Genealogy Data Page 246 (Notes Pages)

Genealogy Data Page 246 (Notes Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Nicola Kay Burnell
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

Branfield, Jane (b. 1845, d. ?)

Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Census: Date: 1851
Place: ? Lodges, Ingestre, Staffs

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Branfield, Lavinia (b. 1844, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Census: Date: 1851
Place: ? Lodges, Ingestre, Staffs

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Hawkes, Phoebe (b. 1786, d. ?)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: listed as Hakes

Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C073311 1558 - 1849 0919230 Film 6902305 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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Ely, Mary (b. 1816, d. BEF 1871)
Source: (Name Field)
or Ellis or Eles.
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1861 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1851 census
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C031111 1594 - 1743 0436040 Film 6907907 Film

C031111 1813 - 1836 0508030 Film NONE

Sheet: 00
Christening: 21 JUL 1818 Revesby, Lincs
Death: BEF 1871
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Revesby bridge near The Grange
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Revesby Village, Revesby, Lincs

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Ely, William (b. 1788, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Occupation: Date: 1861
Place: Cottager
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Revesby Village, Revesby, Lincs
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Revesby bridge near The Grange

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Sheriff, Martha (b. 1842, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: 1851 census
Source: (Individual)
Title: 1861 census
Occupation: Date: 1861
Place: Dressmaker
Census: Date: 1851
Place: Revesby Village, Revesby, Lincs
Census: Date: 1861
Place: Revesby bridge near The Grange

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Honour, John Howe (b. 1880, d. 1967)
Christening: 1 JUN 1880 Weedon, Bucks
Death: 1967 Kelwood, Manitoba

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Briggs, David (b. 14 JUN 1866, d. 1933)
Death: 1933

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Briggs, Sidney (b. 1900, d. 1977)
Death: 1977

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Briggs, Herbert (b. 1903, d. 1959)
Death: 1959

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Hunt, Elsie (b. 5 SEP 1905, d. 1 DEC 1996)
Death: 1 DEC 1996 Enfield, London

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Stubbs, Donald (b. 1928, d. 1980)
Death: 1980

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Honour, Thomas (b. 1717, d. 1718)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

P014631 1546 - 1812 0990283, 0924811 Film 0472339 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: 21 DEC 1717 Wing, Bucks
Death: 1718 Wing, Bucks
Burial: 19 FEB 1717/18 Wing, Bucks

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Honour, George (b. 3 MAY 1787, d. ?)
Source: (Birth)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

P014631 1546 - 1812 0990283, 0924811 Film 0472339 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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Honour, George (b. 1777, d. BEF 1787)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

P014631 1546 - 1812 0990283, 0924811 Film 0472339 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: 2 FEB 1777 Wing, Bucks
Death: BEF 1787 Wing, Bucks

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Honour, Elizabeth (b. 1812, d. ?)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

P014631 1546 - 1812 0990283, 0924811 Film 0472339 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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Honour, Ann (b. 1819, d. ?)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C014632 1813 - 1870 1042446 Film 6909175 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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Honour, George (b. 1816, d. BEF 1822)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C014632 1813 - 1870 1042446 Film 6909175 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: 16 JAN 1816 Wing, Bucks
Death: BEF 1822 Wing, Bucks

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Honour, George (b. 1822, d. ?)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C014632 1813 - 1870 1042446 Film 6909175 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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Honour, William (b. 1822, d. ?)
Source: (Christening)
Title: IGI
Text: Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:

C014632 1813 - 1870 1042446 Film 6909175 Film

Sheet: 00
Christening: --Not Shown--

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