)
Title: www.freebmdData:
Text: Sept qtr District of Aylesbury ref: 3a 366
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Occupation: Date: 1861
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Plaiter
Death: 1889 Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Lab Cottages, Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Village, Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Stockaway, Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Servant - Dairymaid
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Lab Cottages, Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Village, Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Charity Hill, Bierton, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Can't find
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Scholar
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Village, Hardwick, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: East End, Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1871 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Occupation: Date: 1881
Place: Farm Labourer
Occupation: Date: 1871
Place: Inmate
Occupation: Date: 1891
Place: Ag Lab
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Stockaway, Weedon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1871
Place: Union House, Bicester Market End, Oxon
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: Sept qtr District of Aylesbury ref: 3a 705
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Grove Way, Weedon, Bucks - with Nan & Grandad
Census: Date: 1901
Place: East End, Weedon, Bucks - with Nan & Grandad
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1881 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: Jun qtr District of Aylesbury ref: 3a 604
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Stockaway, Weedon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1881 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: 4 months old
Dec qtr District of Aylesbury ref: 3a 591
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1881 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1881
Place: Stockaway, Weedon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: Sept qtr Distirict of Aylesbury ref: 3a 677
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/www.freebmdData:
Text: Mar qtr District of Aylesbury ref: 3a 733
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Census: Date: 1891
Place: Weedon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Census: Date: 1891
Place: East End, Weedon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Old Church Farm House, Quarrendon, Bucks
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1891 census/David Eldridge
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1901 census
Occupation: Date: 1901
Place: Cattleman
Census: Date: 1891
Place: East End, Weedon, Bucks
Census: Date: 1901
Place: Old Church Farm House, Quarrendon, Bucks
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