Genealogy Data Page 3 (Pedigree Pages)

Genealogy Data Page 3 (Pedigree Pages)

Individuals marked with a red dot are direct ancestors of Nicola Kay Burnell
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.

     Stranks, Thomas 
     Stranks, Richard
 b. ABT 1676
   Stranks, Thomas
 b. 16 NOV 1712
 d. 11 SEP 1783
     Stocke, George
 b. 1640
    Stocke, Elizabeth
 b. 7 APR 1675
     Ells, Elizabeth
 b. 7 JAN 1631/32
  Stranks, Elizabeth
 b. 20 OCT 1751
    Horwood, Nathaniel
 b. ABT 1681
   Horwood, Elizabeth
 b. 2 JUN 1718
    Franklin, Joannah  

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     Stocke, George
 d. 22 SEP 1617
   Stocke, Ralphe
 b. 1606
  Stocke, Ralphe
 b. 1640

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   Stocke, George
 d. 22 SEP 1617
  Stocke, Richard    

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     Honour, Richard
 b. 1711
 d. 1751
     Honour, Richard
 b. 1746
 d. 18 AUG 1831
      Walters, Elizabeth
 b. ABT 1716
   Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
     Barefoot, Thomas
 b. ABT 1739
    Barefoot, Elizabeth
 b. 1759
 d. 18 APR 1832
     , Rebecca
 b. ABT 1739
  Honour, Elizabeth
 b. 1815
   Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784

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     Honour, Richard
 b. 1746
 d. 18 AUG 1831
     Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
      Barefoot, Elizabeth
 b. 1759
 d. 18 APR 1832
   Honour, William
 b. 1807
 d. BEF 1881
    Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784
  Honour, Catherine
 b. 1855
     Stranks, Richard
 b. 15 JAN 1742/43
 d. 28 JAN 1813
    Stranks, William
 b. 28 FEB 1779
 d. 1863
     Ward, Mary
 b. ABT 1751
   Stranks, Elizabeth
 b. 1819
 d. AFT 1881
     Burnell, George
 b. 1761
    Burnell, Mary
 b. 1784
 d. 19 MAR 1832
     West, Ann
 b. 28 MAR 1762

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     Honour, Richard
 b. 1746
 d. 18 AUG 1831
     Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
      Barefoot, Elizabeth
 b. 1759
 d. 18 APR 1832
   Honour, William
 b. 1807
 d. BEF 1881
    Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784
  Honour, Ann
 b. 8 MAR 1842
     Stranks, Richard
 b. 15 JAN 1742/43
 d. 28 JAN 1813
    Stranks, William
 b. 28 FEB 1779
 d. 1863
     Ward, Mary
 b. ABT 1751
   Stranks, Elizabeth
 b. 1819
 d. AFT 1881
     Burnell, George
 b. 1761
    Burnell, Mary
 b. 1784
 d. 19 MAR 1832
     West, Ann
 b. 28 MAR 1762

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     Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
     Honour, William
 b. 1807
 d. BEF 1881
      Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784
   Honour, James
 b. 1846
     Stranks, William
 b. 28 FEB 1779
 d. 1863
    Stranks, Elizabeth
 b. 1819
 d. AFT 1881
     Burnell, Mary
 b. 1784
 d. 19 MAR 1832
  Honour, Clara    
   Rolls, Elizabeth   

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     Burnell, William
 b. 1680
 d. 1730
     Burnell, William
 b. 1700
      Unknown, Anne 
   Burnell, John
 b. 1743
     Shillingford, John
 b. 1669
    Shillingford, Phillis
 b. 1703
  Burnell, William
 b. 1769
    Whitehall, James
 b. ABT 1722
   Whitehall, Hester
 b. 4 DEC 1743
    Whitby, Sarah
 b. ABT 1723

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     Honour, Richard
 b. 1711
 d. 1751
     Honour, Richard
 b. 1746
 d. 18 AUG 1831
      Walters, Elizabeth
 b. ABT 1716
   Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
     Barefoot, Thomas
 b. ABT 1739
    Barefoot, Elizabeth
 b. 1759
 d. 18 APR 1832
     , Rebecca
 b. ABT 1739
  Honour, David
 b. 1817
 d. 17 NOV 1881
   Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784

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     Honour, Richard
 b. 1711
 d. 1751
     Honour, Richard
 b. 1746
 d. 18 AUG 1831
      Walters, Elizabeth
 b. ABT 1716
   Honour, John
 b. 1780
 d. 20 FEB 1860
     Barefoot, Thomas
 b. ABT 1739
    Barefoot, Elizabeth
 b. 1759
 d. 18 APR 1832
     , Rebecca
 b. ABT 1739
  Honour, Mathew
 b. 1823
   Giltroe, Elizabeth
 b. 1784

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